

单词 teasing
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(a) thick/thin skin〕He has such a thin skin that he can't even take a little good-natured teasing.他脸皮薄,跟他开一个善意的玩笑他都经不住。韦氏高阶〔Don't pay any attention〕He's just teasing you. Don't pay any attention to him. = Pay no attention to him. [=don't be upset by what he is saying] 他不过跟你开个玩笑,不必理会。韦氏高阶〔MAKE FUN OF〕Don't get upset, Stuart, she's only teasing. 别生气,斯图尔特,她跟你开玩笑而已。朗文写作活用〔MAKE FUN OF〕Kevin's always teasing me about my cooking. 凯文老是取笑我的烹调。朗文写作活用〔SHY〕Look, she's gone all shy - stop teasing her. 看,她害羞了—别逗她了。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕I hated the way she was teasing me. ‘Quit it!’ I said. 我不喜欢她这样取笑我。“闭嘴!”我说道。朗文写作活用〔aggravate〕Their teasing aggravated us.他们的取笑叫我们着恼。牛津同义词〔amiss〕Don't take it amiss – I was just teasing.别见怪,我只是逗你玩呢。朗文当代〔amused〕Sara was not amused by Franklin's teasing.被富兰克林揶揄之后,萨拉的脸上全无笑意。柯林斯高阶〔animate〕The girls watched, little teasing smiles animating their faces.女孩们注视着,脸上挂着调皮的微笑,显得愈加活泼。柯林斯高阶〔banter〕To exchange mildly teasing remarks.相互善意地取笑美国传统〔banter〕To speak to in a playful or teasing way.取笑:以开玩笑或戏弄的方式讲话美国传统〔big hair〕Long hair dressed so as to puff out from the head, as by teasing or ratting.高蓬发型:(用回梳法或发垫隆起法)梳理成从头部蓬起样式的长发美国传统〔cajole〕To urge with gentle and repeated appeals, teasing, or flattery; wheedle.哄骗:用重复和温和的恳求、逗弄、谄媚来欺骗人;甜言蜜语地哄骗美国传统〔chaffer〕One who engages in banter or good-natured teasing.取笑者,逗弄者:开玩笑或善意戏谑的人美国传统〔charge〕He gets a charge out of teasing his sister.他逗弄妹妹寻开心。韦氏高阶〔coquette〕A woman who makes teasing sexual or romantic overtures; a flirt.卖弄风情的女人:作出性挑逗或多情表示的女人;卖弄风情美国传统〔delight〕Chris takes great delight in teasing his sister.克里斯以取笑妹妹为乐。朗文当代〔delight〕He seems to take great delight in (= enjoys) teasing his sister.他似乎觉得逗他妹妹玩很有趣。剑桥高阶〔delight〕He takes (a) delight in teasing his little sister.他以逗弄他的小妹妹为乐。英汉大词典〔devilish〕Mischievous, teasing, or annoying.有害的、调皮的或打搅美国传统〔dish sth out〕He’s mad at me for teasing him – he can dish it out, but he can’t take it! 他非常生气我取笑他­——他可以这样对别人,却受不了别人这样对他。剑桥高阶〔frolic〕To engage in merrymaking, joking, or teasing.闹着玩:参予取乐、开玩笑或戏弄别人美国传统〔get huffy〕Now, don't get huffy —I was only teasing.喏,别生气——我只是在开玩笑。韦氏高阶〔get〕After a while his teasing started to get to me.过了一会儿,他的挑逗就开始让我不舒服了。麦克米伦高阶〔get〕You're going to get it if you don't stop teasing me! 如果你还继续取笑我,看你不受到惩罚才怪!麦克米伦高阶〔give as good as you get〕There's a lot of teasing and fighting among the crew, and you have to be able to give as good as you get.船员们会经常相互挑衅打斗,你一定要以牙还牙。剑桥高阶〔give over〕She gave over teasing and grinned at him.她不再取笑他,只是朝他咧着嘴笑。