

单词 trained
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕Children in the summer camp can see a trained counselor if they have any problems. 参加夏令营的孩子如果有什么问题,可以去咨询受过专门训练的辅导员。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕Police dogs are trained to attack in certain circumstances. 警犬受过训练,会在某些情况下攻击人。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕Customs officers use specially trained dogs to search for drugs. 海关官员用经过特别训练的狗来搜寻毒品。朗文写作活用〔DISCUSS〕It's often useful to talk things over with a trained counsellor. 和经过专业训练的顾问谈问题通常是有益的。朗文写作活用〔IMPORTANT〕Karen trained day and night - winning the gold medal meant everything to her. 卡伦从早到晚地进行训练,赢得金牌对她来说意味着一切。朗文写作活用〔LEARN〕Her husband trained to be an auto mechanic, but he can't find a job. 她丈夫受过汽车机修工培训,但找不到工作。朗文写作活用〔LEARN〕Melanie trained for a career in music, but switched to photography in her early thirties. 梅拉妮受过音乐方面的专门训练,但三十出头的时候改行干摄影了。朗文写作活用〔PERSON/PEOPLE〕In Europe the per capita supply of trained medical staff has increased dramatically. 在欧洲,经过培训的医务人员人均量大幅度地增加了。朗文写作活用〔RELAX/RELAXED〕Trained staff will look after your children, so that you can relax and enjoy yourself. 经过训练的人员会照顾你的孩子,所以你可以放松、享受一下。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕Staff are trained to deal with any emergency. 员工都要接受如何处理紧急情况的培训。朗文写作活用〔SUITABLE〕The machine operators had not been properly trained. 这些操作机器的人没有受过适当的培训。朗文写作活用〔Seeing Eye〕A trademark used for a dog trained to lead a sightless person.导盲犬:训练成可为盲人引路的狗的一种标记美国传统〔T-group〕A group engaged in sensitivity training in sessions with a trained leader.冲击集团:意在进行敏感性训练的有受过训练的领导者的团体美国传统〔TALK〕It's often useful to talk things over with a trained counsellor. 与受过训练的辅导员谈谈总是有好处的。朗文写作活用〔TEACH〕All employees will be trained to use the new computer system. 所有雇员都将接受培训,学习使用这种新的电脑系统。朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕At the time there was a major shortage of trained manpower in computer science in the US. 当时在美国,计算机科学领域里训练有素的劳动力极其短缺。朗文写作活用〔accountable〕The public deserves fully trained, accountable, professional police officers.公众理当拥有训练有素的、负责的、专业的警员队伍。外研社新世纪〔administer〕Paramedics are trained to administer certain drugs.护理人员们接受了配发某些药物的培训。柯林斯高阶〔altitude〕The athletes trained at altitude in Mexico City.田径运动员在海拔高的墨西哥城受训。牛津高阶〔arch〕The vines were trained over an arch, providing shade as well as fruit.葡萄藤整修成拱形,既能遮荫又能结果。剑桥高阶〔astronaut〕A person trained to pilot, navigate, or otherwise participate in the flight of a spacecraft.宇航员:在宇宙飞船的飞行中训练来导航,驾驶航天飞机,或参与其它活动的人员美国传统〔attentively〕The staff is well trained in courteous and attentive service to each and every guest.员工训练有素,为每一位客人提供礼貌周到的服务。柯林斯高阶〔ballet〕I trained full time at a ballet school from the age of ten.我自10岁起在一个芭蕾舞学校全日制训练。外研社新世纪〔beg〕They have trained their dog to sit up and beg.他们把狗训练得会两腿直立做乞求动作。剑桥高阶〔binoculars〕We trained binoculars on the treetops.