

单词 succeed in
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGREE〕The oil company has just succeeded in closing a deal for the land. 石油公司刚刚完成了一笔土地交易。朗文写作活用〔BELIEVE〕She succeeded in persuading the jury to accept her version of the events. 她成功地说服了陪审团接受她对事件的看法。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕These steps are necessary if the company is to succeed in the European market. 该公司要在欧洲市场取得成功,必须采取这些步骤。朗文写作活用〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕Well-organized rebel forces have succeeded in recapturing the town. 严整有序的叛军成功地夺回小镇。朗文写作活用〔Galahad〕In Arthurian legend, the purest of the Knights of the Round Table who alone succeeded in the quest for the Holy Grail.格拉海德:在亚瑟王传说中,他是圆桌骑士中最纯洁的一位且独自一人找到了圣杯美国传统〔LUCKY〕You'll need plenty of luck if you're hoping to succeed in the music business. 如果你希望在音乐行业获得成功,得需要相当大的运气。朗文写作活用〔SUSPECT〕They have succeeded in bringing many suspected terrorists to justice. 他们已经把不少嫌疑恐怖分子绳之以法。朗文写作活用〔ambitious〕You must be ambitious to succeed in business.你要在商业方面成功,必须有抱负才行。牛津同义词〔code〕She managed to decipher/break/crack (= succeed in understanding) the code.她成功地破译了密码。剑桥高阶〔dictatorship〕They succeeded in overthrowing the fascist dictatorship.他们成功推翻了法西斯独裁统治。牛津搭配〔far〕He started to explain, but he didn't get far (=he did not succeed in saying very much) before Mary interrupted him.他开始解释起来,但没说几句就被玛丽打断了。朗文当代〔few〕Sometimes as few as 20 out of 500 or more candidates succeed in passing all the tests.有时,500 名或更多的候选人中只有 20 名能通过所有测试。朗文当代〔filibuster〕The Conservative bloc succeeded in killing the bill by filibuster.保守党集团用阻挠手段成功否决了议案。英汉大词典〔force〕The demonstrations have succeeded in forcing the pace of change.示威成功地促使改革进程加快。牛津高阶〔gammon〕A victory in backgammon reached before the loser has succeeded in removing a single piece.全胜:在西洋十五子棋戏中对方一个棋子还没赢之前获胜美国传统〔get〕To succeed in making contact; reach.到达:成功地和…联络;到达美国传统〔intention〕I did it with the best (of) intentions(= meaning to help), but I only succeeded in annoying them.我的原意是要帮忙,却惹得他们生气了。牛津高阶〔join〕They finally succeeded in joining the two forces.他们最终成功地使两支军队会师了。21世纪英汉〔law〕He went to law and did not succeed in his claim against us.他把我们告上了法庭, 但没有告赢。外研社新世纪〔melodramatic〕Most people who saw the play felt that he succeeded in his melodramatic role.大多数看过这部戏剧的人都觉得, 他成功地塑造了这个戏剧角色。外研社新世纪〔negotiate〕He succeeded in negotiating British entry into the European Community.他通过谈判成功地使英国加入欧洲共同体。外研社新世纪〔nevertheless〕There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try.我们几乎没有可能改变法律。不过,重要的是我们要努力争取。牛津高阶〔persevere〕He persevered with his task until he had succeeded in collecting an armful of firewood.他坚持不懈完成任务,找来了一抱柴火。朗文当代〔persist〕If you persist, you’ll succeed in the end.要是你持之以恆,末了就能成功。牛津同义词〔play sb at their own game〕If women want to succeed in business, they have to play men at their own game.如果女人想在业务上取得成功,她们必须用男人的方法和男人周旋。剑桥高阶〔retreat〕We succeeded in cutting off the enemy's line of retreat.我们成功地截断了敌人的撤退路线。牛津搭配〔retrofit〕A state program to retrofit engines with pollution controls has succeeded in reducing pollution from trains.州政府对引擎加装污染控制系统的计划成功地降低了火车的污染状况。剑桥高阶〔ruthless〕She showed a ruthless determination to succeed in her career.她铁了心肠要获得事业上的成功。麦克米伦高阶〔succeed〕Grass will not succeed in this dry soil.在这种干燥的土壤上,草是无法生长的。21世纪英汉〔succeed〕If marriage is to succeed in the 1990's, then people have to recognise the new pressures it is facing.在 20 世纪 90 年代人们要想婚姻美满,那就不得不认识到它所面临的新压力。柯林斯高阶〔succeed〕Richard succeeded in offending (= managed unintentionally to offend) just about everybody in the room! 理查德成功地把房间里所有的人都得罪了!剑桥高阶〔succeed〕We have already succeeded in working out ground rules with the Department of Defense.我们已经成功地与国防部敲定了基本原则。柯林斯高阶〔succeed〕You need to be pretty tough to succeed in the property world.要想在房地产界出人头地,你必须要坚忍不拔。剑桥高阶〔take〕The rebels succeeded in taking the town.反叛者攻占了那个城镇。牛津高阶〔trace〕They succeeded in tracing the Yellow River to its source.他们成功地追溯到黄河的源头。文馨英汉〔tragedy〕The pilot averted a tragedy when he succeeded in preventing the plane from crashing.飞行员成功阻止了飞机的坠毁,从而避免了一场悲剧。剑桥高阶〔worm into〕He succeeded in worming himself into power.他成功地爬进了掌权阶层。21世纪英汉He succeeded in getting the job. 他谋得了那份工作。译典通Rory expected to romp through the test and interviews (= succeed in them without any effort).罗里希望轻而易举地通过考试与面试。剑桥国际The US Marines have succeeded in pushing through the enemy defences.美国海军陆战队成功地突破了敌人的防线。剑桥国际The enemy (= opposing armed forces) has/have succeeded in stopping our supplies from getting through.敌人已成功地阻断了我们供给的运入。剑桥国际The pilot averted a tragedy when he succeeded in preventing the plane from crashing.驾驶员成功地阻止了飞机的坠毁,避免了一场悲剧。剑桥国际The prime minister succeeded in surviving the challenge to his leadership/authority.首相的领导地位虽然受到挑战,但他还是挺了过来。剑桥国际They succeeded in cultivating fine breeds of silkworms. 他们成功地培育了优良的蚕种。译典通They succeeded in rocketing a satellite into orbit. 他们成功地用火箭把一颗卫星送入运行轨道。译典通They finally succeeded in extorting a reaction from the audience.他们最终得以勉强从观众处获取了一点反响。剑桥国际They were so pleased that they'd finally gotten to visit (= succeeded in visiting) England.他们为终于可以去英国观光而十分高兴。剑桥国际Union leaders have not succeeded in winning grass-roots support for the strike.工会领袖未赢得基层组织对罢工的支持。剑桥国际We have succeeded in speeding up our production rates in the last few months.最近几个月我们成功地提高了生产速度。剑桥国际You need to be pretty tough to succeed in the property world.你要在房地产界出人头地就必须相当坚忍。剑桥国际




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