柯林斯高阶〔in no mood〕Quit teasing him. He's obviously in no mood for joking.别取笑他。他显然没心情开玩笑。韦氏高阶〔jolly〕To amuse oneself with humorous or teasing banter.戏谑:以幽默或戏谑的嘲弄而愉悦某人美国传统〔josh〕A teasing or joking remark.玩笑话:逗趣或开玩笑的话美国传统〔kid〕Informal To engage in teasing or good-humored fooling.【非正式用语】 取笑人;好意地欺骗某人美国传统〔lash out〕I was only teasing him and suddenly he lashed out (at me) and hit me in the face.我只是在和他闹着玩,他却突然动起手来,一拳打在我的脸上。剑桥高阶〔mad〕If you keep teasing that dog, you'll make/get him mad.一直挑逗那只狗会惹怒它的。韦氏高阶〔needle〕Informal A goading, provoking, or teasing remark or act.【非正式用语】 剌激性言行:刺激的、激励的、嘲笑的言论或行为美国传统〔only〕He was only teasing you.他只是逗你玩玩罢了。牛津高阶〔poised〕His manner was perfectly poised between gravity and teasing.他的言谈举止既不严肃,又非调侃,真是恰到好处。牛津搭配〔puckish〕He got a puckish delight out of teasing his sister.他逗弄他的妹妹从而得到一种恶作剧的乐趣。英汉大词典〔put-on〕The act of teasing or misleading someone, especially for amusement.哄骗:戏弄或误导某人,尤指开玩笑美国传统〔raillery〕An instance of bantering or teasing.打趣的事,逗弄的事美国传统〔raillery〕Good-natured teasing or ridicule; banter.打趣,取笑:善意的取笑或逗弄;打趣美国传统〔rally〕To engage in good-humored teasing or jesting.开玩笑:进行善意地取笑或开玩笑美国传统〔ribbing〕Informal The act or an instance of joking or teasing.【非正式用语】 取笑,嘲笑:玩笑或戏弄的行动或实例美国传统〔rib〕Slang A teasing remark or action; a joke.【俚语】 嘲弄:嘲弄的评论或行为;玩笑美国传统〔rise〕Just ignore his teasing you — he's just trying to take a rise out of you.你别理他对你的嘲弄,他就是有意要惹你恼火。英汉大词典〔self-control〕He showed great self-control when they were teasing him.别人开他玩笑,他表现出极大的自制。牛津同义词〔signal〕He likes her but he is sending the wrong signals with his constant teasing.他喜欢她,可是他不断的戏弄给了她错误的信号。韦氏高阶〔stand up〕She finally stood up to the girl who had been teasing her at school.她终于站起来反抗那个在学校里老捉弄她的女孩了。韦氏高阶〔take〕I was just teasing him, but he took it the wrong way.我不过是逗逗他,但他却领会错了。剑桥高阶〔teasable〕He is only teasing. Don't take it so seriously.他不过是戏弄而已,别太当回事儿。21世纪英汉〔tease up〕He is teasing up a picture.他正在修整一幅画。21世纪英汉〔teaser〕One that teases, as a device for teasing wool.起绒机:使…起绒的机器,如使羊毛起绒的设备美国传统〔tease〕Don't get upset. I was only teasing .别生气,我只是在逗你玩。朗文当代〔tease〕Don't get upset—I was only teasing.别不高兴,我只是在逗你玩。牛津高阶〔tease〕Don't get upset-I was only teasing.别生气 - 我逗你玩儿呢。牛津搭配〔tease〕He and his wife enjoy teasing each other about their different tastes in music.他和太太喜欢彼此取笑各自不同的音乐品位。韦氏高阶〔tease〕He told her how the boys in East Poldown had set on him, teasing him.他告诉她东波尔顿的男孩们是如何攻击他、嘲笑他的。柯林斯高阶〔tease〕I didn't mean it: I was only teasing.我不是说真的,我只是闹着玩而已。麦克米伦高阶〔tease〕I thought she was teasing, playing the innocent, but looking back, I'm not so sure.我当时以为她是在勾引我,装纯情,不过现在回想起来,我又说不准了。