

单词 told
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔GAY〕not having told people you are gay 没有告诉人们你是同性恋者朗文写作活用〔Megillah〕told us the whole megillah.将所有的细节都告诉我们美国传统〔OBEY〕always doing what you are told to do 总是按别人说的去做朗文写作活用〔OBEY〕too willing to do what you are told to do 过分听从别人朗文写作活用〔TELL〕to tell someone something that someone else has told you 把别人告诉你的话转告某人朗文写作活用〔all〕a project costing £10,000, all told 合计耗资 1 万英镑的工程朗文当代〔bland〕told a series of bland lies.泰然自若地说了一大串谎话美国传统〔book〕a story that is told in the Book of Job 《约伯记》里的故事韦氏高阶〔creation〕the Creation of the universe as told in Genesis Chapter One.《创世记》第一章所述的上帝创造世界万物柯林斯高阶〔digression〕a story told without digression.没有跑题的一个故事韦氏高阶〔everything〕told each other everything.互相告诉对方每一件事美国传统〔fairly〕a story told fairly and objectively 公正而客观的报道英汉大词典〔flat out〕told me the truth flat out.直截了当地告诉我真相美国传统〔fortune〕told my fortune with tarot cards.用纸牌来算我的命运美国传统〔hail〕told me to stay within hail.呆在招呼得到的地方美国传统〔hot〕told a hot one about the neighbors' dog.讲一个有关邻居家的狗的有趣故事美国传统〔hysterical〕told a hysterical story.讲了个可笑的故事美国传统〔ignoble〕when she is mature enough to be told of her ignoble start to life在她足够成熟可被告知其低贱的出身时外研社新世纪〔interstice〕a story told in snapshots, leaving the reader to fill in the interstices 故事以简介的方式讲述,让读者自己去填补空隙。剑桥高阶〔involve〕was told that the job would involve travel.See Synonyms at include 被告知那份工作将需要出差 参见 include美国传统〔joke〕told jokes at the beginning of the show.在节目开始的时候讲笑话。美国传统〔keep〕a well-kept secret [=a secret that has not been told to people] 严守的秘密韦氏高阶〔lid〕told us to keep a lid on the report until the campaign was over.让我们隐瞒报告,直到运动结束美国传统〔locker-room〕locker-room interviews; locker-room stories that could not be told in mixed company.更衣室会见;不能在众多同伴中讲的更衣室故事美国传统〔middlebrow〕the lives of the artists, as told by Hollywood middlebrows好莱坞平庸之辈所讲述的艺术家们的生平外研社新世纪〔p's and q's〕was told to watch his p's and q's or he would be fired.他被告知要注意自己的行为举止否则就会被解雇美国传统〔perspective〕stories told from multiple perspectives 从多个角度讲述的故事牛津搭配〔plodder〕plodders who do exactly what they're told 叫做什么就兢兢业业苦干不已的人英汉大词典〔privacy〕be told in strict privacy 绝对秘密地被告知英汉大词典〔qt.〕told me the story strictly on the q.t.详尽地告诉了我关于这个秘密的情节美国传统〔tale〕told us a long tale of woe.给我们讲述了一段漫长的辛酸史美国传统〔tale〕a cautionary tale (=one that is told to warn people about the dangers of something) 警告朗文当代〔tell〕told the customers to wait in line.指示顾客排队等候美国传统〔tell〕a smile that told her joy 显露她欢乐的一笑英汉大词典〔tell〕a smile that told her joy显示她快乐的一笑21世纪英汉〔tell〕tell what happened; told us a story.讲发生的事;给我们讲一个故事美国传统〔tiresome〕a tiresome child who won't do what she's told 不听话的讨厌小女孩英汉大词典




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