

单词 transit
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HSGT〕High-speed ground transit.高速地面运输美国传统〔POWER/POWERFUL〕The Air Transit Authority's jurisdiction extends beyond the airport itself to include warehouses and associated buildings. 空运管理局的管辖权超越了机场本身,还包括仓库和相关建筑。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕A good insurance policy will cover the cost of goods lost or damaged in transit. 一份完善的保险能够补偿运输过程中货物丢失或损坏的费用。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Cheese continues to ripen while in transit, so storage is important. 干酪在运输途中会继续成熟,因此保存方法很重要。朗文写作活用〔TT〕Transit time.穿越时间美国传统〔catchment〕The river's catchment is a key transit point for migrating birds.这条河的汇水处是候鸟的重要落脚点。外研社新世纪〔damage〕If goods are lost in transit, the carrier will be liable for damages.货物若在运输途中丢失,承运人有责任赔偿。牛津搭配〔find/get religion〕The mayor got religion on public transit and is now pushing plans to build a new subway.市长在公共交通的问题上找对了方向,现在正推行建造一条新地铁的计划。韦氏高阶〔floater〕An insurance policy that protects movable property in transit or regularly subject to use in varying places.流动财产保险单:为保护流通中的动产或定期在各地使用的流动财产而投保的一种保险单美国传统〔hijack〕To steal (goods) from a vehicle in transit.从运输途中的交通工具上偷取(货物)美国传统〔immigration〕He produced his passport and transit card for immigration.他出示护照及过境证以供移民局查验。英汉大词典〔increase〕The transit authority extended the subway line to the next town.交通运输部门把地铁延伸到下一个城镇。美国传统〔lunitidal interval〕The time elapsing between the moon's transit of a particular meridian and the next high tide at that meridian.月潮间隔:月球的某一特定最高点和同一高点的高涨时间的经过的时间美国传统〔mass transit〕The city has virtually no mass transit.这个城市几乎没有公共交通。朗文当代〔mass transit〕The mayor is trying to encourage more commuters to use mass transit in order to alleviate traffic in the city.市长正设法鼓励更多的上班族使用公交系统以缓解城市交通。韦氏高阶〔miscarry〕To go astray or be lost in transit, as mail or cargo.被误送:被误送或丢失,如邮件或货物美国传统〔mishandle〕The goods had been mishandled during transit.货物在运输过程中被随意放置。麦克米伦高阶〔passage〕A movement from one place to another, as by going by, through, over, or across; transit or migration.通过:从一处到另一处的移动,如经过、穿过、越过或横穿;转移或迁移美国传统〔people mover〕A means of mass transit, such as a moving sidewalk or a monorail, used to transport people, usually along a fixed route.载人工具:短程快速载客交通工具,如用以运输乘客的自动人行道或自动单轨铁路,通常沿固定路线美国传统〔pile in〕My uncle had a Transit van and we'd all pile in.我的叔叔有一辆福特货车, 见到它我们都会蜂拥挤入。外研社新世纪〔rapid transit〕Two rapid transit trains collided early this morning in Boston.今晨早些时候,两辆高速火车在波士顿相撞。柯林斯高阶〔rapid transit〕We'll use rapid transit to get from the airport to the hotel.我们将利用快速交通系统从机场去旅店。韦氏高阶〔ride〕To guard a person or thing while in transit.押车:在运送过程中看守某人或某物美国传统〔settle〕The contents of the package may have settled in transit.包裹里的东西可能在运输途中摇密实了。牛津高阶〔staging area〕A place where troops or equipment in transit are assembled and processed, as before a military operation.集结待命区:过境时军队或运输设备集合和进行的地方,如在军事行动前美国传统〔strike〕The New York transit strike is in its second day.纽约公交工人的罢工进入了第二天。牛津搭配〔subsidy〕The city is increasing subsidies for public transit.市政府正在提高公共交通补贴。韦氏高阶〔transit stop〕Actress Sneh Gupta was on a flight from East Africa to Germany which made a transit stop in London.女演员斯奈•古普塔乘机从东非飞往德国, 途中在伦敦中转。外研社新世纪〔transit〕Transit across the icy little bridge is dangerous.通过结冰的小桥是危险的。英汉大词典〔transit〕All transit systems are crowded during the rush hours.高峰时间所有的公共交通网都是拥挤的。英汉大词典〔transit〕An improved mass transit system would cut traffic on the roads.改进后的公共交通运输系统将减少道路的交通流量。牛津搭配〔transit〕At the moment I have no address. I am in transit.