

单词 this
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Gomorrah〕this goddamned Gomorrah of a town 这个该死的罪恶城市英汉大词典〔afternoon〕this (tomorrow, yesterday) afternoon 今天(明天,昨天)下午英汉大词典〔after〕this after 今天下午英汉大词典〔bad〕one of this year's worst films 今年最差的电影之一麦克米伦高阶〔breathe〕every creature that breathes on this earth这个世界上生存着的每一条生命外研社新世纪〔chronicler〕this vast chronicle of Napoleonic times.这套大部头的拿破仑时代编年史柯林斯高阶〔cleverly〕this clever new gadget.这个构思巧妙的新奇小玩意儿柯林斯高阶〔communion〕to go to Communion(= attend church for this celebration) 去参加圣餐仪式牛津高阶〔concord〕this violation of grammatical concord这种对语法一致原则的违背外研社新世纪〔confection〕the bride dressed in this splendid confection穿着这件华丽女装的新娘外研社新世纪〔creaky〕this creaky old British thriller.这本老掉牙的英国惊险小说柯林斯高阶〔crop〕this season's crop of quality pears 这一季收获的优质梨朗文当代〔denigration〕the denigration of minorities in this country该国对少数民族的诋毁外研社新世纪〔differentiate〕features which clearly differentiate this product from other similar ones 将此产品与其他相似产品清楚区分开来的特征牛津搭配〔discriminate〕the only feature that discriminates this species from its closest cousin区分该物种与其近亲的唯一特征外研社新世纪〔divide〕attempts to address the racial divide in this country 处理这个国家中种族差异的尝试牛津搭配〔dread〕a more effective national policy to combat this dread disease对抗这种可怕疾病的更有效的国家政策外研社新世纪〔excellently〕this well-illustrated and excellently researched book这本例证全面并经过充分调研的书外研社新世纪〔forth〕from this [that] day forth 从今天[那天]以后文馨英汉〔gloomily〕this huge gloomy church.这座昏暗的大教堂柯林斯高阶〔good〕this good man 这位先生英汉大词典〔grand〕this grand building in the centre of town这座位于市中心的宏伟建筑外研社新世纪〔hallmark〕the subtlety that hallmarks this particular designer这位设计师特有的细致敏锐外研社新世纪〔ill-fated〕the two pilots who flew this ill-fated flight执飞本次不幸航班的两名飞行员外研社新世纪〔including〕up to and including the first decades of this century直至且包括本世纪初的数十年外研社新世纪〔inherent〕the difficulties inherent in a study of this type 这类研究本身的困难牛津高阶〔instant〕in this instant world of today 在今天这个瞬息万变的世界上英汉大词典〔intake〕one of this year's intake of students.今年新招学生中的一个柯林斯高阶〔intent〕this strong statement of intent on arms control这份有力的裁军意向书外研社新世纪〔invasion〕this year's annual invasion of flies, wasps and ants.今年,苍蝇、黄蜂和蚂蚁同往年一样的大批进犯柯林斯高阶〔job〕hold down a job (=keep a job when this is difficult) 保住工作朗文当代〔job〕the job of doing sth The job of choosing the right computer for you is made easy by this magazine.有了这本杂志,你选一台合适的计算机就容易了。朗文当代〔lifetime〕during the lifetime of this parliament在本届议会期间外研社新世纪〔masterpiece〕this masterpiece of inventiveness这一独创性的典范外研社新世纪〔mellow〕this mellow Cotswold manor house.这座古色古香的科茨沃尔德庄园宅邸柯林斯高阶〔month〕this (last, next) month 本(上,下)月英汉大词典〔next〕reading this book next; our next oldest child.接下去读这本书;我们第二个孩子美国传统〔panoply〕the marvellous panoply of exhibitions laid on this year今年异彩纷呈的全面展出外研社新世纪〔peace〕people who knew about this evil man but held their peace.了解这个恶棍却默不作声的人们柯林斯高阶〔portray〕an incident that graphically portrays the dangers associated with this sport 形象地反映该项体育运动存在危险的事件牛津搭配〔press〕the bad press that career women consistently get in this country职业女性在这个国家一贯受到的恶评外研社新世纪〔principality〕principalities Theology The seventh of the nine orders of angels. Also called In this sense, also called princedoms principalities 【神学】 权天使:九级天使中的第七级 也作 在此意义上也可称作 princedoms美国传统〔quota〕reduce the quota of immigrants for this year 减少本年度移民额英汉大词典〔register〕the upper register of this instrument 这一乐器的高音区英汉大词典〔silk〕to take silk(= to become this type of lawyer) 担任王室律师牛津高阶〔smoulder〕the red hot fire smouldering in the mind of this young man 这个青年心中暗暗燃烧着的烈火英汉大词典〔split off〕the Youth Wing which split off the National Liberal party earlier this year.今年年初从国家自由党中分裂出去的青年派柯林斯高阶〔sub-clause〕be subject to the provisions of sub-clause (e) of this clause 须按照本条(e)款的规定英汉大词典〔syrupy〕this syrupy film version of Conroy's novel.根据康罗伊小说拍成的这一非常煽情的电影柯林斯高阶〔tear-jerker〕this is a real tear-jerker of a movie这真是一部催人泪下的电影外研社新世纪〔thoroughgoing〕this splendidly thoroughgoing biography.这本内容极其详尽的传记柯林斯高阶〔voluntary〕voluntary services/bodies/agencies/organizations(= organized, controlled or supported by people who choose to do this and are usually not paid) 义务性服务╱团体╱机构╱组织牛津高阶〔war-torn〕the problems created by the massive flows of refugees from this war-torn region来自这一遭受战争蹂躏地区的大批难民引发的问题外研社新世纪〔weakness〕the primary methodological weakness of this study 这项研究在方法论上的主要缺陷牛津搭配〔web〕the complex web of life on this planet这颗星球上复杂的生命网外研社新世纪〔week〕this (last, next) week 本(上,下)星期英汉大词典〔wisdom〕this church's original Semitic wisdom, religion and faith.该教派独特的犹太人的智慧、宗教和信仰柯林斯高阶〔wizardry〕this evidence of his financial wizardry这项他杰出金融才能的证明外研社新世纪〔zeal〕enter with great zeal upon this task 非常热情地开始干这项工作英汉大词典a year-on-year increase (= between this year and the previous year) 逐年增长牛津商务




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