

单词 steel industry
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕There was a lack of managerial and technical know-how in the steel industry. 钢铁业缺乏管理方面和技术方面的实际知识。朗文写作活用〔PROVIDE/SUPPLY〕The steel industry depends on a regular supply of raw materials. 钢铁工业依赖原材料的定期补给。朗文写作活用〔ahead〕New technology points the way ahead for our steel industry.将来的方式麦克米伦高阶〔ail〕A full-scale debate is under way on what ails the steel industry.人们正在就钢铁行业的弊端进行全面讨论。外研社新世纪〔ail〕They discussed the problems ailing the steel industry.他们讨论了困扰钢铁工业的问题。牛津高阶〔coddle〕The steel industry is coddled by trade protection and massive subsidies.钢铁产业受到贸易保护和巨额补贴的双重呵护。剑桥高阶〔computerize〕The steel industry is going to computerize.钢铁工业将计算机化。英汉大词典〔course〕Over the course of the next few years, the steel industry was reorganized.在接下来的几年里,钢铁工业进行了重组。朗文当代〔fix〕There is no quick fix for the steel industry.钢铁工业的问题没有即时解决的办法。牛津高阶〔hammer〕The decision is a hammer blow for the steel industry.这一决定对于钢铁业是一个沉重的打击。牛津高阶〔implication〕The economic implications for the steel industry will be far-reaching.对钢铁工业在经济上的影响将是深远的。麦克米伦高阶〔intervention〕He has made repeated calls for government intervention to save the steel industry.他多次呼吁政府介入干预以挽救钢铁工业。牛津搭配〔lay〕Millions of people have been laid off in the steel industry.钢铁行业有数百万人遭解雇。朗文当代〔move〕The government may move in on the steel industry.政府可能对钢铁工业进行控制。 英汉大词典〔over〕There are worries over the future of the steel industry.人们对钢铁工业的未来感到担忧。麦克米伦高阶〔plough into〕Huge sums of private capital will be ploughed into the ailing steel industry.巨额私人资本将被投入处境堪忧的钢铁工业。外研社新世纪〔pose〕This could pose a threat to jobs in the steel industry.这可能会对钢铁工业的就业造成威胁。外研社新世纪〔productivity〕Productivity in the steel industry improved by five percent last year.钢铁工业的生产率去年提高了5%。剑桥高阶〔pump〕Government funds are being pumped into the ailing steel industry.大笔政府资金被投入面临困境的钢铁产业。外研社新世纪〔run〕The decision was taken to let the steel industry run down.作出这个决定是为了让钢铁工业逐渐缩小规模。麦克米伦高阶〔structural〕Structural changes were needed in the steel industry.钢铁工业需要进行结构性改变。麦克米伦高阶〔witness〕Recent years have witnessed the collapse of the steel industry.近几年钢铁产业崩溃了。朗文当代His father is a big shot in the steel industry. 他父亲是钢铁业的大人物。译典通Mounting overcapacity in the steel industry is driving prices down.钢铁行业生产能力日益过剩正促使价格下降。牛津商务Productivity in the steel industry improved by 5% last year.钢铁工业的生产率去年提高了5% 。剑桥国际The steel industry is coddled by trade protection and massive public subsidies.钢铁工业处在贸易保护和巨额的政府补贴的照顾之下。剑桥国际The steel industry is struggling due to oversupply.钢铁业由于供过于求而举步维艰。牛津商务The latest figures reflect the dire state of the steel industry.最新的数字反映出钢铁行业的惨淡状况。牛津商务The local steel industry is protected through import curbs.通过进口限制来保护地方钢铁产业。牛津商务There is no quick fix for the steel industry.钢铁工业的问题没有快速的解决方法。牛津商务




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