我们把双筒望远镜对准了树梢。外研社新世纪〔call on〕This Dubai hotel can call on a bevy of highly trained butlers to provide an around-the-clock service.迪拜的这家宾馆可以请来一大批训练有素的管家提供全天候服务。外研社新世纪〔capriole〕An upward leap made by a trained horse without going forward and with the hind legs kicked out.原地腾跃:一匹受驯马的向上跳跃但不向前走动,同时后腿踢出美国传统〔carrier pigeon〕A homing pigeon, especially one trained to carry messages.信鸽:特指经训练用以传递消息的一种家鸽美国传统〔cavalry〕Troops trained to fight on horseback.骑兵:被训练在马背上战斗的部队美国传统〔chasseur〕Any of certain light cavalry or infantry troops trained for rapid maneuvers.轻骑兵,轻步兵:惯于快速行动的一种轻骑兵或轻步兵部队的成员美国传统〔chef〕The hotel's chef trained at the finest culinary institutes in Europe.这个饭店的主厨在欧洲顶级烹饪学院接受过培训。韦氏高阶〔circus〕A public entertainment consisting typically of a variety of performances by acrobats, clowns, and trained animals.马戏表演:一种公众娱乐节目,通常由一系列高空杂技演员、小丑和驯兽的表演组成美国传统〔clap〕I've trained my dog to sit when I clap my hands.我把我的狗训练得听到我拍手它就坐下。外研社新世纪〔classically〕Peter is a classically trained pianist.彼得是受过正规训练的钢琴家。外研社新世纪〔classically〕Peter is a classically trained pianist.彼得是受过正规训练的钢琴家。柯林斯高阶〔close〕We worked under the close supervision of a trained professional.我们在一位训练有素的专业人士的细心指导下工作。韦氏高阶〔complaint〕The sales assistants are trained to deal with customer complaints in a friendly manner.售货员都受过培训以友好的态度处理顾客的投诉。朗文当代〔conditioned〕Psychology Exhibiting or trained to exhibit a conditioned response.【心理学】 调节好的:表现出或训练出具有某种条件反射的美国传统〔conflict〕Our ability to mobilize large numbers of trained men in time of emergency could forestall future conflict.我们在紧急情况下调动大量训练有素人员的能力能够预防未来的冲突。牛津搭配〔consultation〕Trained parenting experts are available for consultation by telephone.可以通过电话向受过专业培训的育儿专家进行咨询。朗文当代〔core〕The business needs a new core of trained administrators.这家企业需要一批新的受过训练的核心管理人员。朗文当代〔crunch time〕The team had trained well, but at crunch time they just couldn't perform.赛前球队训练得很好,但在关键时刻他们却没能发挥出来。韦氏高阶〔defend〕All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks.我们所有的警察都接受过自衞训练,能够对付持刀袭击。牛津高阶〔demonstration〕This was a very practical demonstration of why the Army trained people to be disciplined.这很实际地说明了为什么军队要将士兵训练得遵规守纪。柯林斯高阶〔deport〕The boys are being trained to deport themselves like gentlemen.这些男孩正接受训练,以期举止像绅士。文馨英汉〔difficulty〕The difficulties they are experiencing are caused by a lack of trained personnel.他们现在面临的困境是由缺乏训练有素的人员导致的。外研社新世纪〔dispersal〕The police are trained in crowd dispersal.警察要接受驱散人群的训练。韦氏高阶〔ear〕To the trained ear the calls of these birds sound quite different.对于受过训练的耳朵而言,这些鸟的叫声十分不同。牛津搭配〔educator〕One trained in teaching; a teacher.教师:受过教育训练的人;教师美国传统〔emergency〕Lifeguards are trained to deal with emergencies .救生员接受过处理紧急情况的训练。朗文当代〔engineer〕He trained as a civil engineer (=one who designs and builds roads, bridges etc) .他接受过土木工程师的培训。朗文当代〔example〕I was inspired by the example of the athletes who trained so hard.