

单词 torpedo
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAIR〕In 1917, U.S. neutrality ended when two of their ships were torpedoed. 1917年美国在两艘船被鱼雷击沉后结束了其中立。朗文写作活用〔PT〕Patrol torpedo.巡游鱼雷美国传统〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕Military officials believed that the harbor was too shallow for torpedo launches. 军官们认为该港口水太浅,不能发射鱼雷。朗文写作活用〔concussion〕I was blown off the deck by the concussion of the torpedoes.鱼雷的剧烈震动把我从甲板上甩下来。外研社新世纪〔destroyer〕A small, fast, highly maneuverable warship armed with guns, torpedoes, depth charges, and guided missiles.驱逐舰:一种小型、快速、高度武装的战舰,装备着火炮、鱼雷、深水炸弹和制导导弹等美国传统〔engage〕It could engage the enemy beyond the range of hostile torpedoes.从这可以避开敌方鱼雷区对敌人发动进攻。柯林斯高阶〔evangelistic〕His evangelistic idealism is being torpedoed by the realities of the day.当今的种种现实正在使他狂热的理想主义彻底破灭。英汉大词典〔freeze〕Ice could freeze up their torpedo release mechanisms.冰可能会冻死他们的鱼雷发射装置。柯林斯高阶〔go under〕The ship went under after being struck by a torpedo.那条船被鱼雷击中后沉没。韦氏高阶〔go〕The torpedoed battleship went down.被鱼雷击中的战船沉没了美国传统〔hit〕The torpedo made a direct hit.这颗鱼雷直接命中目标。韦氏高阶〔hole〕A torpedo holed the ship below the water and it quickly sank.一枚鱼雷在水下把船给炸了个洞,船迅速下沉。剑桥高阶〔home〕Only two torpedoes struck home.只有两枚鱼雷击中目标。外研社新世纪〔home〕The torpedo struck home on the hull of the ship.鱼雷正击中船身。牛津高阶〔hull〕The enemy's vessel was hulled with only one torpedo.只一枚鱼雷就把敌舰舰身穿了个洞。21世纪英汉〔patrol torpedo boat〕A PT boat.鱼雷快艇美国传统〔sink〕The torpedo sank the ship.鱼雷击沉了船只。韦氏高阶〔submarine〕To attack by submarine, especially with torpedoes.用潜艇袭击:用潜艇袭击,尤指使用鱼雷者美国传统〔torpedo attack〕The ship was sunk in a night torpedo attack.那艘船在一次晚间鱼雷袭击中被击沉。外研社新世纪〔torpedo boat〕A small, fast, thinly plated warship equipped for firing torpedoes.鱼雷艇:一种装甲较轻,行动迅速的小型舰艇,配备鱼雷攻击美国传统〔torpedo tube〕A tube in the hull of a submarine or another naval vessel through which torpedoes are launched.鱼雷发射管:潜水艇或其它海上舰艇上装备的用来发射鱼雷的发射管美国传统〔torpedo-boat destroyer〕A large, heavily armed torpedo boat used in combat especially against other torpedo boats.鱼雷驱逐舰:一种装备着大量武器的重型鱼雷舰艇,用于战斗中,特别是用在与其它鱼雷艇作战美国传统〔torpedo〕He torpedoed the plan.他彻底毁了这个计划。韦氏高阶〔torpedo〕He accused them of trying to torpedo the peace process.他指责他们试图破坏和平进程。剑桥高阶〔torpedo〕Her comments had torpedoed the deal.她的一番话使得那笔交易彻底告吹。牛津高阶〔torpedo〕Her injury torpedoed her goal of competing in the Olympics.她的受伤使她参加奥运会的目标彻底泡汤了。韦氏高阶〔torpedo〕More than a thousand people died when the Lusitania was torpedoed.卢西塔尼亚号被鱼雷击沉,导致 1,000 多人死亡。柯林斯高阶〔torpedo〕New threats of violence have effectively torpedoed the peace talks.新的暴力威胁奏效了,破坏了和平谈判。朗文当代〔torpedo〕The battleship was sunk by a torpedo fired by a submarine.战舰被一艘潜艇发射的鱼雷击沉了。韦氏高阶〔torpedo〕The ship was blown up by a torpedo.该船被一枚鱼雷炸毁。英汉大词典〔torpedo〕The submarine torpedoed the battleship.潜艇用鱼雷击沉了战舰。韦氏高阶〔torpedo〕The vote could torpedo his political career.投票表决可能会毁了他的政治生涯。麦克米伦高阶〔torpedo〕These attacks are seen as an effort to torpedo the talks.人们认为这些袭击是为了故意破坏会谈。柯林斯高阶〔torpedo〕To attack, strike, or sink with a torpedo.用鱼雷进行进攻,打击或由于鱼雷攻击而沉没美国传统〔true〕Some torpedoes ran true.有几枚鱼雷命中了目标。英汉大词典〔waterline〕Two torpedoes struck below the waterline.两颗鱼雷击中船身吃水线以下。朗文当代A torpedo holed (=made a hole in) the ship below the water and it quickly sank.鱼雷把船底打了个洞,船迅速下沉。剑桥国际After being torpedoed and badly damaged by (= hit and damaged by a torpedo fired from) a submarine, the ship made its way slowly into the nearest port.在被一艘潜水艇用鱼雷击中,船只受到严重损坏后,这艘船缓缓地驶向最近的港口。剑桥国际Both ships were sunk by torpedo.两艘船都是被鱼雷击沉的。剑桥国际He was accused of trying to torpedo the talks. 他被指责试图破坏会谈。译典通Its bow torpedo doors have had to be locked to keep the submarine watertight.它前部的鱼雷门不得不锁上,以使潜水艇不透水。剑桥国际The Navy's latest submarine entered service three years late and virtually unable to fire its torpedoes.海军最新的潜艇晚了三年服役,根本不能够发射鱼雷。剑桥国际The battle ship was torpedoed. 该战列舰遭到了鱼雷的袭击。译典通There was damage from the torpedoes both fore and aft.船的前后部都因遭鱼雷打击而损坏。剑桥国际




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