

单词 test
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔A level〕The later of two standardized tests in a secondary school subject, used as a qualification for entrance into a university.高级考试:中学课程中两次标准考试的后一次,作为升入大学的资格考试美国传统〔ACCEPT〕The Medical Research Council said it could not approve the use of the new drug without further tests. 医学研究委员会说,如果没有进一步试验,他们不能批准这种新药的使用。朗文写作活用〔AGREE〕European governments are trying to conclude a treaty to ban certain atmospheric tests. 欧洲各国政府正在设法缔结条约,禁止某些大气试验。朗文写作活用〔ARTIFICIAL〕Models of the bridge have been tested under simulated earthquake conditions. 那座桥的模型被放在模拟的地震环境下进行测试。朗文写作活用〔BETRAY〕Anti-nuclear campaigners are calling the president's acceptance of nuclear testing a complete sell-out. 反核运动者认为总统同意进行核试验是彻底地背弃了原则。朗文写作活用〔CHANCE〕The union believes that the random drug testing of employees is an invasion of their privacy. 工会认为任意对雇员进行药物测试是对他们个人隐私的侵犯。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕These results contrast sharply with those of similar tests carried out in Australia. 这些结果跟在澳大利亚所进行的类似测试的结果截然不同。朗文写作活用〔DNA testing〕They took samples from his hair for DNA testing.他们从他的头发中取样进行 DNA 测试。柯林斯高阶〔GRADE〕Scores on standardized tests have been steadily falling over the past ten years. 标准化考试的分数在过去十年里逐渐下降了。朗文写作活用〔HOSPITAL〕The test is expensive and available only at certain medical centers. 这种检验费用高昂,而且只有某些医疗中心才提供。朗文写作活用〔JUST〕I've only just passed my driving test, so I'm still a little nervous. 我刚刚才通过驾驶考试,所以还有点紧张。朗文写作活用〔Job〕In the Old Testament, an upright man whose faith in God survived the test of repeated calamities.约伯:《旧约》中一个诚实正直的人物,历经危难,仍坚信上帝美国传统〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕To pass that test the kids really have to know their stuff. 要通过那次考试,孩子们真的得学习透彻。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕Students who had completed the program scored significantly higher on standardized tests. 完成这个课程的学生,在标准化考试中的成绩明显较好。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕The doctors are keeping her in hospital to do further tests. 医生让她留院做进一步检查。朗文写作活用〔Mantoux test〕A tuberculin test in which a small amount of tuberculin is injected under the skin.曼托试验:将少量结核菌素注入皮下的结核菌素试验美国传统〔O level〕The earlier of two standardized tests in a secondary school subject.普通考试:中学科目的两次标准化考试的前一次美国传统〔O level〕The educational background and skills required to pass this test.普通水平,普通程度:通过这次考试所需的受教育状况和技巧美国传统〔RESULT〕The introduction of national testing in schools had wider ramifications than people realized. 在学校里推行全国性考试所带来的影响比我们预料的要大得多。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Positive tests have revealed why some athletes were so reluctant to co-operate. 检验结果呈阳性,这就揭露了为什么有些运动员那么不愿意合作。朗文写作活用〔Schiff's reagent〕An aqueous solution of rosaniline and sulfurous acid used to test for the presence of aldehydes.席夫试剂:一种用品红和硫酸混合形成的水溶液,用于测试乙醛的存在美国传统〔TEST〕A blood test can be done to determine who the baby's father is. 可以进行血液测试来确定这个婴儿的生父是谁。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕Schools are required to give students national standardized tests. 学校需要对学生进行全国统一考试。朗文写作活用〔Taste tests〕As participants in the sleep study, test subjects will be kept awake for 18 hours.作为睡眠研究的参与者,受试者将有18个小时不能睡觉。韦氏高阶〔Wassermann test〕A diagnostic test for syphilis involving the fixation or inactivation of a complement by an antibody in a blood serum sample.