

单词 tab
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PAY〕He ordered dinner and asked for it to be put on his tab. 他点了菜,要求记在他的账上。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕In just two days, she'd run up a bar tab of $175. 才两天,她就积欠了酒吧175美元账款。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕The bride's father paid the tab for the party. 新娘的父亲付了宴会的账单。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕Usually the book publisher, not the author, picks up the tab for a publicity tour. 一般来说,由出版商而不是作者承担巡回推广的费用。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕We all went out to dinner, and Adam picked up the tab. 我们一起出去吃晚饭,亚当付账。朗文写作活用〔bend〕The corners of the card bend inwards to form tabs.卡片的角向内弯,形成检索凸舌。麦克米伦高阶〔cuff〕They kept me on the cuff, letting my tab grow higher and higher.他们老让我赊账,弄得我债台高筑。英汉大词典〔flag〕A marking device, such as a gummed strip of paper, attached to an object to attract attention or ease identification; a tab.书签,标签:一种用作标志的附在其它物体上以引起注意或便于辨认的东西,例如用胶粘起来的纸条;标签美国传统〔guide〕A device, such as a ruler, tab, or bar, that serves as an indicator or acts to regulate a motion or operation.导向装置:用作指向物或用来调整运动方向或运行的装置,如尺子、调整片或栅栏美国传统〔indent〕Use the Tab key to indent the first line of the paragraph.用跳格键把该段的首行缩格。朗文当代〔keep tabs on sth/sb〕I like to keep tabs on my bank account so that I don't spend too much.我喜欢留意我的银行户头,以防开支过大。剑桥高阶〔keep tabs on〕The magazine keeps tabs on the latest fashion trends.这个杂志密切关注最新的时尚动向。韦氏高阶〔keep tabs on〕We are keeping tabs on their movements.我们正在监视他们的行踪。韦氏高阶〔pick up〕When she stays at expensive hotels during business trips, her company picks up the tab.她出差住高档酒店,由公司买单。韦氏高阶〔pick〕Her father picks up the tab for her expensive lifestyle.她父亲为她奢华的生活方式付账。麦克米伦高阶〔pick〕Let me pick up the tab.我来付计程车的钱美国传统〔pick〕The company picked up the tab for his hotel room.公司为他付旅馆费。牛津高阶〔pick〕Why should the taxpayer pick up the tab for mistakes made by a private company? 为什么纳税人要为一家私人公司的过错所造成的损失付账呢?朗文当代〔pop-top〕A container having such a tab.易拉罐:带有这种拉盖的罐头美国传统〔pop-top〕The tab of a container that can be pulled off to make an opening.拉环,拉襻:罐头的拉环,可以被拉去打开罐头美国传统〔pop〕He pulled a Coke from the fridge and popped the tab.他从冰箱里拿出一罐可乐, 砰的一声拉开拉环。外研社新世纪〔ran a tab〕He ran a tab at the bar.他在酒吧里陆续点了不少东西,最后一起结账。韦氏高阶〔run〕He ran a large tab at the club.他在俱乐部里积欠了一大笔账款。英汉大词典〔struggle〕I reached for tab and he let me, without a perfunctory struggle.我伸手去接账单,他就让我付,居然也不敷衍地争抢一下。英汉大词典〔tabes〕Tabes dorsalis.脊髓痨美国传统〔tab〕A stupid medical clerk had slipped the wrong tab on his X-ray.一个蠢笨的医护人员一不留神在他的X光片上贴错了标签。外研社新世纪〔tab〕A stupid medical clerk had slipped the wrong tab on his X-ray.一个蠢笨的医护人员一不留神在他的X光片上贴错了标签。柯林斯高阶〔tab〕Have you come over to keep tabs on me?你是来监视我一举一动的吗?外研社新世纪〔tab〕He kindly offered to pick up the tab (= pay).他客气地主动要求付账。剑桥高阶〔tab〕He picked up the whole tab for me.我的账他全都代我付了。英汉大词典〔tab〕He put the drinks on his tab.他将酒水的费用记在自己账上。