看到运动员们如此刻苦训练我备受这些榜样的激励。牛津搭配〔expense〕Should architects continue to be trained for five years at public expense?建筑师是否应该继续接受5年的公费培训呢?外研社新世纪〔eye〕Only a trained eye can tell the difference between the original painting and a good copy.只有具备训练有素的眼力才能鉴别原画和上乘的仿制画作。韦氏高阶〔facilitator〕The conference is chaired by a highly skilled facilitator who has been fully trained.会议由一位训练有素、技巧高超的主持人主持。外研社新世纪〔fetch〕Hunting dogs are trained to fetch.猎狗被训练衔回猎获物。韦氏高阶〔firstaid〕One member of staff should be trained in first aid.应该有一名员工接受急救培训。牛津搭配〔follow through〕I was trained to be an actress but I didn't follow it through.我接受过演员培训, 但没有坚持下去。外研社新世纪〔follow〕I was trained to be an actress but I didn't follow it through.我接受过演员培训,但是我没有坚持下去。柯林斯高阶〔force〕These elite forces are the best equipped and trained in the world.这些精锐部队是世界上装备最精良且训练最有素的部队。牛津搭配〔forester〕One who is trained in forestry.林务员:受过有关林学方面教育的人员美国传统〔formally〕Mr Dawe was the ancient, formally trained head gardener.道先生是那种老式的、正规科班出身的首席园艺师。柯林斯高阶〔formal〕Although not formally trained as an art historian, he is widely respected for his knowledge of the period.虽然他不是科班出身的艺术史学家,但他对这一时期的知识却普遍为人尊重。牛津高阶〔fully〕Barber isn't fully trained yet.巴伯还没有得到充分的培训。外研社新世纪〔gamecock〕A rooster trained for cockfighting.雄斗鸡:为斗鸡而培养的公鸡美国传统〔get inside〕Our men are trained to get inside the enemy's information system and learn their secrets.我们的人员所接受的训练是熟悉敌人情报体系和了解敌人的秘密。21世纪英汉〔guide dog〕A dog that has been specially trained to guide a visually impaired or sightless person.导盲狗:经过特殊训练以引导视力有缺陷者或盲人的狗美国传统〔gun dog〕A dog trained or bred to assist hunters, as in flushing or retrieving game.猎狗:一种被训练或畜养用来帮助猎人打猎的狗,用于赶出猎物或衔回被打中的猎物美国传统〔gymnast〕A person who is trained and skilled in gymnastics, especially one who engages in competition.体操运动员:一个受过体操训练,技巧成熟的人,特别是指那些参加比赛的人美国传统〔hell〕The men might be armed, but they sure as hell weren't trained.这些人可能携有武器,但他们很显然没有受过训练。柯林斯高阶〔highly trained〕They are highly trained professionals.他们是受过高级培训的专业人才。韦氏高阶〔homing pigeon〕A pigeon trained to return to its home roost.信鸽:经训练能返回其家巢的鸽子美国传统〔hunter〕A dog bred or trained for use in hunting.猎犬:为狩猎而驯养的狗美国传统〔injection〕The company needs a huge injection of cash, and better trained staff.该公司需要大笔现款的注入和训练更加有素的员工。麦克米伦高阶〔intensively〕She trained intensively for two years.她接受了两年强化训练。韦氏高阶〔in〕The information is typed in by trained keyboarders.资料由训练有素的输入人员输入计算机。朗文当代〔jumper〕A saddle horse that has been trained to jump over obstacles.经训练后能跳越障碍的马美国传统〔kamikaze〕A Japanese pilot trained in World War II to make a suicidal crash attack, especially upon a ship.神风特攻队队员:日本空军的飞机驾驶员,第二次世界大战期间受训撞击军舰进行自杀性攻击美国传统〔kit〕The soldiers are trained to jump from the planes with full kit on.士兵受过背着全套装备从飞机上跳下的训练。朗文当代〔legion〕A large military unit trained for combat; an army.军队,兵团:被训练以用于战斗的庞大的军事单位;军队美国传统〔life-saving〕All of the staff have been trained in lifesaving.