

单词 sunday paper
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JUDGE〕As well as being an author, she reviews books for the Sunday papers. 她不仅是位作家,而且还为周日的报纸写书评。朗文写作活用〔NEWSPAPERS〕I like to sit in bed and read the Sunday papers. 我喜欢坐在床上看星期日的报纸。朗文写作活用〔advertisement〕The Sunday papers are full of advertisements for cars.星期日的报纸上全是汽车广告。朗文当代〔advertise〕Many companies will only advertise in the Sunday paper.许多公司只会在周日报纸上刊登广告。朗文当代〔bad〕The show got a really bad review in the Sunday paper.这个节目在周日报纸上评论极差。麦克米伦高阶〔blaze〕The Sunday papers touched on the matter, the Monday papers blazed with the news.星期日的报纸触及了这件事,而星期一的报纸把这消息醒目地登载出来。英汉大词典〔cartoon〕She enjoys reading the cartoons in the Sunday paper.她很喜欢看周日报纸上的连环漫画。韦氏高阶〔excerpt〕An excerpt of the speech appeared in the Sunday paper.演讲的节选刊登在周日的报上。朗文当代〔frown〕Stephen frowned at Lily over the top of the Sunday paper.斯蒂芬越过星期日报纸的上端朝莉莉皱了皱眉。麦克米伦高阶〔intacta〕The People's readers found their favourite Sunday paper intacta this week.《人民报》的读者发觉这一周他们爱看的星期日版仍保持原来的内容安排。英汉大词典〔paper〕The story was all over the Sunday papers.所有的周日报纸都大事报道这件事。朗文当代〔riffle〕They riffled the Sunday papers.他们随手翻看各种星期日版报纸。英汉大词典There have been several book serializations in the Sunday papers lately.近来星期日报纸上连载刊登了好几本书。剑桥国际




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