

单词 strong
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕big enough, strong enough, old enough etc 足够大、足够结实、够年龄等朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕strong and healthy, and able to deal with illnesses, difficult conditions etc 强壮健康,能经受疾病、艰苦的条件等朗文写作活用〔academia〕the importance of strong links between industry and academia工业界和学术界建立牢固联系的重要性外研社新世纪〔amateurism〕a strong supporter of amateurism in sports 强烈支持业余体育运动的人韦氏高阶〔bonding〕the strong bond between church and nation.教会和国家之间紧密相连的关系柯林斯高阶〔break with〕a strong desire to break with tradition/the past 与传统/过去决裂的强烈愿望韦氏高阶〔coffee〕a mug of strong black coffee 一大杯浓浓的清咖啡牛津搭配〔complementarity〕a strong complementarity of interests不同兴趣之间的相辅相成外研社新世纪〔drive〕a strong sexual drive 强烈的性欲牛津高阶〔evoke〕evoke a strong response 引起强烈反响英汉大词典〔feature〕his strong handsome features 他轮廓分明的英俊面孔牛津高阶〔finisher〕a strong finisher冲刺能力强的运动员外研社新世纪〔game〕a football team with a strong running/passing game 善于跑阵进攻/传球进攻的橄榄球队韦氏高阶〔hint〕a dish with a strong hint of garlic 一盘蒜味很重的菜肴牛津搭配〔impel〕to be impelled by strong passion为激情所驱使21世纪英汉〔inclination〕have a strong inclination toward study 渴望学习英汉大词典〔mass〕the strong temperature difference between the two masses of air.两个气团之间强烈的温差柯林斯高阶〔mind〕be strong in mind and body 身心强健英汉大词典〔motivation〕the strong motivation provided by the premium system 奖金制所提供的强大刺激英汉大词典〔network〕a strong network of friends 牢固的朋友网牛津搭配〔overall〕overalls Loose-fitting trousers, usually of strong fabric, with a bib front and shoulder straps, often worn over regular clothing as protection from dirt. overalls 宽松的裤子,工装裤:常由坚固织物制成的宽松的裤子,前有围裙的上部分,肩有背带;常穿于普通衣服外面以挡尘土美国传统〔overran〕to overrun a strong enemy战胜强大的敌人21世纪英汉〔peoplehood〕a strong sense of peoplehood 强烈的民族感英汉大词典〔phrase〕an article phrased in strong clear language 一篇措辞强硬而明确的文章英汉大词典〔presence〕a company with a strong presence in all major world markets 在世界主要市场都很有势力的公司朗文当代〔presumption〕a strong presumption of guilt 有说服力的有罪推定牛津搭配〔quality〕a woman with strong leadership qualities 领导才能麦克米伦高阶〔showing〕the euro's strong showing against the dollar 欧元相对美元的坚挺表现牛津搭配〔spirit〕a young team with strong fighting spirit 一支斗志坚强的年轻队伍朗文当代〔strong〕strong black coffee 不加牛奶的浓咖啡牛津高阶〔strong〕strong cheese 味道浓的奶酪韦氏高阶〔strong〕strong cheese 味重的奶酪牛津高阶〔strong〕strong drink.烈酒。牛津同义词〔strong〕strong language.措辞激烈的语言美国传统〔strong〕strong punch.烈性潘趣酒美国传统〔strong〕strong reasons 十足的理由英汉大词典〔strong〕strong resistance.强大的抵抗。美国传统〔strong〕a strong German accent 浓重的德国口音朗文当代〔strong〕a strong blow 有力的一击英汉大词典〔strong〕a strong character/personality 坚定的性格/个性韦氏高阶〔strong〕a strong economy.繁荣的经济美国传统〔strong〕a strong friendship/marriage/partnership 深厚的友谊/稳固的婚姻/牢靠的伙伴关系麦克米伦高阶〔strong〕a strong leader.有力的领导者美国传统〔strong〕a strong light 强光韦氏高阶〔strong〕a strong market.市场坚挺美国传统〔strong〕a strong person.强壮的人。牛津同义词〔strong〕a strong personality 坚强的个性牛津高阶〔strong〕a strong socialist 坚定的社会主义者英汉大词典〔strong〕an especially strong conviction/commitment 坚定的信念;坚决的承诺韦氏高阶〔strong〕be strong in beliefs 信仰坚定英汉大词典〔strong〕express strong criticism of 对…进行激烈的批评英汉大词典〔strong〕run strong in an election 以坚强实力参加竞选英汉大词典〔strong〕take strong measures 采取激烈的措拖英汉大词典〔strong〕the company's 2,200 strong workforce 公司达 2200 多人的员工朗文当代〔swirl〕strong swirling winds 强劲的旋风韦氏高阶〔twine〕a strong piece of twine 一段很结实的多股线韦氏高阶〔unity〕a leader who gave her people a strong sense of unity 给人民带来紧密团结意识的女性领袖牛津搭配〔upward〕strong upward currents of air 向上的强大气流麦克米伦高阶〔utterance〕a word that by its very utterance tends to elicit strong emotion 一说出便能引起强烈情感的词韦氏高阶〔vibrant〕a strong vibrant market economy 强大活跃的市场经济麦克米伦高阶




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