

单词 streamer
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DECORATE〕The whole street was decked out with flags and streamers to celebrate the wedding. 整条街上都挂满了彩旗和饰带来庆贺那个婚礼。朗文写作活用〔Maypole〕A pole decorated with streamers that those celebrating May Day hold while dancing.五朔节花柱:饰有飘带的柱子,五朔节时人们持飘带围此柱舞蹈美国传统〔balloon〕We tied balloons and streamers to the ceiling ready for the party.我们把气球和彩带系在顶棚上,晚会已布置妥当。剑桥高阶〔banderole〕A narrow forked flag or streamer attached to a staff or lance or flown from a ship's masthead.小旗,燕尾旗:连接到一根杆或矛上的或挂在船桅杆上的窄的叉形旗或三角旗美国传统〔bunting〕Strips of cloth or material usually in the colors of the national flag, used especially as drapery or streamers for festive decoration.彩色布条:国旗颜色的布条或其它布料,用来作为节日装饰的彩旗或飘带美国传统〔corona〕Electricity A faint glow enveloping the high-field electrode in a corona discharge, often accompanied by streamers directed toward the low-field electrode.【电学】 电晕:在电晕放电中在高压电极出现的一种微弱光辉,常伴随有朝向低压电极的电流美国传统〔deck〕The streets are decked out with flags and streamers.街道装饰着旗子和横幅。麦克米伦高阶〔do sth out〕They did the room out with balloons and streamers ready for the party.他们为了聚会把房间用气球和彩带装饰起来。剑桥高阶〔pencel〕A narrow flag, streamer, or pennon, especially one carried at the top of a lance or spear.长条小旗,矛旗:尤指置于骑士的矛式旗杆或矛顶端的一面窄旗、幡旗或三角燕尾旗美国传统〔pennoncel〕A small pennon, flag, or streamer borne on a lance.小三角旗:一种小的三角旗、旗或骑士矛上的尖旗美国传统〔pennon〕A long, narrow banner or streamer borne upon a lance.骑士矛上的三角旗,燕尾旗:一面长而窄的旗或骑士矛上的小三角旗美国传统〔slackly〕Streamers hung slackly from the walls.彩带松松地吊在墙上。韦氏高阶〔streamer〕We decorated the office with streamers for Paul's leaving party.为了给保罗办个告别会,我们用彩带装饰了一下办公室。剑桥高阶〔trick out〕The room was tricked out with ribbons and streamers.这间屋子装饰了丝带和飘带。韦氏高阶Streamers and balloons rained down on the party guests.饰带和气球纷纷飘落到聚会客人头上。剑桥国际I got some streamers and balloons to decorate the office for Paul's leaving party.我买了些饰带和气球来装饰办公室,为保罗的离开举行个晚会。剑桥国际They did the room out with balloons and streamers ready for the party.为了准备晚会,他们用气球和彩带布置房间。剑桥国际We tied balloons and streamers to the ceiling ready for the party.我们把为晚会准备的气球和飘带系在天花板上。剑桥国际




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