

单词 spread with
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔buttery〕Resembling, containing, or spread with butter.含有或涂有黄油的:象、包含或涂有黄油的美国传统〔butter〕Have some bread and butter (= bread spread with butter).吃些黄油面包片吧。剑桥高阶〔canapé〕A cracker or a small, thin piece of bread or toast spread with cheese, meat, or relish and served as an appetizer.餐前开胃薄饼:一片饼干或小薄片面包或烤土司,上涂奶酪、肉或调味品,用作开胃品美国传统〔comestible〕The table was spread with all kinds of comestibles.满桌各种各样的食品。文馨英汉〔lashing〕Serve by cutting the scones in half and spreading with jam and lashings of clotted cream.吃时将司康饼切半,抹上果酱和大量凝脂奶油。柯林斯高阶〔lashing〕Serve by cutting the scones in half and spreading with jam and lashings of clotted cream.上菜时把烤饼从中间切开, 涂上果酱和大量的凝脂奶油。外研社新世纪〔lather〕To spread with or as if with lather.以泡沫覆盖:通过或好象是通过肥皂泡来扩散美国传统〔pebble〕Cookies are spread with white sugar pebbling the surface.饼干表面撒满着粒粒白糖。21世纪英汉〔potato skin〕An appetizer made with a slice of baked potato skin, spread with a topping such as cheese or meat, and usually broiled or baked. Often used in the plural.土豆皮:用烤过的马铃薯皮制做的餐前开胃食品,顶上覆一层奶酪或肉类,通常将其煮熟或烤熟,常用作复数美国传统〔rapid〕The disease spread with amazing rapidity.疾病以惊人的速度传播开来。麦克米伦高阶〔rapid〕The disease is spreading with alarming rapidity.这种疾病正在以令人吃惊的速度蔓延。牛津高阶〔rugelach〕A cookie of cream-cheese dough spread with filling, such as jam or nuts, and then rolled up.卢吉拉奇甜饼:奶油-干酪面团上撒着诸如果酱或坚果等馅,然后卷起制作而成的甜饼美国传统〔satin〕The bed was spread with a pink satin cover.床上铺着粉红色缎子床罩。英汉大词典〔spread〕The table was spread with good things to eat.餐桌上已摆出好吃的东西。英汉大词典〔toast〕She ate two slices of toast spread with honey.她吃了两片涂有蜂蜜的烤面包片。牛津搭配He had some bread spread with syrup. 他吃了一些涂糖浆的面包。译典通The table spread with food made a goodly sight. 桌上摆满了食物非常诱人。译典通




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