柯林斯高阶〔tease〕I was just teasing, I didn't mean to upset you.我只是在开玩笑,不是有意要惹你难过的。剑桥高阶〔tease〕I was only teasing.我只是开个玩笑。外研社新世纪〔tease〕John's always teasing me about my accent.约翰老是拿我的口音寻开心。麦克米伦高阶〔tease〕She combed her hair, gently teasing out the knots.她梳理着头发,轻轻地把结梳开。朗文当代〔tease〕She has been teasing her mother all day for some money.她一整天缠着母亲要钱。英汉大词典〔tease〕She tolerated the teasing, until the fourth grade.她忍受着别人的嘲笑,一直忍到四年级。柯林斯高阶〔tease〕Stop teasing that poor animal!别再逗弄那只可怜的动物了!外研社新世纪〔tease〕Stop teasing the cat! 别再招惹那只猫了!朗文当代〔tease〕Stop teasing us and tell us who your surprise guest is.别逗了,告诉我们你的神秘嘉宾是谁。韦氏高阶〔tease〕Take no notice of them — they're only teasing.别理他们——他们只是打趣而已。英汉大词典〔tease〕The act of teasing.戏弄:戏弄的行为美国传统〔tease〕The boy is teasing the cat.男孩在逗弄猫儿。英汉大词典〔tease〕The boy's mother told him to stop teasing the dog.男孩的妈妈叫他别去招惹那条狗。韦氏高阶〔tease〕There was some affectionate teasing about the way he was dressed.他的穿着招来了一些善意的调侃。韦氏高阶〔tease〕To deal with or have an effect on as if by teasing.纠缠:好象用哄的方法对付或施加影响美国传统〔teasing〕He's big enough to handle the teasing.他长大了, 能应对人们的嘲弄。外研社新世纪〔teasing〕I was annoyed by their teasing.他们逗弄我,叫我着恼。牛津同义词〔teasing〕She glanced at him with a teasing smile.她瞥了他一眼, 挑逗性地朝他一笑。外研社新世纪〔teasing〕Smith was at his most teasing.史密斯完全是在开玩笑。外研社新世纪〔teasing〕Smith was at his most teasing.史密斯完全是在开玩笑。柯林斯高阶〔teasing〕There was a teasing note in his voice.他话音里有嘲弄的意味。外研社新世纪〔time〕For the umpteenth/hundredth/thousandth time, (= I've told you on many occasions to) stop teasing your sister.我无数次/上百次/上千次告诉过你,别再戏弄你妹妹了。剑桥高阶Alex takes delight in (= enjoys) teasing his sister.亚力克斯以取笑他妹妹为乐。剑桥国际He suspected that Laura was teasing him. 他怀疑罗拉是在挑逗他。译典通I was only teasing (= joking), I didn't mean to upset you.我只是开个玩笑,我不是故意让你心烦的。剑桥国际I was only teasing him about his spots and suddenly he lashed out ( at me) and hit me in the face.我不过取笑他的粉刺,他突然朝我打来,击中了我的脸。剑桥国际She can't take him teasing her.她无法忍受他的取笑。剑桥国际She delights in teasing her younger sister. 她以逗弄妹妹为乐。译典通She enjoys baiting her brother by teasing him about his strange hobbies.她喜欢以取笑弟弟的怪癖来欺负他。剑桥国际She has been teasing her mother all morning for a new dress. 她整个上午缠著她妈妈要一件新的洋装。译典通She knows how to ruffle his feathers (= upset or annoy him) with her teasing.她知道如何用她的玩笑激怒他。剑桥国际She takes delight in teasing her younger sister. 她以逗弄妹妹为乐。译典通The dog may bite you if you keep teasing him. 要是你不停地逗惹那条狗,它也许会咬你。译典通We were only teasing her about her spots when she suddenly struck out in all directions (= started hitting people uncontrollably).我们不过是拿她的雀斑开玩笑可她却突然像发疯似的乱打人。剑桥国际




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