

单词 turret
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔armored car〕A lightly armored vehicle, usually mounted with a turret, used for military reconnaissance, combat support, and security.装甲车:配备炮塔的轻型装甲车,用于军事侦察、战斗支持以及安全保护美国传统〔barbette〕An armored protective cylinder around a revolving gun turret on a warship.军舰上的露天炮塔:军舰上旋转炮塔四周的保护性装甲圆柱体美国传统〔bartizan〕A small, overhanging turret on a wall or tower.小望楼,顶塔:城墙上或塔上的小的,伸出的塔楼美国传统〔castellated〕Furnished with turrets and battlements in the style of a castle.城堡风格的:建有城堡风格的塔楼和城垛的美国传统〔curtain wall〕An outer or enclosing wall, especially one connecting two towers or turrets, as in a medieval fortification.间壁墙:外面或包围住的墙壁,特别是连接两个塔或塔楼的,如同在中古的筑垒上美国传统〔heraldic〕There was a small hotel complete with heraldic arms set into its turrets.有一座小旅店, 它的每座塔楼里都嵌着盾徽。外研社新世纪〔ornamental〕The turrets are purely ornamental.这些塔楼纯粹是装饰性的。牛津搭配〔pinnacle〕Architecture A small turret or spire on a roof or buttress.【建筑学】 小尖塔,尖顶:房顶或供壁的小塔或尖塔美国传统〔revolve〕The gun turret revolved until the gun was aimed at the advancing soldiers.炮塔旋转着,最后炮口瞄准了正在前进的士兵。剑桥高阶〔swivel〕The gun on the turret could be swivelled once in a minute.炮塔的火炮可在一分钟内旋转一周。21世纪英汉〔turreted〕Furnished with turrets or a turret.有塔楼的,安装有转塔的美国传统〔turreted〕Having the shape or form of a turret, as certain long-spired gastropod shells.具有螺旋状的螺转体的,塔楼状的,如某些有高螺旋圆锥体的腹足类动物的壳美国传统The turret of the tank turned left. 坦克的砲塔转向左边。译典通The gun turret revolved until the gun was aimed at the advancing soldiers.炮塔旋转着,直到大炮瞄准了正在行进中的士兵们。剑桥国际The hotel is not unlike one of those sinister, turreted houses in old-fashioned horror films.这座宾馆很像老式恐怖电影中的那些阴森的、带塔楼的房屋。剑桥国际The medieval town with its turreted walls stands on a little hill eight kilometers from the coast.那座有角楼城墙的中世纪城镇位于离海岸有八公里的一座小山上。剑桥国际The soldiers scaled the walls of the fortress by turrets. 士兵透过塔车攀登上了要塞的城墙。译典通This turret provides highly accurate positioning of cameras. 这台镜头转台提供照相机的高精确度定位。译典通This ancient turret has attracted many visitors. 这座古老的塔楼吸引了很多游客。译典通This is a heavy duty turret lathe. 这是一台重型转台车床。译典通




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