

单词 symbolic
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Boolean algebra〕An algebraic system with two binary operations and an identity element that is used in symbolic logic and in logic circuits in computer science.布尔代数:一种用同一元素和二进位演算的代数学体系,用于符号逻辑和计算机科学中的逻辑电路美国传统〔assembler〕Computer Science A program operating on symbolic input data to produce the equivalent executable machine code.【计算机科学】 汇编:以符号输入数据产生相当机器语言程序的软件美国传统〔assembly time〕The time required for an assembler to translate symbolic language into machine instructions.汇编时间:程序将符号语言转换为机器指令所需的时间美国传统〔assembly〕Computer Science The automatic translation of symbolic code into machine code.【计算机科学】 汇编:符号信息向机器语言的自动转换美国传统〔balance〕Mathematics Equality with respect to the net number of reduced symbolic quantities on each side of an equation.【数学】 平衡式:在等式两边有关约减符号数量的净值均等美国传统〔baptism〕A religious sacrament marked by the symbolic use of water and resulting in admission of the recipient into the community of Christians.洗礼,浸礼:宗教圣礼,象征性地用水洗浴,以表示受洗者被接受入基督教团体美国传统〔brotherhood〕People threw flowers into the river between the two countries as a symbolic act of brotherhood.人们把鲜花投进两国的界河里,以象征两国人民的兄弟情谊常在。柯林斯高阶〔calculus〕A method of analysis or calculation using a special symbolic notation.微积分:一种分析或计算的方法,运用特殊的符号表示法美国传统〔cross〕A symbolic representation of the structure on which Jesus was crucified.十字架上的图象:耶稣被钉死在上面的十字架的象征性图象美国传统〔emblematic〕Of, relating to, or serving as an emblem; symbolic.象征的:象征的、与象征有关的或作为象征的;象征性的美国传统〔figurative〕Represented by a figure or resemblance; symbolic or emblematic.象征的:用形象或相似物代表的;象征的或典型的美国传统〔formula〕A symbolic representation of the composition or of the composition and structure of a compound.分子式:表示化学物质成分或组成方式的符号表达式美国传统〔gesture〕Gesture may be deliberate or symbolic.打手势可有有意或者象征性之分。英汉大词典〔gesture〕Tearing up the price list was simply a symbolic gesture .撕碎价格表只是一种象征性的表示。朗文当代〔gesture〕They lit candles as a symbolic gesture.他们象征性地点燃蜡烛。外研社新世纪〔glyph〕A symbolic figure that is usually engraved or incised.雕刻的文字:常为印刻或雕刻的象征性文字美国传统〔iconography〕A set of specified or traditional symbolic forms associated with the subject or theme of a stylized work of art.与某一风格固定的艺术作品的主题或描述对象相联系的特殊或传统的一系列象征形式美国传统〔kleptomania〕An obsessive impulse to steal regardless of economic need, usually arising from an unconscious symbolic value associated with the stolen item.偷窃狂:一种不考虑经济需要的持续的要去偷窃的神经冲动,通常由与被偷窃的物品相关的无意识的象征性价值引起美国传统〔loaded〕The President's visit is loaded with symbolic significance.总统之行充满象征性意义。柯林斯高阶〔loaded〕The President's visit is loaded with symbolic significance.这位总统的访问具有重大的象征意义。外研社新世纪〔logistic〕Of or relating to symbolic logic.象征派逻辑的:象征派逻辑的或与象征派逻辑有关的美国传统〔love feast〕A similar symbolic meal among certain modern Christian sects.联谊聚餐:在某些现代基督教派间类似象征意义的聚餐美国传统〔mandala〕Any of various ritualistic geometric designs symbolic of the universe, used in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation.曼荼罗:任一种印度教和佛教所用到的帮助禅定的象征宇宙的几何图形美国传统〔mudra〕A series of symbolic body postures and hand movements used in East Indian classical dancing.手印:东印度古典舞中一系列有象征意义的手势或肢体语言美国传统〔removal〕In a symbolic move, the new government ordered the removal of the dictator's statue.作为象征性的举动,新政府下令移走独裁者的塑像。牛津搭配〔representation〕The clock in the painting is a symbolic representation of the passage of time.画上的时钟是对光阴流逝的象征性描绘。朗文当代〔sculpture〕He worked on the symbolic monumental sculpture for Oscar Wilde's tomb.他为奥斯卡・王尔德的墓地雕刻了一尊具有象征意义的纪念雕塑。牛津搭配〔significance〕The ceremony has great symbolic significance.该仪式有重大的象征意义。牛津搭配〔software〕The programs, routines, and symbolic languages that control the functioning of the hardware and direct its operation.软件:控制计算机硬件功能及指示其运行的程序、子程序和符号语言美国传统〔substantive〕These changes are more symbolic than substantive.这些转变与其说是实质性的,不如说是象征性的。韦氏高阶〔symbolic address〕An address expressed in symbolic form as a convenience to the programmer.符号地址:为便于程序员使用的,以符号形式表示的地址美国传统〔symbolically〕A lot of Latin-American officials are stressing the symbolic importance of the trip.许多拉丁美洲的官员都在强调此行的重要象征意义。