所有员工都受过水中救生培训。朗文当代〔loosely〕He trained his gun down and loosed a brief burst.他用枪瞄准下面后,砰砰射出一串子弹。柯林斯高阶〔loose〕He trained his gun down and loosed a brief burst.他用枪瞄准下面, 砰砰射出一串子弹。外研社新世纪〔loser〕They've only been trained to compete with other men, so a successful woman can make them feel like a real loser.他们所受的教育只是和其他男人一争高下, 所以一位成功的女性会使他们觉得非常有挫败感。外研社新世纪〔mad〕We trained like mad.我们疯狂地训练。外研社新世纪〔many〕Many of the world's leading doctors have been trained here in Edinburgh.世界上许多顶尖医生都在爱丁堡这里受过训练。麦克米伦高阶〔manège〕A school at which equestrianship is taught and horses are trained.马术学校:教习马术并训练马匹的学校美国传统〔martial art〕He was trained in the martial arts.他学过武术。韦氏高阶〔maze〕The rats were trained to find their way through a simple maze.这些老鼠经过训练, 能在简单的迷宫里找到路。外研社新世纪〔meditative〕Yogis trained in Eastern meditative techniques can change their heart rate.经过东方冥想训练的瑜伽修行者能改变自己的心率。外研社新世纪〔mole〕He had been recruited by the Russians as a mole and trained in Moscow.他已被俄国人招募为间谍并在莫斯科接受了培训。外研社新世纪〔musically〕I'm musically trained.我在音乐方面受过训练。外研社新世纪〔neurology〕He trained in neurology at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases.他在国家神经疾病医院接受过神经病学的培训。外研社新世纪〔nurse〕A person educated and trained to care for the sick or disabled.护士,看护:被教育和训练用来照顾病人或残废人的人美国传统〔obey〕Soldiers are trained to obey.士兵受训要服从。牛津同义词〔observer〕A trained observer can scan the images in minutes.一个训练有素的观测员能在几分钟内将这些图像浏览一遍。麦克米伦高阶〔obviate〕The use of a solicitor trained as a mediator would obviate the need for independent legal advice.聘请受过调解人培训的事务律师就免去了单独寻求法律咨询的必要。外研社新世纪〔obviate〕The use of a solicitor trained as a mediator would obviate the need for independent legal advice.聘请受过调解人培训的事务律师就免去了单独寻求法律咨询的必要。柯林斯高阶〔on〕She trained her binoculars on the house.她把望远镜对准了这幢房子。朗文当代〔opportunity〕There are some great opportunities now for engineers trained in computer-aided design.对受过电脑辅助设计训练的工程师来说,现在有一些很好的就业机会。剑桥高阶〔order〕Dogs can be trained to obey orders.狗可以训练得听从命令。牛津高阶〔paramedic〕A person who is trained to give emergency medical treatment or assist medical professionals.护理人员,医务辅助人员:一种受过进行紧急医务护理或辅助专职医护人员训练的人美国传统〔paraprofessional〕A trained worker who is not a member of a given profession but assists a professional.专业人员的助手:受过训练辅助专门人员的非专职人员美国传统〔paratroops〕Infantry trained and equipped to parachute.伞兵部队:装备有降落伞并经过有关训练的步兵团美国传统〔perceptual〕Some children have more finely trained perceptual skills than others.一些孩子比其他孩子具备更为训练有素的感知技能。柯林斯高阶〔pergola〕An arbor or a passageway of columns supporting a roof of trelliswork on which climbing plants are trained to grow.藤架:林荫道或通道两侧由柱子支起的棚架,上面爬满了人工种植的植物美国传统〔pharmacist〕A person trained in pharmacy; a druggist.制药者,药剂师:在制药学上受过训练的人;药剂师美国传统〔physician's assistant〕A person trained to provide basic medical services, usually under the supervision of a physician.医生助理:专门训练提供基本医疗服务的人,通常在医生指导下美国传统〔physique〕He has the physique of a trained athlete.