

单词 buts
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔but〕He committed a crime, no ifs or buts about it.他犯了罪,这是无可争辩的。柯林斯高阶〔but〕He is the best player – no ifs, ands, or buts about that.他是最好的球员 — 这是无可争辨的。朗文当代〔but〕His argument contains too many ifs and buts.他的话里尽是些“如果”和“但是”。英汉大词典〔but〕I want this done today, and I don't want to hear any buts about it.我希望今天把这事完成,而且我不想听任何完不成的借口。韦氏高阶〔but〕We're going to visit your aunt tomorrow and there'll be no buts about it.我们明天要去看望你的婶婶,一定要去,没有商量的余地。剑桥高阶〔but〕With so many ifs and buts, it is easier to wait and see.有这么多托辞,还是静观其变吧。牛津高阶〔if〕I don't want any ifs and buts — do it at once.别给我找这样那样的借口——马上动手干吧。英汉大词典〔if〕Let's have no ifs and buts, I'm determined to proceed with the plan.我们别再找托词了,我决心要将计划进行下去。麦克米伦高阶〔if〕No ifs and buts – just make sure the job is done by tomorrow! 别找任何借口,一定要保证在明天把工作完成!朗文当代〔if〕There are a lot of ifs and buts.各种各样的借口一大堆。外研社新世纪〔if〕There are still a lot of ifs and buts before everything's settled.在一切得以解决之前还有很多不定因素。牛津高阶〔if〕There will be no ifs, ands, or buts in this matter.这件事不允许有假设、拖延或反对美国传统〔no ifs or buts〕I want no ifs or buts - just get on and tidy your room now.少给我胡搅蛮缠——现在就赶快打扫你的房间。剑桥高阶I want no (Br and Aus) ifs and buts/(Am) ifs, ands or buts (=excuses or doubts)--just pay the money now! 我不要任何借口----马上付钱吧!剑桥国际Jim is going to be in charge for the rest of the week and I don't want to hear any buts.吉姆将在本周剩余的时间内负责,对此事我不想听到任何“但是”。剑桥国际Not so many buts, please. 请别老是反对个没完。译典通We're going to visit your aunt tomorrow and there'll be no buts about it.我们明天将拜访你的阿姨,对这件事没有“但是”可言。剑桥国际




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