柯林斯高阶〔symbolically〕The change from long to short hair is symbolic of the woman's need for change in her whole life.一个女人把长发剪短就表示她想要改变生活。柯林斯高阶〔symbolically〕The move today was largely symbolic.今天的举动在很大程度上只是象征性的。柯林斯高阶〔symbolically〕Yellow clothes are worn as symbolic of spring.穿上黄色的衣服象征着春天来了。柯林斯高阶〔symbolic〕A lot of Latin-American officials are stressing the symbolic importance of the trip.许多拉丁美洲官员在强调此行重要的象征意义。外研社新世纪〔symbolic〕A map is a form of symbolic representation.地图是一种符号表示形式。朗文当代〔symbolic〕Each element of the ceremony has a symbolic meaning .仪式的每一个环节都具有象征意义。朗文当代〔symbolic〕Five hundred troops were sent in, more as a symbolic gesture than as a real threat.派来500人的部队,只是一个象征性的举动,并不构成实质性的威胁。剑桥高阶〔symbolic〕His designs contain symbolic representations of landscape.他的设计含有对景观的符号化呈现。外研社新世纪〔symbolic〕His refusal to accept the honour was seen as highly symbolic.他拒绝接受这份荣誉被认为颇具象征意义。牛津搭配〔symbolic〕It was a largely symbolic gesture from a government trying to win support.这在很大程度上是一个希望赢得支持的政府所作出的象征性姿态。朗文当代〔symbolic〕It was highly symbolic that she named her son after our father.她用我们父亲的名字给她的儿子取名是非常有象征意义的。麦克米伦高阶〔symbolic〕The Channel Tunnel has enormous symbolic significance for a united Europe.英吉利海峡隧道对于建立一个统一的欧洲具有重大的象征意义。牛津高阶〔symbolic〕The case became symbolic of racial tension in society.这起案件成了社会种族关系紧张的象征。牛津搭配〔symbolic〕The cross is symbolic of Christianity.十字架象征基督教。文馨英汉〔symbolic〕The dove is symbolic of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。牛津高阶〔symbolic〕The dove is symbolic of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。韦氏高阶〔symbolic〕The lighting of the candles is symbolic.烛光具有象征意义。韦氏高阶〔symbolic〕The move today was largely symbolic.今天的行动很大程度上是象征性的。外研社新世纪〔symbolic〕The protest was a symbolic gesture of anger at official policy.这次抗议是对官方政策极度不满的一种表示。朗文当代〔symbolic〕The role of monarch is a purely symbolic one.君主的作用纯粹是象征性的。牛津搭配〔symbolic〕The sharing of the wine has symbolic meaning.分享红酒具有象征意义。韦氏高阶〔symbolic〕The skull at the bottom of the picture is symbolic of death.图片底部的骷髅象征死亡。剑桥高阶〔symbolic〕The wedding rings are symbolic of their love.结婚戒指是他们爱情的象征。麦克米伦高阶〔symbolic〕These two objects are symbolic of life and death.这两件物品象征着生和死。牛津搭配〔symbolic〕This is a gruesome and heavily symbolic tale.这是个富有象征意义的恐怖故事。牛津搭配〔symbolic〕This meeting has great symbolic importance for the people of Ireland.这个会议对爱尔兰人民有很重要的象征意义。麦克米伦高阶〔symbolic〕Today's fighting is symbolic of the chaos which the country is facing.今天的冲突意味着那个国家正面临混乱的局面。朗文当代〔symbolic〕Wedding rings are symbolic of eternal love.婚戒象征永恒的爱。韦氏高阶〔symbolic〕Yellow clothes are worn as symbolic of spring.穿上黄色的衣服象征着春天来了。外研社新世纪〔symbolism〕A symbolic meaning or representation.象征意义或象征美国传统〔symbolism〕The practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events, or relationships.符号使用,象征使用:用符号来代表事物的方法或赋于物体、事件或关系象征性意义或重要性的作法美国传统〔synonym〕A word or an expression that serves as a figurative or symbolic substitute for another.换喻词:作为另一个词的比喻或象征性意义的代替词或短语美国传统〔tokenism〕The policy of making only a perfunctory effort or symbolic gesture toward the accomplishment of a goal, such as racial integration.表面文章:一种只对一个要完成的目标、如种族融合而作一些随意的努力或象征性的姿态的策略美国传统〔unicorn〕A fabled creature symbolic of virginity and usually represented as a horse with a single straight spiraled horn projecting from its forehead.独角兽,麒麟:一种虚构的代表童贞的动物,通常表示为一匹马,有直螺旋状的独角从它的额部突出美国传统〔well〕It has symbolic as well as economic significance.它不仅有重要的经济意义, 还有重要的象征意义。外研社新世纪Five hundred troops were sent in, more as a symbolic gesture than as a real threat.派来500人的部队与其说是一种威胁,不如说是一种象征性的姿态。剑桥国际Several of Epstein's symbolic sculptures resulted in accusations of indecency and blasphemy.爱泼斯坦的几座象征主义雕塑被谴责为下流和对上帝的亵渎。剑桥国际The symbolic importance of the release of the first two hostages cannot be overestimated.释放头两名人质的象征性价值评价再高也不过份。剑桥国际The skull at the bottom of the picture is symbolic of death.图片底部的骷髅象征死亡。剑桥国际The snake is symbolic of evil. 蛇象征邪恶。译典通To the lay mind, symbolic logic can be very difficult.对外行的人来讲,符号逻辑可能非常难。剑桥国际




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