他有着如同训练有素的运动员一般的体格。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕Many actors have been trained to lower the pitch of their voice.许多演员都受过降低音高的训练。麦克米伦高阶〔planner〕He trained as an architect and town planner.他曾受过建筑师和城镇规划者的训练。麦克米伦高阶〔plus〕He's got a strong army. Plus, it is highly trained.他有一支强大的军队。再说,这支军队受过良好训练。英汉大词典〔properly〕He was never properly trained, so you can't really blame him if he can't do the job.他从来没有受到过恰当的训练,所以要是他做不了这份工作你也不能真的怪他。麦克米伦高阶〔psychologist〕A person trained and educated to perform psychological research, testing, and therapy.心理学家:经过训练和教育,进行心理学研究、测试和诊断的人美国传统〔punch〕The team was well trained but lacked punch.球队训练有素但活力不足。韦氏高阶〔racehorse〕A horse bred and trained to race.赛马:饲养并训练用来参赛的马匹美国传统〔registered nurse〕A graduate trained nurse who has passed a state registration examination and has been licensed to practice nursing.注册护士:通过了国家注册考试并取得实践护理许可证的正式训练过的毕业生美国传统〔rifle〕Last night the room was broken into and documents were selectively rifled by trained hands.昨夜,有人闯进房间并用熟练的手法有选择地翻查了文件。英汉大词典〔rule〕Doctors are not as a rule trained in child rearing.医生通常没受过育儿训练。外研社新世纪〔scrub nurse〕A specially trained nurse who directly assists a surgeon during an operation.手术室护士:手术过程中,经过特别训练来直接协助外科医生的护士美国传统〔season〕The team trained hard during the close / off season.该队在比赛淡季刻苦训练。牛津搭配〔sheepshearing〕The men were trained in the art of sheepshearing.这些男人接受了剪羊毛技术训练。外研社新世纪〔simulated〕They are trained in simulated combat.他们在模拟战斗中受训。韦氏高阶〔smell〕The trained dog can well smell.经过训练的狗有更敏锐的嗅觉。21世纪英汉〔snap〕I've trained the dog to come to me with a snap of my fingers.这条狗经过我训练,一听到我打响指就会过来。韦氏高阶〔sniff dog〕A dog specially trained to locate illicit drugs or explosives by using its sense of smell.嗅探狗:一种经过特殊训练,使用嗅觉来发现非法毒品或爆炸品的狗美国传统〔spot〕It can be hard for even a trained doctor to spot the symptoms of lung cancer.即使是训练有素的医生也很难看出肺癌的症状。朗文当代〔staffed〕The center is staffed with highly trained physicians.该中心配备了训练有素的医生。柯林斯高阶〔stalking-horse〕A horse trained to conceal the hunter while stalking.掩护猎人潜近的掩护马美国传统〔supervise〕He supervised and trained more than 400 volunteers.他指导和培训了 400 多名志愿者。柯林斯高阶〔supervise〕The pool is fully supervised by trained staff.这个游泳池由训练有素的职员全面管理。牛津搭配〔supervision〕New employees are trained to work without direct supervision.新员工受训在没有直接指导的情况下工作。牛津搭配〔swimming pool〕She trained five times a week at her local swimming pool.她每星期在当地的游泳池训练五次。牛津高阶〔tact〕Employees are trained to show tact and patience with difficult customers.雇员经过培训,对待难缠的顾客要机智、耐心。牛津搭配〔take〕You need to take your problems to a trained counsellor.你需要去找训练有素的咨询师请教这些问题。外研社新世纪〔teach〕The young woman attends vocational school,where she is being trained as a computer technician.这个年轻女子进入职业学校,在那里她被训练成计算机工程师。美国传统〔telescope〕Sharpe trained his telescope on Collingwood's flagship.夏普将望远镜对准科灵伍德号旗舰。