

单词 take back
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADMIT〕I take back everything I said. 我收回我所说过的一切。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕I want to take back some of the things I said yesterday. 我想收回昨天所说的一些话。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Dee wanted a loaf to take back with her. 迪伊要她带一条面包回去。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕I have to take back the trailer I borrowed from Randy. 我得把从兰迪那里借来的拖车送回去。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕What would be a good present to take back for Anna? 买什么礼物回去送给安娜好呢?朗文写作活用〔back〕She refused to take back her accusations.她拒绝撤销指控。韦氏高阶〔divide out〕The trimmings were divided out and taken back to Leigh where they were planted.修剪下来的树枝分配好后又被运回原种植地利尔伯恩。外研社新世纪〔exhort〕He exhorted his people to take back their land.他敦促他的国民收复失地。韦氏高阶〔fend〕The seal pup must be taken back to the sea directly she was able to fend for herself.一旦那只小海豹能独立生活,就必须把它放回到海里去。英汉大词典〔go〕This toaster will have to go back(= be taken back to the shop/store where it was bought)—it's faulty.这烤面包机得退回去,它有毛病。牛津高阶〔library〕Do you have any books to take back to the library? 你有书要还给图书馆吗?牛津搭配〔recall〕To cancel, take back, or revoke.取消,收回,解除美国传统〔relapse〕She was looking quite healthy on Friday, but she had/suffered a relapse over the weekend and was taken back into hospital.周五的时候她看上去还很健康,但到了周末病情复发,又被送回了医院。剑桥高阶〔retake〕To take back or again.取回或重取美国传统〔take ... back〕He had to take back his words.他不得不收回自己的话。21世纪英汉〔take ... back〕He said he would never take back his promise.他说他绝不取消他的许诺。21世纪英汉〔take ... back〕I forgot to take back my bicycle.我忘了把自行车取回来。21世纪英汉〔take back〕Take back what you said about Jeremy! 收回你说的关于杰里米的话。柯林斯高阶〔take back〕Take back what you said about Jeremy!收回你说的有关杰里米的话!外研社新世纪〔take back〕He refused to take back what he said.他拒绝收回他说过的话。韦氏高阶〔take back〕Palumbo has taken back control of the company.帕隆博重新获得了公司的控制权。外研社新世纪〔take back〕The government has agreed to take back those people who are considered economic rather than political refugees.政府同意让那些被认为是经济难民的人回国,但政治难民不包括在内。柯林斯高阶〔take back〕They wouldn't take back the dress because I didn't have the receipt.他们不愿收回这条连衣裙,因为我没有购物票据。韦氏高阶〔take〕Alan's car was taken back because of failure to meet payments.艾伦因为没能按期付款,汽车被收回了。英汉大词典〔take〕Lindsay was fired twice but both times taken back under pressure from the union.林赛两次被解雇,但两次都在工会对资方施加压力之后复职。英汉大词典〔take〕You'd better take back that remark! 你最好收回那句话!朗文当代〔trance〕In a deep trance, the subject is taken back to an earlier stage of their life.在深度迷睡中,接受催眠的人回到了他们的早年。牛津搭配〔unused〕The shop may take back any unused items.这家商店可能会收回任何没用过的货物。牛津同义词〔whip〕He was taken back to the jail and soundly whipped.他被带回监狱,狠狠挨了一顿鞭子。牛津搭配〔withdraw〕To take back or away; remove.收回:抽回,拿开;移开美国传统In Britain, if you are a foreign visitor you can buy goods tax -free (= without paying tax) to take back to your own country.在英国,如果你是外宾,可以买免税商品带回祖国。剑桥国际She was looking quite healthy on Friday, but she suffered a relapse over the weekend and was taken back into intensive care.星期五她看上去很健康,但周末她旧病复发,被送回去进行特别护理。剑桥国际The retailer warranted that he would take back any faulty goods.零售商保证,任何不合格的货物,均可退货。剑桥国际




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