

单词 tagged
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔fadeaway〕An act of sliding by a base runner during which the runner veers sideways to avoid being tagged.侧身滑垒:棒球跑垒员为避免被触的侧身滑垒美国传统〔home plate〕The runner was tagged out at home plate.那名跑垒员在本垒处被触杀出局。韦氏高阶〔home〕He was tagged out at home.他在本垒处被触杀出局。韦氏高阶〔identification〕The birds are tagged for easy identification.这些鸟被贴上标签以便于识别。韦氏高阶〔overrun〕John overran second base and was tagged out.约翰跑过二垒垒位因而被触杀出局。英汉大词典〔plate〕The runner was tagged out at the plate.跑垒员在本垒被触杀出局。韦氏高阶〔sex〕The birds must be weighed, sexed and tagged.必须对这些鸟称重,辨识雌雄并挂上标牌。柯林斯高阶〔sex〕The birds must be weighed, sexed and tagged.必须对这些鸟进行称重、雌雄鉴定和标示。外研社新世纪〔stag〕He tagged along stag with Tom.他跟着汤姆一块去赴会,没带女伴。英汉大词典〔tag ... on〕He tagged a poem on to his speech.他在演说后面加上了一首诗。21世纪英汉〔tag ... on〕He tagged on to a touring party.他紧跟在一个旅行团后面。21世纪英汉〔tag ... on〕He tagged on to us all the time.他老跟着我们。21世纪英汉〔tag along〕I don't know her, she just tagged along with us.我不认识她,她只是跟着我们。剑桥高阶〔tag on〕All these compound nouns consist of an adjective tagged on to a noun.所有这些复合名词都包含一个附加在名词上的形容词。外研社新世纪〔tag on〕Johnson tagged on a happy ending and changed the title to 'Life Begins at 8:30'.约翰逊为其添加了个圆满的结尾,并将标题改作《生活从 8:30 开始》。柯林斯高阶〔tag on〕The activists had tagged on to parties of tourists being shown around Buckingham Palace.激进主义分子跟在参观白金汉宫的游客们后面。外研社新世纪〔tag out〕The pitcher tagged him out on a steal of home.投手在他偷跑向本垒时触杀了他。21世纪英汉〔tag〕All the words are tagged with their part of speech.所有单词都标上了词性。朗文当代〔tag〕An apology was tagged onto the end of the letter.信的结尾顺便附了一句抱歉的话。牛津高阶〔tag〕Each animal was tagged with a number for identification.每只动物都系上了标有号码的小牌,以便辨认。牛津高阶〔tag〕Each bird was tagged and released into the wild.每只鸟都被挂上标牌放回大自然。朗文当代〔tag〕Every item is tagged with a number that identifies it.每件物品都被贴上识别用的序号标签。麦克米伦高阶〔tag〕Excited children tagged the circus parade to the end of its route.兴奋的孩子们紧跟在马戏团游行队伍后面直到游行路线的终点美国传统〔tag〕He tagged every item in the store.他把标签附贴在店里的每一件物品上。文馨英汉〔tag〕He tagged his article with a proverb.他在他那篇文章的结尾添加了一句谚语。文馨英汉〔tag〕He tagged his luggage with his name and address.他在他的行李上附贴他的姓名和住址。文馨英汉〔tag〕He tagged his speech with a poem.他用一首诗结束演讲。英汉大词典〔tag〕He tagged me with a string of insulting names.他给我加上一连串侮辱性的称呼。英汉大词典〔tag〕He is usually tagged 'the best prime minister Britain never had'.他通常被称为“英国历来最好的首相”。外研社新世纪〔tag〕His suitcase is tagged with his name and address.他的箱子上用标签标明他的姓名和地址。英汉大词典〔tag〕I tagged on a PS at the end of the letter.我在信末加了附言。牛津同义词〔tag〕I had you tagged from the start.打一开始,我就派人把你盯上了。英汉大词典〔tag〕Jeter was tagged out between second and third base.吉特在二垒和三垒之间被触杀出局。麦克米伦高阶〔tag〕Kate tagged along with mum and Vicky.凯特跟着妈妈和维基一起走了。