

单词 tangible
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REAL〕The discussions produced no tangible results. 讨论未产生实际的结果。朗文写作活用〔REAL〕There is no tangible evidence of dishonesty among the company's directors. 没有公司董事不诚实行为的确凿证据。朗文写作活用〔almost tangible〕Their sense of relief was almost tangible.几乎可以感觉到他们松了一口气。韦氏高阶〔bonding〕There are tangible signs that the republic's successfully breaking its bonds with Moscow.有明显迹象表明该共和国成功地断绝了与莫斯科的密切联系。柯林斯高阶〔commercialism〕An attitude that emphasizes tangible profit or success.强调有形利润或成功的看法美国传统〔corporeal〕Of a material nature; tangible.物质的;有形的美国传统〔reward〕Victory brought glory as well as more tangible rewards.胜利带来了荣誉,还带来了切实的奖励。牛津搭配〔tactile〕Perceptible to the sense of touch; tangible.可用触觉感知的;可触摸的美国传统〔tangible〕He has no tangible evidence of John's guilt.他没有确凿的证据证明约翰有罪。朗文当代〔tangible〕His hostility was almost tangible.几乎可以感觉得到他的敌意。麦克米伦高阶〔tangible〕Other tangible benefits include an increase in salary and shorter working hours.其他实实在在的好处包括加薪和缩短工作时间。剑桥高阶〔tangible〕The relief was almost tangible.这种解脱几乎可以感觉得到。外研社新世纪〔tangible〕The relief was almost tangible.这种解脱几乎可以感觉得到。柯林斯高阶〔tangible〕The scheme must have tangible benefits for the unemployed.这个计划一定要对失业者有实实在在的好处。朗文当代〔tangible〕The scheme will bring tangible economic benefits to the area.这个方案将给该地区带来可观的经济利益。麦克米伦高阶〔tangible〕The silence of the countryside was almost tangible .乡村的寂静几乎触手可摸。朗文当代〔tangible〕The tension between them was almost tangible.他们之间的紧张关系几乎让人都感觉得出来。牛津高阶〔tangible〕There are no tangible signs that ...关于…尚无明确的迹象。英汉大词典〔tangible〕There is no tangible evidence to support her claim.没有确凿的证据可以支持她的要求。韦氏高阶〔tangible〕There should be some tangible evidence that the economy is starting to recover.应该有明显迹象表明经济开始复苏了。柯林斯高阶〔tangible〕We need tangible evidence if we're going to take legal action.如果我们要采取法律行动,就需要有实实在在的证据。剑桥高阶〔wire〕The sharpest tangible issue in the election remains economics—right down to the wire.选举中最为尖锐的实质性争论点直到最后仍然是经济问题。英汉大词典A chair is a tangible object. 椅子是有形体的实物。译典通Internet companies usually have few tangible assets.网络公司所拥有的有形资产通常很少。牛津商务Other tangible benefits include an increase in salary and shorter working hours.其他具体的受益包括提薪和缩短工作时间。剑桥国际Prices of tangible goods are rising faster than services.有形商品的价格比服务的价格上涨得更快。牛津商务The government brought few tangible benefits to the poor. 政府没有给穷人带来多少实际好处。译典通The prize was a tangible testimony that she had got a germ of writing ability. 这个奖是一个具体的证明,说明她具有创作才能。译典通There can be many problems in investing in tangibles like antiques.投资于古董之类的有形资产会有许多问题。牛津商务There is no tangible proof. 没有确凿的证据。译典通These figures provide tangible proof that the economy is recovering.这些数据有力地证明了经济正在复苏。牛津商务We need tangible evidence if we're going to take legal action.如果我们要采取法律行动,需要实实在在的证据。剑桥国际We want tangible results.我们希望得到实实在在的结果。牛津商务




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