

单词 state of mind
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anxiety〕These nouns are compared as they refer to troubled states of mind.当表示精神的忧虑状态时,这些名词是有区别的。美国传统〔bigotry〕The attitude, state of mind, or behavior characteristic of a bigot; intolerance.偏见:抱偏见的人的态度、思想状况或行为特点;偏执美国传统〔care〕A burdened state of mind, as that arising from heavy responsibilities; worry.忧虑,挂念:心事重重的状态,如由于责任重大而引起的心绪沉重的状态;烦恼美国传统〔confused〕He was depressed and in a confused state of mind.他感到沮丧,心里充满了迷惑。牛津高阶〔denominate〕Anger denominates a state of mind.愤怒指的是一种心境。英汉大词典〔denominate〕Sorrow denominates a state of mind.悲哀表示一种心理状态。21世纪英汉〔diminished capacity〕Lack of ability to achieve the state of mind necessary for the commission of a particular crime.减少的权力:缺少一种能力,以至不能对一种特殊的犯罪行为达到必要的精神状态美国传统〔emote〕From actors' facial expressions and the way they emote, we can draw conclusions about their characters' states of mind.通过演员的面部表情以及他们强烈表现情感的方式,我们可以得知他们扮演角色的内心状态。剑桥高阶〔external〕Many external influences can affect your state of mind.许多外在因素都可能影响人的心情。牛津高阶〔haze〕A vague or confused state of mind.头脑糊涂或混乱的状态美国传统〔hedonics〕The branch of psychology that studies pleasant and unpleasant sensations and states of mind.快感学:心理学的一个分支,研究快乐和不快乐的感觉及大脑状态美国传统〔la-la land〕A state of mind characterized by unrealistic expectations or a lack of seriousness.轻薄:一种以不真实的预期或缺乏严肃性为特征的心态美国传统〔mind〕He was in a disturbed state of mind.他心神不定。英汉大词典〔mind〕She shouldn't drive in her present state of mind.以她目前的精神状态不应开车。麦克米伦高阶〔mind〕She was in a disturbed state of mind.她的脑子里一片混乱。牛津高阶〔mind〕What happened had a lot to do with my state of mind at the time.发生的这一切和我当时的心情有很大关系。朗文当代〔mood〕A state of mind or emotion.心情,心境,情绪:一种心理或情感的状态美国传统〔mood〕These nouns refer to a temporary state of mind or feeling.这些名词指一种暂时的精神或感情状态。美国传统〔pursue〕The defence pursued the question of Dr Carrington's state of mind.辩护律师探讨了卡林顿博士的精神状态。朗文当代〔redintegration〕Evocation of a particular state of mind resulting from the recurrence of one of the elements that made up the original experience.再整合作用:构成最初体验的成分再现时引起的头脑的某种状态美国传统〔state of mind〕He's in hospital, and in a confused state of mind.他住院了,意识仍然不清。柯林斯高阶〔state of mind〕I don't think you should see her in your present state of mind.我认为以你目前的心态不适合见她。麦克米伦高阶〔state of mind〕I want you to get into a whole new state of mind.我想让你有一个全新的心态。柯林斯高阶〔state of mind〕My sister was in a happier state of mind.我妹妹心情变好了。外研社新世纪〔state〕Public speaking can produce a state of mind similar to panic.在公开场合讲话可能会导致一种类似恐慌的精神状态。牛津搭配〔state〕She was in an extremely confused state of mind .她思绪纷乱。朗文当代〔superstition〕A fearful or abject state of mind resulting from such ignorance or irrationality.盲目的恐惧:由于上述无知或荒谬信念,而产生的恐惧或绝望无助的思想状态美国传统〔thus〕Her state of mind is recorded thus: 'I am fed up with everything.'她的精神状态是这样记录的:“我厌倦了一切。”外研社新世纪〔vertigo〕A confused, disoriented state of mind.晕头转向:心境的混乱、迷失方向的状态美国传统After the accident we were worried by his depressed state of mind.事故之后,我们很担心他那忧郁的精神状态。剑桥国际




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