

单词 sprit
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Puck〕A mischievous sprite in English folklore.小妖精:英格兰民间传说中的一个淘气的精灵美国传统〔brownie〕A small sprite thought to do helpful work at night.棕仙:传说中夜间帮人干活的小精灵美国传统〔hob〕Chiefly British A hobgoblin, a sprite, or an elf.【多用于英国】 淘气鬼:淘气的妖精、鬼怪或小精灵美国传统〔nix〕A water sprite of German mythology, usually in human form or half-human and half-fish.水中精灵:德国民间传说中的水妖,一般说它象人形或一半象人,一半象鱼美国传统〔pixy〕A fairylike or elfin creature, especially one that is mischievous; a playful sprite.小精灵,小淘气:神话中的小精灵,尤指那种很淘气的;小调皮美国传统〔spirit〕A fairy or sprite.神话或精灵美国传统〔spritsail〕A sail extended by a sprit.撑杆帆:被斜撑杆支撑的帆美国传统〔water sprite〕A sprite or nymph that inhabits or haunts a body of water.水妖:居住在水里或出没于水里的妖或仙女美国传统It is said that little water sprites lived in this river. 传说这条河里住有小水妖。译典通Sometimes this beautiful girl could be a disheveled little sprite. 有时这个漂亮的姑娘会是个衣冠不整的调皮捣蛋的小家伙。译典通Those who claimed to have seen sprites were reluctant to reveal their names. 那些自称曾看见过鬼魂的人不愿意披露他们的姓名。译典通




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