外研社新世纪〔thoroughbred〕Thoroughly trained or educated; well bred.受过良好教育的:精心训练或教育的;受过优良教育的美国传统〔thoroughpaced〕Trained in all paces or gaits, as a horse.步态一致的:比如马经训练后步伐或步态完全一致美国传统〔three-gaited〕Trained in the walk, trot, and canter. Used of a horse.三步态的:训练学会慢步走、小跑和慢跑三种步态的。用于指马美国传统〔trail〕The dogs are trained to follow the trail left by the fox.这些狗经过特别的训练,能够追踪狐狸留下的气味。剑桥高阶〔trained〕Are you trained in the use of this equipment? 你是否受过如何使用这个设备的培训?剑桥高阶〔trained〕I didn't realize Emilio was a trained nurse.我没想到埃米利欧是个受过专门训练的护士。剑桥高阶〔trained〕It is important that staff should be properly trained.员工接受适当的培训很重要。牛津搭配〔trained〕She's a trained nurse.她是一名受过专业训练的护士。外研社新世纪〔trained〕The animals have all been well trained.这些动物都受过良好的训练。牛津搭配〔trained〕The clinic is run by specially trained medical staff.诊所由受过特殊训练的医务人员经营。麦克米伦高阶〔trainee〕One who is being trained.受训者,实习生:正在接受训练的人美国传统〔training〕The state of being trained.受训:接受训练的状态美国传统〔train〕All members of the team have trained in first aid.全队队员都接受过急救培训。牛津高阶〔train〕All staff will be trained in customer service skills.所有员工都将接受客户服务技能的培训。朗文当代〔train〕An expert with a trained eye will spot the difference immediately.训练有素眼光敏锐的专家会马上发现差别所在。牛津高阶〔train〕He trained several generations of track-and-field athletes.他训练过几代田径运动员。韦氏高阶〔train〕He trained the flashlight into the hole.他用手电筒对着洞内照。韦氏高阶〔train〕He has trained himself to suppress his own opinions.他已修炼得能克制住一己之见。英汉大词典〔train〕I have an uncle who trained to be a pilot.我有个叔叔受过飞行员的培训。麦克米伦高阶〔train〕I've been trained in first aid.我接受过急救训练。韦氏高阶〔train〕One gun was trained on Jo.一把枪瞄准了乔。外研社新世纪〔train〕Only a trained ear could hear the difference.只有经过训练的耳朵才能听出不同之处。韦氏高阶〔train〕Roses had been trained around the door.玫瑰被修整得围绕着门口生长。牛津高阶〔train〕She trained as a pilot.她接受过飞行训练。剑桥高阶〔train〕She trained hard for the race, sometimes running as much as 60 miles a week.她为参加赛跑比赛而刻苦训练,有时一周能跑60英里。剑桥高阶〔train〕The vines were trained along wires slung between tall poles.藤蔓经修剪后沿着悬在两根高杆子间的铁丝攀缘生长。外研社新世纪〔train〕The vines were trained over an arch, providing shade as well as fruit.葡萄藤被修整得在拱门上方生长,不仅结出果实,还能遮阴。剑桥高阶〔train〕They were trained to a peak of physical fitness.他们的体能已经被训练到最佳状态。外研社新世纪〔train〕To the trained eye the difference between these flowers is obvious (=the difference is clear to someone who has developed skills to notice something) .对训练有素的人来说,这些花的区别十分明显。朗文当代〔train〕We have been technically trained.我们已经经过技术培训了。21世纪英汉〔turn〕Its operations were hampered at every turn by inadequate numbers of trained staff.因为缺乏训练有素的员工,其生产经营总是遇到各种障碍。柯林斯高阶〔ulema〕Moslem scholars trained in Islam and Islamic law.乌里玛:接受伊斯兰教和伊斯兰法律训练的美国传统〔unarmed〕The soldiers were trained in unarmed combat.士兵接受徒手格斗训练。牛津高阶〔understudy〕A person trained to do the work of another.替工:训练作他人工作的人美国传统〔unobtrusive〕The staff are trained to be unobtrusive.员工们被训练要保持低调。朗文当代〔upsell〕They are trained to upsell customers to a larger drink.