

单词 tally
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔clerk〕a tally clerk 记账员英汉大词典〔point〕a personal tally of 28 points 28 点的个人得分牛津搭配〔tallier〕to tally a trunk在箱子上贴标签21世纪英汉〔tallier〕to tally the vote计算票数21世纪英汉〔tally up〕to tally up the for and against统计赞成票和反对票21世纪英汉〔tally〕tally a goal 进球记分英汉大词典〔tally〕tally the cargo 理货英汉大词典〔tally〕tally the vote 计算票数英汉大词典〔tally〕tally up a total 合计总数英汉大词典〔tally〕a running tally 流水账英汉大词典〔tally〕as we tally the number of workers who have been laid off this year.我们统计今年下岗工人数量的时候柯林斯高阶〔tally〕boost the seat tally of a party 使一个政党的议会席数猛增英汉大词典〔tally〕buy a car on (或upon) tally 赊购一辆汽车英汉大词典〔tally〕buy goods by the tally 论捆购货英汉大词典〔tally〕live (on) tally with a man (woman) 与一男子(女子)同居英汉大词典〔tally〕the two goals that took his tally for Scotland to 15 使他为苏格兰队的总进球数达到 15 个的两个进球朗文当代〔upward〕an upward revision of the vote tally 选票上升记录的刷新韦氏高阶




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