

单词 specializes
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLASS〕The dating agency specializes in finding partners for the young and upwardly mobile. 这家婚姻介绍所专门为社会地位正在提升的年轻人士寻找伴侣。朗文写作活用〔HOSPITAL〕The Harvey Clinic specializes in the treatment of alcohol-related problems. 哈维诊所专治与酗酒有关的各类病症。朗文写作活用〔Hebraist〕A scholar who specializes in the study of Hebrew.希伯来语言学家,希伯来文化专家:专门研究希伯来语言或文化的学者美国传统〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕The hospital specializes in treating disorders of the brain. 这家医院专门治疗脑疾。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕The chef specializes in Hunan and Szechuan cuisine, but all the dishes we tried were delicious. 这位厨师精通湖南菜和四川菜,但我们尝过的所有菜肴都很好吃。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕The clinic specializes in geriatric medicine. 这家诊所专门治疗老年病。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕The company specializes in holidays for retired people. 这家公司专门为退休人士安排度假。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕One company that specializes in fitting old computers with new parts says business is booming. 有一家专门给旧电脑装新部件的公司说生意非常好。朗文写作活用〔TOOL〕The company specializes in the manufacture of high quality writing instruments. 这家公司专门生产高质量的书写工具。朗文写作活用〔USEFUL〕The company specializes in making practical footwear for the leisure sports market. 这家公司专门为休闲运动市场生产实用的鞋类。朗文写作活用〔adaptation〕He specializes in screen adaptations of classic novels.他专门从事将经典小说改编成电影的工作。牛津搭配〔artillery〕The combat arm that specializes in the use of such weapons.炮兵部队:专门使用这类武器的战斗部队美国传统〔astronomer〕One that specializes in astronomy.天文学家:专门从事天文学研究的人美国传统〔award〕The hotel's award-winning restaurant specializes in traditional food.那家酒店获奖的餐厅专门供应传统菜肴。朗文当代〔botanist〕One who specializes in botany.植物学家:专门研究植物的人美国传统〔boutique〕A small retail shop that specializes in gifts, fashionable clothes, accessories, or food, for example.小商店:一种小零售店,专卖礼品、时装、配件或食品美国传统〔branch out〕The company specializes in casual clothing but it is branching out into formal wear.这家公司专做休闲装,但现在开始涉足正装。韦氏高阶〔chophouse〕A restaurant that specializes in serving steaks and chops.排骨餐馆:一家专门卖牛排及排骨的餐馆美国传统〔colorist〕A hairdresser who specializes in dyeing hair.善于染发的理发师美国传统〔conservation〕She specializes in the conservation of furniture.她专门从事家具保护工作。韦氏高阶〔conversion〕That building firm specializes in conversions.那家建筑公司专营改建房屋。英汉大词典〔dermatology〕One of the doctors at the clinic specializes in dermatology.诊所的一名医生专治皮肤病。韦氏高阶〔dialectician〕One who specializes in the study of dialects.方言学家:专门研究方言的人美国传统〔doctor〕Doctor Jones specializes in heart problems.琼斯医生是心脏病专家。麦克米伦高阶〔fat farm〕A spa or resort that specializes in weight loss.瘦身中心:专门针对瘦身的温泉浴场或是休闲渡假村美国传统〔flashy〕He specializes in flashy technique, without much depth.他就会些没有深度的花招。牛津高阶〔flight surgeon〕An air force physician who specializes in aeromedicine.航空军医:专门从事航空医学专业的空军医师美国传统〔front〕The company specializes in building lake-front property.那家公司专门承建滨湖房地产项目。剑桥高阶〔full-on〕The hotel specializes in full-on luxury.那家宾馆极度奢华。剑桥高阶〔geneticist〕One who specializes in genetics.遗传学家:在遗传学方面从事专门研究的人美国传统〔geriatrician〕A physician who specializes in geriatrics.老年病学家:专攻老年病学的医生美国传统〔herbalist〕One who grows, collects, or specializes in the use of herbs, especially medicinal herbs.植物学家:栽培、采集草或专门研究(尤指药草)其用处的人美国传统〔historical〕She specializes in historical novels set in 18th-century England.她专门创作以18世纪英格兰为背景的历史小说。剑桥高阶〔hospitalist〕A physician, usually an internist, who specializes in the care of hospitalized patients.住院医生:为医护人员,通常是指内科医生,专门照顾住院病人美国传统〔injury〕He's a lawyer who specializes in personal injury claims .他是个专门从事人身伤害索赔的律师。朗文当代〔loft〕The firm specializes in loft conversions (= making lofts into rooms).该公司专门从事阁楼改造。剑桥高阶〔major〕Of or relating to the field of academic study in which a student specializes.主修的,专攻的:和一个学生专门研究的学术领域有关的美国传统〔metaphysician〕One who specializes or is skilled in metaphysics.玄学家:专攻玄学或精通玄学的人美国传统〔mime〕A modern performer who specializes in comic mimicry.滑稽演员:擅长滑稽模仿的现代演员美国传统〔obstetrician〕A physician who specializes in obstetrics.产科医生:一个专攻产科医学的医生美国传统〔ophthalmologist〕A physician who specializes in ophthalmology.眼医:专门治疗眼睛疾病的医师美国传统〔organically〕This farm specializes in organically grown food.这个农场专门种植天然的食物。韦氏高阶〔paediatrics〕She specializes in paediatrics.她专攻儿科学。剑桥高阶〔painting〕The firm specializes in painting and decorating.