

单词 whirling
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TURN〕Dust and sand were whirling around in the air, as the desert wind began to get stronger. 沙漠里的风开始越来越大,尘土和沙砾在空中飞旋着。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕The warriors approached, whirling their swords and spears in the air. 武士们跑上来,手里挥舞着剑和长矛。朗文写作活用〔blender〕One that blends, especially an electrical appliance with whirling blades for chopping, mixing, or liquefying foods.搅拌器:尤指用于切割、混合或液化食物的带有旋转叶片的电器美国传统〔crown glass〕A form of window glass made by whirling a glass bubble to make a flat circular disk with a lump left in the center by the glass blower's rod.冠状玻璃:一种用玻璃吹制加工并使玻璃气泡旋转形成中心隆起的扁平圆盘而制成的窗玻璃形式美国传统〔cynicism〕You must be whirling in your grave to hear such cynicism.听到这样的冷嘲热讽, 九泉之下的人都定会无法安息。外研社新世纪〔dervish〕A member of any of various Moslem ascetic orders, some of which perform whirling dances and vigorous chanting as acts of ecstatic devotion.(穆斯林)狂舞托钵僧,苦行僧:穆斯林禁欲僧侣,他们常以旋转的舞蹈和大声交谈表示其对宗教的狂热的虔诚美国传统〔dervish〕Brian was whirling like a dervish, slapping at the mosquitoes and moaning.布赖恩如同旋转舞蹈的托钵僧一样转来转去,一边拍打着蚊子一边抱怨不停。柯林斯高阶〔dervish〕Brian was whirling like a dervish, slapping at the mosquitoes and moaning.布赖恩快速地转来转去, 一边拍打着蚊子, 一边抱怨不停。外研社新世纪〔dervish〕He threw himself around the stage like a whirling dervish.他在台上转圈,如同跳旋转舞蹈的托钵僧一样。牛津高阶〔dervish〕The children were spinning around like whirling dervishes.孩子们像跳舞的托钵僧一样旋转着。剑桥高阶〔gurgitation〕A whirling or surging motion, as of water.打旋:象水那样的旋转或喷涌美国传统〔pothole〕A deep, round hole worn in rock by loose stones whirling in strong rapids or waterfalls.锅穴,壶穴:岩石上深深的圆洞,由于急流或瀑布的水涡带动疏松的石块旋转而成美国传统〔reel〕A staggering, swaying, or whirling movement.蹒跚的运动,摇晃的运动,旋转的运动美国传统〔spin〕A swift whirling motion.快速的旋运动美国传统〔star〕The blow filled his eyes with whirling stars.这一击直打得他眼冒金星。英汉大词典〔swirl〕To move with a twisting or whirling motion; eddy.旋动:扭动或旋动;旋涡美国传统〔tarantella〕A lively, whirling southern Italian dance once thought to be a remedy for tarantism.塔兰台拉舞:一种起源于意大利南部的欢快绕圈舞蹈,曾被认为是一种治疗毒蜘蛛舞蹈症的方法美国传统〔turn〕To have a sensation of revolving or whirling, especially as a result of dizziness or giddiness.晕旋:有回旋或旋转的感觉,尤指是头晕或旋转的结果美国传统〔vertiginous〕Turning about an axis; revolving or whirling.旋转的:绕着轴转的;回旋的或者旋转的美国传统〔vortex〕A spiral motion of fluid within a limited area, especially a whirling mass of water or air that sucks everything near it toward its center.漩涡:在一定地域内液体的螺旋状运动,尤指把附近各种东西吸向其中心的螺旋水流或空气美国传统〔vortex〕They were caught up in a whirling vortex of emotion.他们陷入了感情漩涡。牛津高阶〔vortical〕Of, relating to, or moving in a vortex; whirling.漩涡的:漩涡的,与漩涡有关的,在漩涡中运动的;旋转的美国传统〔waterspout〕A tornado or lesser whirlwind occurring over water and resulting in a funnel-shaped whirling column of air and spray.海龙卷:水上生成的飓风或稍弱之旋风,形成漏斗状旋转的空气柱和水柱美国传统〔whirl〕Whirling gracefully, they crossed the dance floor.他们优雅地旋转起舞,穿行于舞池中。麦克米伦高阶〔whirl〕Clothes were whirling in the washing machine.衣服在洗衣机里旋转。韦氏高阶〔whirl〕He stepped out into the night and the whirling snow.他走出来,融入夜色与飞旋的雪花之中。剑桥高阶〔whirl〕He was whirling Anne around the floor.他正和安妮在舞池内旋转起舞。外研社新世纪〔whirl〕He was whirling Anne around the floor.他正拉着安妮在舞池内转圈儿。柯林斯高阶〔whirl〕His head was whirling with excitement.他激动得思绪万千。朗文当代〔whirl〕His mind was still whirling with the music and the lights.他的头脑里仍然满是音乐声和灯光。麦克米伦高阶〔whirl〕I couldn't sleep—my mind was whirling from all that had happened.我睡不着,所发生的一切一直在脑子里转来转去。牛津高阶〔whirl〕My head is whirling with data.我的大脑因数据充斥而一片混乱美国传统〔whirl〕My senses were whirling.我感到一片恍惚。英汉大词典〔whirl〕She saw a mass of bodies whirling around on the dance floor.她看到一大群人的身影在舞池里旋转。剑桥高阶〔whirl〕The cars were whirling around the track.那些车当时正沿着赛道转圈。韦氏高阶〔whirl〕We watched the seagulls whirling and shrieking over the harbour.我们看海鸥在港口上空盘旋鸣叫。朗文当代He stepped out into the night and the whirling snow.他走出来,进入到夜色与飞旋的雪花中去。剑桥国际Michaelangelo is the master of the whirling nunchakus. 米开朗基罗是耍双节棍的高手。译典通She looked up into the sky and saw the snowflakes whirling down.她举头望天空,看见雪花纷纷飘落下来。剑桥国际She rushed out of the house into a whirling snowstorm. 她冲出屋子走进了狂卷著的暴风雪中。译典通She saw a mass of bodies whirling round on the dance floor.她看到一群身影在舞池中转来转去。剑桥国际The children were dancing like whirling dervishes (= in an uncontrolled way).孩子们跳舞疯得像旋转的托钵僧。剑桥国际




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