瓦色尔曼试验:检验梅毒的诊断试验,包括用血清样品中的抗体使补体结合或失活美国传统〔achieve〕They achieved high scores on their math tests.他们在数学考试中取得了高分。韦氏高阶〔acid test〕The new team faced its first acid test when it played the national champions.在打全国冠军赛时,这支新队伍面临着严峻的考验。韦氏高阶〔allot〕I completed the test within the time allotted.我在限定的时间内完成了测试。牛津高阶〔amphetamine〕Floyd was banned from racing after a drug test revealed traces of amphetamine in his urine.弗洛伊德因兴奋剂检测显示其尿样中含有微量安非他明成分而被禁赛。剑桥高阶〔anomalous〕Researchers could not explain the anomalous test results.研究人员无法解释这些反常的试验结果。韦氏高阶〔answer〕He answered only three of the test questions correctly.他只答对了三道试题。韦氏高阶〔aptitude test〕A standardized test designed to measure the ability of a person to develop skills or acquire knowledge.性向测试:一种标准化测试,用于测试一个人发展技能或获取知识的能力美国传统〔assignment〕The assessment for the course involves written assignments and practical tests.这门功课的考核包括书面作业和实际操作考试。柯林斯高阶〔attention〕I hope you're paying attention, because you'll be tested later.我希望你们注意听,因为之后要测试。麦克米伦高阶〔awful〕Fortunately it won't make an awful lot of difference if I don't pass the test.幸好,我就是过不了考试也没有太大的关系。剑桥高阶〔bad〕I feel bad for Ann – she studied so hard for that test and she still didn't pass.我为安感到遗憾 — 那次考试她已经很用功了,可还是没有通过。朗文当代〔bothered〕She got herself all hot and bothered about the test.她因为考试而变得焦躁不安。牛津搭配〔breakthrough〕The test is a breakthrough in the early diagnosis of disease.该项试验是对疾病进行早期诊断所取得的重大突破。外研社新世纪〔breeze〕Everyone thought the test was a breeze.每个人都认为测试非常容易。麦克米伦高阶〔breeze〕We breezed through the test.我们全不费力地通过了测验美国传统〔career〕Many of us have had a school career punctuated with exams and tests.我们当中很多人在学生时期不时要参加各种考试和测验。外研社新世纪〔carry out〕We carried out several experiments to test the theory.我们做了多次实验来检验这个理论。韦氏高阶〔catalog〕The chart catalogs the results of each test.图表记录了各次试验的结果。韦氏高阶〔catch〕My teacher caught me cheating on a test.老师当场发现我考试作弊。韦氏高阶〔character〕She had to stand up and make a speech to 500 people, so it was quite a test of character.她要站在500人前作演讲,这对她的勇气是一次很大的考验。麦克米伦高阶〔checkout〕A test, as of a machine, for proper functioning.检验:为等正常运作所做的检验,如对机器美国传统〔class〕Have you passed a test for this class of vehicle? 你通过这种车辆的驾照考试了吗?朗文当代〔come out〕Its members had come out virtually unanimously against the tests.会员们几乎一致表示反对这些测试。柯林斯高阶〔confirm〕To confirm my diagnosis I need to do some tests.为了证实我的诊断,我要做一些化验。朗文当代〔congratulate〕She congratulated us on our test results.她对我们取得的考试成绩表示祝贺。韦氏高阶〔controlled〕The test was done under controlled conditions.测试是在受控条件下完成的。韦氏高阶〔defiance〕Nuclear testing was resumed in defiance of an international ban.尽管国际上明令禁止,核试验又在进行了。牛津高阶〔degree〕These products don't get the same degree of testing as officially approved medications.这些产品作为官方批准药物没有得到同等程度的检验。牛津搭配〔dichotomous〕The test was used to compare dichotomous variables.这个测试是用来比较二分变量的。剑桥高阶〔endowment〕There are tests that can establish a baby's genetic endowment.有些测试可以测定婴儿的基因特性。剑桥高阶〔endurance〕A marathon tests a runner's endurance.马拉松赛可测出一个跑步运动员的耐力美国传统〔essay question〕A test question that calls for a written answer of a specified length, especially a short essay.申论题:一种考试方式,要求用一段长度的文字写出来回答,特别是一段论说文美国传统〔establish〕It was established that the missile had landed on a test range in Australia.经证实,那枚导弹已经落在澳大利亚的试验区域内。柯林斯高阶〔eternity〕After what seemed like an eternity the nurse returned with the results of the test.