

单词 sure enough
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bad〕Sure enough, Steve turned up like the proverbial bad penny (=suddenly appeared) .史蒂夫果然冒了出来,就像俗话里说的讨债鬼一样。朗文当代〔splash〕Sure enough we managed to create quite a splash.果然, 我们成功引起了很大的轰动。外研社新世纪〔sure enough〕He said he'd left the book on the desk, and sure enough, there it was.他说他把书放在桌上了,果然,书就在那儿。剑桥高阶〔sure enough〕We were finally ready to go outside, and sure enough, it started to rain.我们最后准备出发时,不出所料,天开始下雨了。韦氏高阶〔sure〕Sure enough, Mike managed to get lost.果然,迈克把自己弄迷路了。朗文当代〔sure〕And, sure enough, the sun was starting to come up.果然, 太阳开始升起来了。外研社新世纪〔sure〕I had a feeling we'd get lost, and sure enough, we did.我有一种感觉,我们会迷路的,果真如此。麦克米伦高阶〔sure〕I said he'd forget, and sure enough he did.我说他会忘记,他果然就忘了。牛津高阶〔sure〕I was in a shop when I saw a lady looking carefully at me. She'd recognised me, and sure enough, she came across.我正在逛商店,突然看到一位女士在仔细地打量我。她认出了我,果不其然,她走了过来。柯林斯高阶〔sure〕We found the English treacle pudding too good to resist. Sure enough, it was delicious.我们觉得英国糖蜜布丁太好吃了,令人无法抗拒。的确非常美味。柯林斯高阶He said he'd left the book on the desk, and sure enough (= as expected), there it was.他说把书忘在书桌上了,果然,它就在那儿。剑桥国际




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