我眼下尚无住址,因为我正在旅途中。英汉大词典〔transit〕During their talks, the two presidents discussed the transit of goods between the two countries.会谈中,两位总统讨论了两国间货物运输的问题。柯林斯高阶〔transit〕He was seen driving a white Transit van near Leeds.有人看到他在利兹附近开着一辆白色的“全顺”货车。剑桥高阶〔transit〕His letter must have got lost in transit.他的信一定在途中遗失了。英汉大词典〔transit〕It is possible to make an insurance claim for any goods lost or damaged in transit.为在运输中丢失或受损的货物索要保险赔偿是有可能的。剑桥高阶〔transit〕Only ships of 5000 tons or smaller are able to transit.只有5000吨或5000吨以下的船能够通过。英汉大词典〔transit〕Our ship used the canal to transit to the east.我们的船通过这条运河驶往东方。21世纪英汉〔transit〕Our suitcases were damaged in transit.我们的皮箱在运输途中被损坏了。麦克米伦高阶〔transit〕Ships use the canal to transit to the west.船只利用这条运河前往西方。英汉大词典〔transit〕The New York transit strike is in its second day.纽约运输业的罢工进入第二天。牛津搭配〔transit〕The canal can transit a total of 40 ships daily.这条运河每天能通过40条船。英汉大词典〔transit〕The canal can transit a total of 50 ships daily.这条运河每天可通过50艘船。21世纪英汉〔transit〕The city has acquired a light rail transit system.该市有了轻轨交通系统。牛津搭配〔transit〕The cost includes transit.成本中包括运费。牛津高阶〔transit〕The goods were damaged in transit.货物在运输中受损。牛津搭配〔transit〕The passengers had been transferred into the transit lounge.乘客已被转移到中转候机厅。牛津搭配〔transit〕The port has become a transit point in the drug trade.这个港口成了毒品交易的中转点。牛津搭配〔transit〕The president wants to improve the nation's highways and mass transit systems.总统希望改善该国的公路与公共交通系统。柯林斯高阶〔transit〕The question is whether road transit is cheaper than rail.问题在于公路运输是否比铁路运输便宜。剑桥高阶〔transit〕The ship is currently transiting the Gulf of Mexico.这艘船现在正穿越墨西哥湾。牛津高阶〔transit〕They were in transit to Bombay.他们在去往孟买的途中。柯林斯高阶〔transit〕To make a transit.越过美国传统〔transit〕We cannot be held responsible for goods lost in transit.我们不能对运送中丢失的货物负责。柯林斯高阶〔transit〕We were allowed 2 days for the transit of the lake.我们被准许在两天内过湖。英汉大词典〔transit〕We will transit the strait at night.我们将在夜间通过那个海峡。21世纪英汉〔transmigrant〕One in transit through a country on the way to the country in which one intends to settle.正在经过一个国家向自己想去的国家前进的人美国传统〔tripod〕An adjustable three-legged stand, as for supporting a transit or camera.三脚架:一种可调节的三条腿的支架如支撑经纬仪或照相机的三脚架美国传统〔virtually〕The city was virtually paralyzed by the transit strike.这个城市实际上已陷于交通运输罢工的瘫痪状态美国传统Britain imports over 100,000 birds each year, but 20,000 die in transit.英国每年进口10万只鸟,但是有2万只在运输中死去。剑桥国际France has the fastest mass transit rail system in the world.法国拥有世界上最快的公共交通铁路运输系统。剑桥国际Fruits are perishable in transit. 水果在运送时容易腐烂。译典通It is possible to make an insurance claim for any goods lost or damaged in transit.为在运输中丢失或受损的货物要求保险赔偿是可能的。剑桥国际The TIR carnet is a Customs control document used for an international transit operation of goods.国际陆路运输证是用于国际货物运输业务的海关监管文件。牛津商务The contents of this package may settle in transit.这个包裹里的东西可能在运输过程中被晃得密实了。牛津商务The cost includes transit.成本中包括运费。牛津商务The question is whether road transit is cheaper than rail.问题是公路运输是否比铁路运输更便宜。剑桥国际The worst part of the ocean transit was now over. 远洋航程里最困难的一段已经过去了。译典通There are plans to build a new rapid transit system (= a system of fast moving trains) in the city.城里有建造一个新的快速铁路公交系统的计划。剑桥国际There is a maximum payout of £2500 if any newly-purchased items are lost or damaged while in transit home.如果在运往家里的途中任何新买的物品丢失或损坏的话,最多可收到2500 英镑的赔偿费。剑桥国际These goods were damaged in transit. 这些货物在运输过程中损坏了。译典通They transited the goods to another vessel. 他们将货物转运到另一条船上。译典通




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