过了漫长的一段时间后护士才拿着检验结果回来。牛津高阶〔experiment〕The scientists have already experimented at each other's test sites.科学家已经在彼此的实验场所进行了实验。外研社新世纪〔exult〕She exulted over her students' test scores.她对学生的考试成绩感到非常高兴。韦氏高阶〔fail〕She was disqualified after failing a drugs test.她药检未通过,被取消了资格。牛津高阶〔favorable〕Early test results were favorable.早先测试的结果良好。韦氏高阶〔field-test〕To test (a technique or product, for example) under conditions of actual operation or use.对…作现场试验:在实际操作或使用情况下检测例如(一项技术或产品)美国传统〔fightback〕The West Indies have staged a dramatic fightback on the first day of the fifth test.西印度群岛队在第五场板球对抗赛的第一个比赛日发起了一次戏剧性的反攻。外研社新世纪〔first-rate〕I did first-rate on the test.我考得好极了。英汉大词典〔flake〕Bake the fish until it flakes easily when tested with a fork.把鱼烤到用叉子一碰就散成小块的程度。韦氏高阶〔flawed〕These tests were so seriously flawed as to render the results meaningless.这些测试存在严重缺陷, 致使结果失去了意义。外研社新世纪〔flawed〕These tests were so seriously flawed as to render the results meaningless.这些测试存在严重错误,致使结果变得毫无意义。柯林斯高阶〔fluff〕I fluffed my driving test three times before I finally got it.我搞砸了3次驾驶考试,之后才最终通过。剑桥高阶〔go〕How did your French test go? 你法语考得怎么样?朗文当代〔handle〕We only handle cosmetics that have not been tested on animals.我们只经营未在动物身上做过试验的化妆品。剑桥高阶〔heat〕Test the heat of the water before getting in.入水之前先试一试水温。牛津高阶〔hypothesis〕A tentative explanation that accounts for a set of facts and can be tested by further investigation; a theory.前提:对一系列事实进行说明的暂时解释,它能被进一步的调查检验;一个理论美国传统〔implantation〕The embryos were tested to determine their sex prior to implantation.在植入之前对胚胎进行了检验,以确定其性别。柯林斯高阶〔indication〕There was no clinical indication for such a test.没有进行这种检测的临床指征。牛津搭配〔information〕The tests have not yet uncovered any new information.这些检测仍未能发现任何新信息。韦氏高阶〔inordinate〕Testing is taking up an inordinate amount of teachers' time.测验占去了教师们太多的时间。朗文当代〔intradermal test〕A test for hypersensitivity or allergy in which a small amount of the suspected allergen is injected into the skin.皮下试验:通过在皮肤里注射少量有疑点的变应原以测定过敏性或变应性的试验美国传统〔involve〕The test will involve answering questions about a photograph.考试将包括回答一些关于一张照片的问题。牛津高阶〔label〕We tested various supermarkets'own label pasta sauces(= those marked with the name of the shop/store where they are sold).我们检查了各大超市的自家商标意大利面调味汁。牛津高阶〔laboratory〕Laboratory tests suggest that the new drug may be used to treat cancer.实验室测试表明这种新药可用于治疗癌症。剑桥高阶〔laboratory〕Laboratory tests were conducted on the blood samples.对血样进行了实验室化验。麦克米伦高阶〔launch〕A test satellite was launched from Cape Canaveral.一颗实验人造卫星从卡纳维拉尔角发射升空。朗文当代〔less〕No less than half the students failed the test.至少有一半学生没有通过考试。韦氏高阶〔lie detector〕He was asked to take a lie detector test .他被要求做一次测谎试验。朗文当代〔mandate〕Drug tests have been mandated by the government.政府要求必须进行药检韦氏高阶〔mark〕I got full marks(= the highest mark possible)in the spelling test.我在拼写测验中得了个满分。牛津高阶〔means-test〕To apply a means test to or require a means test for (a governmental program, for example).资产审核,经济状况调查:对失业救济者采用或是被要求为(例如一项政府计划)进行财务调查美国传统〔mercifully〕Mercifully, the professor always makes our tests easy.幸好教授给我们出的试卷总是比较容易。韦氏高阶〔mettle〕For both sides, it's the first real test of their mettle this season.对于双方而言,这是本赛季对他们的能力的首次真正考验。柯林斯高阶〔mettle〕The competition will test her mettle.这次比赛将考验她的意志。韦氏高阶〔misconceived〕The teachers say the tests for 14-year-olds are misconceived.老师们说这些测试并不适合14岁的孩子。