

单词 thumb
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ball〕the ball of the thumb 拇指球英汉大词典〔ball〕the ball of the thumb [big toe] 拇指近手掌[大脚趾近脚掌]的部分文馨英汉〔base〕the base of the thumb 拇指的基部英汉大词典〔disjointed〕a disjointed thumb 脱臼的拇指英汉大词典〔flick〕with a flick of his thumb 他的拇指一弹韦氏高阶〔gash〕cut a gash in one's thumb 将大拇指划了一条口子英汉大词典〔get〕get a child out of the habit of sucking his thumb 使小孩改掉吮吸拇指的习惯英汉大词典〔ink〕ink one's thumb on an ink-pad 把大拇指按在印台上使沾上印油英汉大词典〔nose〕thumb a nose at world opinions 对世界舆论嗤之以鼻 英汉大词典〔opposable〕the opposable thumb of primates 灵长类的可相对大拇指文馨英汉〔pad〕the pad of one's thumb 拇指垫英汉大词典〔quadruple〕a quadruple fracture of his thumb 他的拇指四处骨折剑桥高阶〔ride〕thumb a ride 搭便车文馨英汉〔rub〕rub one's thumb on the back of one's head 用拇指擦擦后脑勺英汉大词典〔soft〕the soft of the thumb 大拇指的柔软部分英汉大词典〔stamp〕to stamp one's thumb seal on the card把拇指纹压印在卡片上21世纪英汉〔suck〕a toddler sucking his thumb 吮吸着拇指的学步孩童韦氏高阶〔thick〕the thick of the thumb 拇指肚英汉大词典〔thumb index〕a dictionary that has a thumb index 带有书边挖月索引的词典韦氏高阶〔thumb〕thumb through (the pages of) the book quickly 迅速翻阅那本书英汉大词典〔thumb〕a baby sucking its thumb 吮着大拇指的一个小宝宝朗文当代〔thumb〕a chance to thumb his nose at the college authorities 挑战学院领导的机会朗文当代〔thumb〕a little girl sucking her thumb 吮吸大拇指的小女孩韦氏高阶〔thumb〕to thumb the pages of a book用拇指翻书页21世纪英汉〔thumb〕to thumb through a book.翻阅一本书。牛津同义词〔thumb〕travel by thumb 免费搭车旅行英汉大词典




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