

单词 testament
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Coptic〕the Coptic version of the New Testament 《新约》的科普特文译本英汉大词典〔inofficious〕an inofficious testament (或will) 违反道义无理剥夺继承人依法应享继承权的遗嘱英汉大词典〔last will and testament〕a person's last will and testament 一个人的临终遗嘱韦氏高阶〔newborn〕testament to a newborn faith in the political process among a disenchanted electorate幻灭的选民中重新燃起的对该政治程序信念的明证外研社新世纪〔prophetic〕the prophetic books of the Old Testament 《〈圣经〉旧约》先知书牛津高阶〔prophetic〕the prophetic books of the Old Testament 《圣经·旧约》中的先知书韦氏高阶〔prophet〕an Old Testament prophet 《圣经•旧约》中的先知剑桥高阶〔prophet〕the Old Testament prophets 《圣经·旧约》中的先知韦氏高阶〔stylistics〕the stylistics of The New Testament 《新约》的文字风格英汉大词典〔testament〕a freethinker's testament 自由思想者的信仰声明英汉大词典〔testament〕make one's (last will and) testament 立遗嘱英汉大词典〔the New Testament〕the New Testament reading 《圣经‧新约》朗诵会剑桥高阶〔vulgar〕a vulgar translation of the Greek text of the New Testament 希腊文新约全书的通俗语译本英汉大词典〔will〕the senator's last will and testament 参议员的临终遗嘱朗文当代




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