柯林斯高阶〔misdiagnosis〕Without proper testing, the potential for misdiagnosis is high.没有经过恰当的检查,误诊的可能性会很大。韦氏高阶〔navigate〕In tests, the bees navigate back home after being placed in a field a mile away.在多次试验中,放置于一英里以外田野中的蜜蜂都能飞回蜂巢。柯林斯高阶〔necessitate〕Frank was carrying out fuel-system tests which necessitated turning the booster pumps off.弗兰克在进行燃料系统检测, 这就需要关闭增压泵。外研社新世纪〔negative〕He got a negative score in the aptitude test.他的能力测试得了个负分。外研社新世纪〔none〕Only two cars produced by Austin-Morris could reach 100 mph and none could pass the 10-second acceleration test.奥斯丁-莫里斯集团生产的车中只有两款能达到每小时100英里的速度,而且没有一款能通过10秒加速测试。柯林斯高阶〔occasion〕We tested a similar product on an earlier occasion.早些时候我们曾对相似的产品进行了测试。麦克米伦高阶〔other〕This car got better gas mileage than the others we tested.这辆车的汽油里程数高于我们测试的其他车辆。韦氏高阶〔overemphasize〕The teacher tends to overemphasize the value of tests.老师往往过分强调考试的重要性。韦氏高阶〔overlap〕There is considerable overlap between the girls' and boys' test results.女孩和男孩的测试结果有相当多的共同之处。朗文当代〔pass〕He passed every test.他每次测验都及格。英汉大词典〔pitch〕They pitched the test at a fifth-grade reading level.他们针对五年级学生的阅读水平设计这次考试。韦氏高阶〔positive〕The test showed a positive.检测结果呈阳性。韦氏高阶〔positive〕The pregnancy test is positive.妊娠试验的结果呈阳性。英汉大词典〔preliminary〕An academic test or examination that is preparatory to one that is longer, more complex, or more important.初试:为更长、更复杂或更重要的考试而进行的预备性学术测试或考试美国传统〔prep〕Teachers spent the week prepping students for the test.老师们花了这一周的时间帮助学生复习备考。韦氏高阶〔pretest〕The advance testing of something, such as a questionnaire, a product, or an idea.预先测试:在正式测试答卷、产品或观点之前进行的考试美国传统〔project〕The scheme will now be extended after a successful pilot project (=a small trial to test if an idea will be successful) .试行成功后,现在该方案将得到扩展。朗文当代〔put sth to the test〕Her constant questions put the teacher's patience to the test.她无休止的提问实在是对老师耐心的考验!剑桥高阶〔puzzle〕Something, such as a toy or game, that tests one's ingenuity.测智力游戏:检验一个人的智力的东西,例如玩具或游戏美国传统〔questionable〕The results of the test seem highly questionable.化验的结果似乎很有问题。麦克米伦高阶〔radiation〕Nuclear testing has exposed millions of people to radiation.核试验已使数百万人受到辐射。牛津搭配〔rather〕You should find the test fairly easy.你应该觉得测验相当容易。朗文当代〔reassurance〕A negative test result may give false reassurance.检查结果呈阴性可能会让人放松警惕。牛津搭配〔regime〕Under the new regime, all sheep and cattle will be regularly tested for disease.根据新制度,所有牛羊都要定期进行疾病检测。朗文当代〔result〕We ran the test again to verify the result.为了核实结果,我们再次进行了测试。牛津搭配〔retake〕I passed the test on the third retake.我第3次补考才通过。麦克米伦高阶〔retest〕To test again.再次测试美国传统〔road test〕A test of driving ability on the road required of a candidate for a driver's license.实地驾驶考核:一种检验申请驾驶执照的司机在公路上驾驶能力的考核美国传统〔run〕He ran a lot of tests and it turned out I had an infection called mycoplasma.他进行了多项检查,最后证明我感染了支原体。柯林斯高阶〔score〕The average score for the test was 75.考试平均分是75。麦克米伦高阶〔sealer〕An officer who inspects, tests, and certifies weights and measures.检验员:视察、检查和证明重量和尺寸的官员美国传统〔seronegative〕Showing a negative reaction to a test on blood serum for a disease, especially syphilis or AIDS.血清反应阴性的:因疾病在血清实验中显示阴性反应的,尤指梅毒或艾滋病美国传统〔session〕Women who need a test can visit one of the drop-in sessions for help and advice.需要检查的妇女可以在接访时段前来求助和咨询。牛津搭配〔setting〕The performance of the engine was tested at different settings.对引擎的性能在不同的挡上做了试验。牛津高阶〔sex〕Some tests enable you to find out the sex of your baby before it's born.