他们受到训练如何劝说顾客购买更大量的饮料。剑桥高阶〔urbane〕Fearey had all the charm and urbanity of the trained diplomat.费尔里具备一个训练有素的外交官的一切风度和优雅。柯林斯高阶〔urbanity〕Fearey had all the charm and urbanity of the trained diplomat.费尔里具备一个训练有素的外交官的一切风度和优雅。外研社新世纪〔useless〕This technology is useless if you aren't trained to operate it.如果你没有经过操作培训,这项技术就没有用。麦克米伦高阶〔view〕In view of the fact that Hobson was not a trained economist his achievements were remarkable.考虑到霍布森不是科班出身的经济学家,他可谓是成就非凡。柯林斯高阶〔view〕In view of the fact that Hobson was not a trained economist his achievements were remarkable.考虑到霍布森并不是科班出身的经济学家, 他真可以说是成就非凡。外研社新世纪〔water dog〕A dog that takes easily to the water, especially one trained for hunting waterfowl.水狗:善于游泳,尤指经过训练能猎水禽的狗美国传统〔well〕British nurses were among the best trained in Europe.英国护士位居欧洲最训练有素的护士之列。外研社新世纪〔whichever〕Whichever of the fitness classes you opt for, trained instructors are there to help you.不管你选择哪种健身课,都会有专业教练帮助你。柯林斯高阶〔wolf dog〕A dog trained to hunt wolves.猎狗:训练成捕狼的狗美国传统〔working dog〕Any of various breeds of dogs developed or trained to do useful work, such as herding animals, pulling wagons or sleds, or guarding property.役用犬:几种狗的一种,开发或培养来做有用的工作,如看守畜群、拉车或雪撬,或看守财产美国传统〔zoom in〕He trained his camera on nature, sometimes zooming in to examine single leaves.他把自己的照相机对准了大自然,时而拉近镜头仔细观察一片片的叶子。柯林斯高阶Dogs are often trained to herd sheep. 人们常训练狗来牧羊。译典通He trained as a tailor, and eventually opened dressmaking and tailoring shops of his own.他学裁缝,最后自己开了一家男女服装制作店。剑桥国际Her main gripe is that she's not being trained properly.她主要的牢骚是她没有受到良好训练。剑桥国际It is not efficient to hire poorly trained workers. 雇用未经严格训练的工人会妨碍工作效率。译典通It was an act of gross irresponsibility to leave someone who wasn't properly trained in charge of the machine.让没有受过适当培训的人负责这机器是严重的不负责任的行为。剑桥国际Macmillan nurses are specially trained to help people suffering from cancer.麦克米伦的护士们受过专门的护理癌症病人的培训。剑桥国际She trained as a lawyer before starting her own company.她在自己创办公司之前受过律师培训。牛津商务She trained as a pilot.她训练成为一名飞行员。剑桥国际She trained at commercial art school.她在商业美术学校接受过培训。牛津商务She is a classically trained Indian dancer.她是个受过印度传统舞蹈训练的舞蹈家。剑桥国际Staff are trained on what to do in an emergency.培训员工如何应对突发事件。牛津商务That was a rather inept comment/remark for a trained counsellor.对于一个训练有素的顾问来说,那是很不明智的评论。剑桥国际The bodies of the two men were found after an extensive search by police using tracker dogs (= dogs specially trained to help the police find people they are looking for).警察动用警犬进行了广泛的搜寻以后,这两名男子的尸体被发现了。剑桥国际The soldiers are also paramedics -- trained to act as doctors and nurses in an emergency.士兵们也是医务辅助人员----他们经过训练在紧急情况下担当起医生和护士的任务。剑桥国际With five guns suddenly trained on him, he was understandably nervous.五把枪突然地对准了他,他情有可原地紧张了起来。剑桥国际You will be trained in how to operate this machinery.将会培训你学会操作这台机器。牛津商务




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