

单词 testes
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SRY gene〕A gene for maleness found on the Y chromosome. It has a key role in development of the testes and determination of sex.人类性别基因: Y染色体中发现的男性基因。该基因在睾丸的发育和性别的的确定中起关键作用美国传统〔cryptorchism〕A developmental defect marked by the failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum.隐睾病:一种睾丸未能缩回阴囊内的发育缺陷美国传统〔eunuch〕A man or boy whose testes are nonfunctioning or have been removed.阉人:丧失睾丸功能或被除去睾丸的男人或男孩美国传统〔hypogonadism〕Inadequate functioning of the testes or ovaries as manifested by deficiencies in gametogenesis or the secretion of gonadal hormones.性腺机能不足:睪丸或卵巢的不正常功能表现在配偶遗传基因缺陷或者生殖腺荷尔蒙的分泌上美国传统〔orchiectomy〕Surgical removal of one or both testes.睾丸切除术:切除一个或两个睾丸的外科手术美国传统〔orchitis〕Inflammation of one or both of the testes, often occurring as a result of mumps or other infection, trauma, or metastasis.睪丸炎:单一或两颗睪丸发炎,通常由于腮腺炎或其它感染、外伤或癌细胞转移美国传统〔phallus〕A representation of the penis and testes as an embodiment of generative power.男性生殖器形象:作为生殖力量象征的阴茎和睾丸的描绘美国传统〔scrotum〕The external sac of skin enclosing the testes in most mammals.阴囊:在大多数哺乳动物中包着睾丸的皮囊美国传统〔soft roe〕The spermatozoa or testes of a fish; milt.鱼白:鱼的精子或睾丸;雄鱼的精液美国传统〔teratocarcinoma〕A malignant teratoma, most often of the testes.畸胎癌:一种恶性畸胎瘤,通常多长在睾丸处美国传统




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