

单词 tenets
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔belief〕Something believed or accepted as true, especially a particular tenet or a body of tenets accepted by a group of persons.信仰,信条:被相信或被接受为真理的东西,尤指为一群人接受的一种特别的宗旨或许多原则美国传统〔deconstruct〕To write about or analyze (a literary text, for example), following the tenets of deconstruction.解构,拆析:遵循结构原则而写或分析(例如,文学作品)美国传统〔fellow traveler〕One who sympathizes with or supports the tenets and program of an organized group, such as the Communist Party, without being a member.同路人,同情者:同情或支持一个有组织的团体(如共产党)的宗旨和纲领但不是其成员的人美国传统〔leftism〕Belief in or support of the tenets of the political left.左派,左翼:信仰或支持政治左派观点美国传统〔liberalism〕Often Liberalism Abbr. Lib.The tenets or policies of a Liberal party. 常作 Liberalism 缩写 Lib.自由党的主张或政策美国传统〔naturalist〕One who believes in and follows the tenets of naturalism.自然主义者:信仰和追随自然主义信条的人美国传统〔neofascism〕A fringe movement inspired by the tenets and methods of fascism or Nazism.新法西斯主义:由法西斯主义或纳粹政策的信条和方法发起的边缘运动美国传统〔rightism〕Belief in or support of the tenets of the political right.对右派政治观点的信奉或支持美国传统〔skepticism〕Doubt or disbelief of religious tenets.怀疑宗教:对宗教信条的怀疑或不信任美国传统〔tenet〕Non-violence and patience are the central tenets of their faith.非暴力和忍耐是他们的信仰的核心原则。外研社新世纪〔tenet〕Non-violence and patience are the central tenets of their faith.非暴力和忍耐是他们的信仰的核心原则。柯林斯高阶The tenets of some religions are against idolatry. 有些宗教的教义反对偶像崇拜。译典通




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