有些检查能让你在婴儿出生之前知道其性别。剑桥高阶〔sharp〕Make sure your pencils are sharp before we begin the test.我们开始测验前,你们一定要把铅笔削尖。朗文当代〔show〕The drug does not show up in blood tests because it is effective in very small quantities.血液检验不会发现这些药物,因为只需极小的剂量它就能发挥作用。剑桥高阶〔sieve〕The test sieved out several of the candidates.考试筛选出了几名候选人。英汉大词典〔sign〕Get this test if you have signs and symptoms of diabetes.如果有糖尿病的症状,就做这个检查。牛津搭配〔simple〕Students were given a simple aptitude test to eliminate any who lacked the basic skills.学生们接受了一次简单的能力倾向测试,以淘汰那些缺乏基本技能的人。麦克米伦高阶〔sneaking feeling/suspicion〕I have a sneaking feeling/suspicion that we're going to have a test today.我隐约感觉今天我们要考试。韦氏高阶〔sore〕His failure on the test is a sore point with him.他考试不及格,这是个使他难堪的话题。英汉大词典〔stifle〕Students at the school are stifled by the pressure to score high on tests.在校学生被考高分的压力压制着。韦氏高阶〔stimulus〕They test the children's reaction to a simple visual stimulus.他们测试了孩子们对单纯视觉刺激的反应。麦克米伦高阶〔substantiate〕The results of the tests substantiated his claims.这些检验的结果证实了他的说法。牛津高阶〔such〕There should be a law ensuring products tested on animals have to be labelled as such.应该制定一项法律, 以确保进行过动物试验的产品务必贴上此类明确标识。外研社新世纪〔suffer〕You must suffer the test.你必须经受考验。21世纪英汉〔tagalong〕She seems to have spent most of her life as a tagalong to a man who, as test pilot and astronaut, was seldom home.看来,她一生的大部分时间都追随在一个作为试飞员和宇航员而难得在家的男人身后。英汉大词典〔test ... out〕They tested out the new cars before they put them on the market.他们对新车进行了充分检验,然后将他们投入市场。21世纪英汉〔testicular〕Of or relating to a testicle or testis.睾丸的:属于或关于睾丸的美国传统〔testing〕The papers in maths and English are very testing.数学试卷和英语试卷很难。柯林斯高阶〔test〕Australia won the test by 197 runs.澳大利亚以197分赢得了这次锦标赛。剑桥高阶〔test〕Forensic tests showed that the man had been poisoned.法医检验表明该男子被人下毒。牛津搭配〔test〕I must have my eyes tested.我必须检查一下我的眼睛。朗文当代〔test〕Life's ordeals test us.生活的苦难是对我们的考验。韦氏高阶〔test〕She had a series of blood tests.她做了一系列血液检查。牛津搭配〔test〕She may be testing her mother to see how much she can take before she throws her out.她可能是在试探她的母亲, 看她忍耐到什么地步才会把她撵出家门。外研社新世纪〔test〕Sooner or later, life will put the relationship to the test.总有一天, 生活会对这段关系是否牢固进行考验。外研社新世纪〔test〕The calls for tax reform pose a severe test for the government.税改呼声对政府构成了严峻考验。牛津搭配〔test〕The real/true test of your ability as a skier is whether you can ski well on very hard snow.真正检测一个滑雪者的本领,要看在非常硬的雪上能否滑得好。韦氏高阶〔test〕The scandal is testing the country's faith in its leadership.这一丑闻考验着国民对其领导人是否信任。韦氏高阶〔test〕The software has been tested for viruses.这个软件已经过是否有病毒的测试。牛津高阶〔test〕The software is still at the test stage.这个软件仍然处于试验阶段。牛津搭配〔test〕The water gets tested regularly.水质定期检测。韦氏高阶〔test〕The water should be tested for lead.这水要检测含铅量。朗文当代〔test〕There was a time when each teacher spent an hour, one day a week, testing pupils in every subject.曾经,每个老师每周都有一天花上一小时对学生的每门功课进行测试。柯林斯高阶〔test〕They tested her for diabetes.他们给她做了糖尿病检查。朗文当代〔test〕They have tested the food for poison.他们对食物进行化验以确定是否有毒。21世纪英汉〔test〕They will test for the presence of lead in the soil.他们将检测土壤中是否含铅。韦氏高阶〔test〕Those who do solid work can stand the test of time.工作扎实的人能经得起时间考验。英汉大词典〔test〕We test your English before deciding which class to put you in.我们测验过你的英语后再决定把你分在哪一班。牛津高阶〔the acid test〕It looks good, but will people buy it? That's the acid test.看上去不错,但人们会买它吗?这才是真正的考验。剑桥高阶〔tip〕She got a tip on how to prepare for the test.