这家公司专门从事油漆装潢。牛津搭配〔pediatrician〕A physician who specializes in pediatrics.儿科医生:专门从事儿科诊治研究的医生美国传统〔physiatrist〕A physician who specializes in physical medicine.理疗学家:专攻物理治疗学的医生美国传统〔physicist〕A scientist who specializes in physics.物理学家:专攻物理学的科学家美国传统〔province〕Renaissance art is not really his province - he specializes in the modern period.文艺复兴时期的艺术并不是他的研究领域——他的专业是现代艺术。剑桥高阶〔psychiatrist〕A physician who specializes in psychiatry.精神病专家:一个专门从事精神病治疗的外科医生美国传统〔publication〕The company specializes in the publication of dictionaries.这家公司专门出版词典。韦氏高阶〔relativist〕A physicist who specializes in the theories of relativity.相对论者:专业于相对论理论的物理学家美国传统〔restoration〕She specializes in the cleaning and restoration of antique paintings.她的专长是清洗和修复古画。麦克米伦高阶〔rock hound〕One who specializes in geology.地质学家:专门从事地质学研究的人美国传统〔rocket scientist〕A scientist who specializes in rocketry.火箭学家:研究火箭技术的科学家美国传统〔sapper〕A military engineer who specializes in sapping and other field fortification activities.坑道工兵:专门从事挖坑道或其他野外建垒活动的军事技术人员美国传统〔sociology〕He specializes in the sociology of education/law/the family.他专门研究教育/法律/家庭社会学。剑桥高阶〔specialize〕He specializes in archaeology.他专修考古学。21世纪英汉〔specialize〕He's a University professor who specializes in the history of the Russian empire.他是一位大学教授, 专门研究俄罗斯帝国历史。外研社新世纪〔specialize〕My mechanic specializes in repairing foreign cars.我的机修工专门修理进口车。韦氏高阶〔specialize〕She hired a lawyer who specializes in divorce cases.她请了个专打离婚官司的律师。剑桥高阶〔specialize〕The club specializes for the members.那是一家会员制的俱乐部。21世纪英汉〔specialize〕The shop specializes in hand-made chocolates.这家商店专营手工制作的巧克力。牛津高阶〔specialize〕The shop specializes in mountain-climbing gear.专门销售登山用具的商店美国传统〔steak house〕A restaurant that specializes in beefsteak dishes.牛排屋:专卖牛排的餐馆美国传统〔therapist〕One who specializes in the provision of a particular therapy.治疗学家:专门提供某一治疗的人美国传统〔trade〕Their firm specializes in trading bonds.他们公司专门从事债券交易。韦氏高阶〔translation〕He specializes in translation from Danish into English.他专门从事把丹麦文译成英文的工作。牛津高阶〔tropical〕She specializes in tropical medicine (= the treatment of diseases from the tropical areas of the world).她专门医治热带病。剑桥高阶〔urbanologist〕A sociologist who specializes in the problems of cities and urban life.都市学专家:研究专业方向为城市问题和城市生活的社会学家美国传统〔wolfhound〕He specializes in breeding large dogs such as Irish wolfhounds.他专门饲养大型犬,比如爱尔兰猎狼犬。剑桥高阶An entomologist specializes in studying six-legged creatures. 昆虫学家专门研究六只脚生物。译典通He specializes in creating roughly-hewn sculptures out of wood.他擅长于制作粗犷的木雕刻品。剑桥国际He specializes in love songs with dreadful syrupy lyrics.他专唱那些歌词极肉麻的情歌。剑桥国际He specializes in the sociology of education/medicine/law/the family.他专门研究教育/医学/法律/家庭方面的社会关系。剑桥国际Our group specializes in performing works by/the works of South and Central American composers.我们乐队专门演奏南美与中美作曲家的作品。剑桥国际Renaissance art is not really his province -- he specializes in the modern period.文艺复兴时期的艺术不属于他的学术领域----他专门研究现代艺术。剑桥国际She specializes in historical novels set in eighteenth-century England.她专门写作以18世纪英国历史为背景的小说。剑桥国际She specializes in marine law. 她专门研究海事法。译典通She specializes in paediatrics.她是儿科学专家。剑桥国际She's hired a lawyer who specializes in (= limits her studying or work to) divorce cases.她雇了一位专门从事离婚案的律师。剑桥国际The TV company specializes in making arts shows for highbrows.这家电视公司专门为趣味高雅的人制作艺术节目。剑桥国际The company specializes in building lake-front property.该公司专门从事湖滨房屋的建筑。剑桥国际The company specializes in customized computer systems.这个公司专门提供按顾客具体要求而设计的计算机系统。剑桥国际The company specializes in event management and corporate hospitality.这家公司专门从事活动策划和商务接待业务。牛津商务The company specializes in low-cost, no-frills travel (=simple, cheap travel with no additional features).该公司专门提供安排花费少,经济又实惠的旅游。剑桥国际The company specializes in telecommunications.这家公司专门从事长途通信。剑桥国际The firm specializes in loft conversions (= making lofts into rooms) .该公司专营阁楼改建。剑桥国际The group specializes in singing in (close) harmony.这一组专门唱和声。剑桥国际The murdered soldier belonged to an army unit which specializes in covert operations.被害士兵属于一个专门从事秘密军事行动的军队组织。剑桥国际The shop specializes in (selling) antique furniture.这家专卖老式家具。剑桥国际This store specializes in bedclothes. 这家商店专卖床上用品。译典通We went to a restaurant that specializes in Italian food.我们到一家专门做意大利菜的餐厅去。剑桥国际




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