朗文当代〔tag〕She has always lived in John's house and is still tagged 'Dad's girlfriend' by his children.她一直住在约翰家里,依然被他的孩子们称作“爸爸的女友”。柯林斯高阶〔tag〕She was tagged for speeding.她因超速被开罚单。文馨英汉〔tag〕She was tagged out by the catcher.她被接球手触杀出局。韦氏高阶〔tag〕Some of the children were already tagged as troublemakers.一些孩子已经被称作捣蛋鬼了。麦克米伦高阶〔tag〕Someone tagged the walls of the school.有人在学校的墙上乱写乱画。韦氏高阶〔tag〕The boys tagged along (或 on) behind the procession.男孩们跟着队伍走。英汉大词典〔tag〕The children tagged along [behind].那些小孩紧跟著来。文馨英汉〔tag〕The country no longer wanted to be tagged as a Third World nation.这个国家不愿意再被称为第三世界国家。牛津高阶〔tag〕The country no longer wants to be tagged as a Third World nation.该国不愿意再被称作第三世界国家。朗文当代〔tag〕The dog tagged his master.那条狗跟随著牠的主人。文馨英汉〔tag〕The items were tagged for the sale.这些商品贴上了特价出售的标签。韦氏高阶〔tag〕The most important trees were tagged to protect them from being damaged by construction machinery.最珍贵的树木都被贴上了标签,以防被建筑机械毁坏。柯林斯高阶〔tag〕The oldest trees were tagged to identify them.最古老的树木都贴了标签以便识别。外研社新世纪〔tag〕The picture was tagged at $100.这幅画标价100美元。英汉大词典〔tag〕The police officer tagged his car for overtime parking.那名警察给他的汽车贴上逾时停车的告发单。文馨英汉〔tag〕The runner tagged up and tried to score.跑垒员用脚触垒试图得分。韦氏高阶〔tag〕The runner at third tagged and tried to score on a fly ball to left field.三垒的跑垒员用脚触垒,试图凭借飞向左外野的高飞球得分。韦氏高阶〔tag〕The suspect was tagged for arson.该嫌疑犯被控纵火美国传统〔tag〕There were five of us to begin with, but before long two strangers had tagged themselves on to us.开始时我们一共五个,可是一会儿有两个陌生人跟上了我们。英汉大词典〔tag〕This information was tagged on at the end.这条消息被加在了最后。麦克米伦高阶〔tag〕This information was revealed in a throwaway line, tagged on to the end of a casual conversation.这个信息是在闲谈结束时漫不经心添上的一句话当中透露的。英汉大词典〔tag〕We tagged along at the end of the queue.我们尾随在一队人后面。牛津同义词〔tag〕We tagged him "Shorty" [(as) a shorty].我们给他「矮子」这个绰号。文馨英汉All goods are electronically tagged.所有商品都附有电子标签。牛津商务All his suitcases were tagged with his name and address. 他所有的手提箱都贴著有他名字和地址的标签。译典通Eighty records in the database have been tagged for deletion.数据库中的80个记录已经作了标记,准备删除。剑桥国际He tagged a request for more money on to the end of his speech. 他在讲话结束前附带提出要求更多的钱。译典通He tagged a request for more money to the end of his speech. 他在讲话结束前附带提出要求更多的钱。译典通He was tagged for libel. 他被指控犯了诽谤罪。译典通I don't know her, she just tagged along with/after/behind our group.我不认识她,她只是尾随在我们团的后面。剑桥国际I've tagged the pages I want you to read.我已在要你读的那几页里夹了书签。剑桥国际The boy was tagged a failure. 这男孩被人叫作不及格生。译典通The dog tagged along after me. 狗紧跟著我。译典通We know from the records kept of tagged birds that they return to the same place year after year.我们从带标志圈的鸟的记录上得知: 它们年年飞回同一个地方。剑桥国际




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