

单词 the lie of the land
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔land〕Surveyors mapped out the lie of the land.测量员测绘出地形。牛津同义词〔lie〕The lie of the land and natural waterways made it relatively easy to build canals.这片土地的地形和天然水系使修建运河变得相对容易。外研社新世纪〔lie〕Check out the lie of the land before you make a decision.要摸清情况后再作决定。牛津高阶〔lie〕Let's get a feeling for the lie of the land before we approach them directly.在直接和他们接触之前让我们先估摸一下形势。麦克米伦高阶〔lie〕The team would go in, ascertain the lie of the land, and report back.小分队将进入现场, 了解情况后发回报告。外研社新世纪〔scout〕We went ahead to scout out the lie of the land.我们先一步出发,去侦察地形。牛津高阶He climbed a tall tree to try and find out the lie of the land.他爬到一颗大树上去察看地形。剑桥国际




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