

单词 timidity
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cold feet〕Fearfulness or timidity preventing the completion of a course of action.胆怯:恐惧或胆小阻止了一个行动过程的完成美国传统〔diffidence〕The quality or state of being diffident; timidity or shyness.缺乏自信;胆怯:缺乏自信的性质或状态;胆小的或羞怯的美国传统〔disincline〕His timidity disinclined him from such an arduous enterprise.他的怯懦使得他不愿从事如此艰巨的一项事业。英汉大词典〔mama's boy〕A boy or man characterized by unusual closeness to his mother and often by timidity and overly refined manners.缺乏男子气的男人,恋母男孩:与母亲关系异常亲密的男孩或男人,通常胆怯且过于拘礼美国传统〔self-doubt〕They have inherited timidity and self-doubt from centuries of subordination.由于几百年来处于唯命是从的地位,他们从祖先那里继承了怯懦与自我怀疑。英汉大词典〔timidity〕He was soon disillusioned by the government's timidity on social reform.他不久就因政府在进行社会改革时缩手缩脚而不抱幻想了。外研社新世纪〔timidity〕He was soon disillusioned by the government's timidity on social reform.他不久就因政府在进行社会改革时缩手缩脚而不抱幻想了。柯林斯高阶〔timidity〕His timidity prevented him from asking her to the dance.他由于胆怯没敢邀她去参加舞会。英汉大词典〔timidity〕She doesn't ridicule my timidity.她没有取笑我的羞怯。外研社新世纪〔timidity〕She doesn't ridicule my timidity.她没有奚落我的羞怯。柯林斯高阶〔twit〕He twitted his friend with his timidity.他嘲笑他朋友的胆怯。21世纪英汉He had a terrible time in overcoming his timidity. 他费了很大的劲才克服了他的胆怯。译典通The new dancer smiled with a charming air of maidenly timidity and artlessness. 新舞蹈演员带著少女般的羞怯和单纯迷人地微笑了。译典通They mocked at his timidity. 他们嘲弄他的胆怯。译典通




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