她得到了一个备考的提示。韦氏高阶〔toxin〕Tests showed increased levels of toxin in shellfish.检验表明水生有壳动物的毒素水平提高了。柯林斯高阶〔trial balance〕A statement of all the open debit and credit items in a double-entry ledger, made to test their equality.试算表:在复式分类帐目中记载所有还在往来的借方和贷方项目的帐户报表,用来检验其是否均衡美国传统〔tried〕Follow the tried and trusted methods that have stood the test of time.遵照这种经过时间考验已被证实可信的方法。柯林斯高阶〔trip〕The tests are designed to trip you up.这些考试有意要迷惑你,使你犯错。麦克米伦高阶〔try〕To undergo a competitive qualifying test, as for a job or athletic team.参加选拔:为了工作或运动员资格而参加竞争性资格测试美国传统〔tutorial〕We offer tutorial instruction for test preparation.我们提供备考辅导。韦氏高阶〔undergo〕He underwent an agonising 48-hour wait for the results of tests.他苦苦等待了48个小时, 化验结果才出来。外研社新世纪〔unsound〕The national tests were educationally unsound.从教育角度看,全国统考是不合理的。柯林斯高阶〔untried〕Not attempted, tested, or proved.未证明的:未试过的,未检验过的,或未被证明过的美国传统〔urine〕Urine samples from 50 athletes were tested for drugs.尿样麦克米伦高阶〔wait〕We're waiting on the blood test results.我们在等验血结果。朗文当代〔war game〕A simulation of a proposed plan of action or a strategy, intended to test its validity when challenged.实地演习:对某一行动或战术的设计计划的模拟进行,用来检验真实条件下其有效性美国传统〔weightage〕The entrance test carries 40 percent weightage in the final result.入学考试占最后成绩的40%。剑桥高阶〔weighted〕These tests are weighted in favor of those people who have studied with the teacher before.这些测验对那些之前和老师一起学习的人有利。文馨英汉〔when〕We're still waiting for the test results, when we'll decide our next move.我们现在还在等考试结果,出结果后我们再决定下一步行动。韦氏高阶〔whether〕He passed the test, whether by skill or luck.他通过了考试,不是靠技术就是靠运气美国传统〔working〕We have a working theory/hypothesis about what caused the crash, which we will test.我们有了一个关于坠机原因的初步设想/假设,还有待进一步验证。剑桥高阶A lot of people fail their driving test the first time.很多人第一次都没有通过驾驶员考试。剑桥国际A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。译典通All candidates must take an English test.所有应征者都必须参加英语考试。牛津商务Georgina passed her driving test (on her) first go.乔治娜第一次参加驾驶考试就通过了。剑桥国际He didn't allow us enough time to finish the test.他没有给我们足够的时间来完成测试。剑桥国际In Britain, AIDS tests are now performed on all people who offer to become blood donors.在英国,现在对所有提出献血的人都要进行爱滋病检验。剑桥国际Market tests showed that €80 was too high a price.试销显示,80 欧元的定价过高了。牛津商务Please enclose an sae for your test results.请附上回邮信封以便通知测试结果。牛津商务Scientists have developed a test to show the presence of cancer in the body at an early stage.科学家们发展了一种测试,能显示体内早期癌症的存在。剑桥国际Strict testing requirements mean that it can take several years for a new drug to become generally available.严格的检验要求意味着一种新药被广泛使用需要好几年的时间。剑桥国际The test qualifies you to drive heavy vehicles.通过这一考试就有资格驾驶重型车辆。牛津商务The project is undergoing testing.这个项目正在接受测试。牛津商务There was a suboptimal performance of all the test shoes on wet surfaces.所有测试过的鞋子在潮湿表面上的表现都不是最理想的。牛津商务These tests must be extensively checked before they can be validly applied.这些试验必须经过广泛检验之后,才能合法应用。剑桥国际This machine is designed for testing people's hearing (= finding out if there is anything wrong with it).这机器是为测试人的听力而设计的。剑桥国际We carry out extensive tests to prove the functionality and reliability of the system.我们进行广泛的测试以证明系统的实用性和可靠性。牛津商务You can take the latest version of the software for a test drive if you download the 30-day trial.要试用这款软件最新版的人,可以下载其 30 天试用版。牛津商务




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