韦氏高阶〔tab〕He ran up a $4000 tab in long-distance calls.他打了 4000 美元的长途电话。朗文当代〔tab〕I'll put it on your tab and you can pay tomorrow.我把它记在你的账上,你可以明天付款。朗文当代〔tab〕Insert Tab A into Slot A and glue, before standing the model upright.把标签 A 插入槽 A 粘好,然后把模型立起来。剑桥高阶〔tab〕Insert tab A into slot 1(= for example to make a model, box, etc.).将凸舌 A 插入 1 号孔(如制作模型、盒子等)。牛津高阶〔tab〕Insert the tab into this slot to close the box.要想关上盒子,可把凸舌插进孔内。韦氏高阶〔tab〕It had the maker's name on a small cloth tab inside.衣服里边有一条标明成衣商姓氏的小布襻。英汉大词典〔tab〕It was obvious Hill had come over to keep tabs on Johnson and make sure he didn't do anything drastic.显然,希尔是来密切监视约翰逊的,以确保他不做出什么过激举动。柯林斯高阶〔tab〕It's not always possible to keep tabs on everyone's movements.监视每个人的行动并不总是能办得到的。牛津高阶〔tab〕Let's keep tabs on expenditures.让们密切注意开支情况美国传统〔tab〕Make a file folder for these documents and write "finance" on the tab.把这些文件归档,在标签上写明“财务”字样。剑桥高阶〔tab〕Move between pages by clicking on the tabs at the top of the screen.点击屏幕上方的标签转换页面。剑桥高阶〔tab〕One tab of Ecstasy costs at least £15.一粒摇头丸最少花15英镑。外研社新世纪〔tab〕One tab of Ecstasy costs at least £15.一粒摇头丸至少卖 15 英镑。柯林斯高阶〔tab〕Pollard picked up the tab for dinner that night.那天的晚饭是波拉德掏的钱。外研社新世纪〔tab〕Pollard picked up the tab for dinner that night.那天的晚饭是波拉德掏的钱。柯林斯高阶〔tab〕Pull the tab to open the cartridge.拉开拉手,打开弹药筒。麦克米伦高阶〔tab〕Taxpayers will pick up the tab for the stadium.纳税人将承担建体育馆的费用。朗文当代〔tab〕The tab for the campaign was nearly $500 million.活动的费用将近 5 亿美元。朗文当代〔tab〕The tab for the meeting could be $3 000.这次会议的费用可能是 3 000 元。牛津高阶〔tab〕The tab on the zipper is broken.拉链上的拉环断了。韦氏高阶〔tab〕The cop keeps close, friendly tabs on the households in his area.这名警察密切关注他管区内各户人家的情况。英汉大词典〔tab〕The foreman kept tab on the workmen.工头监视着工人们。英汉大词典〔tab〕The police have been keeping tabs on Rogers since he got out of prison.自从罗杰斯出狱以来,警察一直在严密监视他。朗文当代〔tab〕The total tab is now at $7 million.现在账单金额共计700万美元。外研社新世纪〔tab〕To supply with a tab or tabs.用标签或垂饰安装美国传统〔tab〕Today any employee with back or shoulder pain can go straight to Mr Jay and the company will pick up the tab.现如今,不论哪位雇员的背部或肩膀疼,都可以直接去找杰伊先生,费用由公司承担。柯林斯高阶〔tab〕Who would get the tab for all this extravagance? 这样铺张糜费,到时候谁来付钱呢?英汉大词典〔tab〕Who's picking up the tab for the research? 研究费用谁来承担?英汉大词典〔telegraph〕Waugh's local TAB sent him a congratulatory telegraph when he scored his first hundred.沃尔赢得他第一百个进球时, 当地的赌金计算器代理局发来了贺电。外研社新世纪〔thumb piano〕An African musical instrument, such as the kalimba or mbira, that has a small sound box fitted with a row of tuned tabs that are plucked with the thumbs.非洲弹拨琴:非洲的一种有很小的共鸣箱并配有一排调准的金属或木头条的用拇指弹拨的乐器,如卡林巴琴或姆比拉琴美国传统〔trim〕To balance (an aircraft) in flight by regulating the control surfaces and tabs.使配平:通过调整飞机的操纵面和阻力板使(飞机)在飞行中保持平稳美国传统〔zipper〕A fastening device consisting of parallel rows of metal, plastic, or nylon teeth on adjacent edges of an opening that are interlocked by a sliding tab.拉链:由平行的金属、塑料或尼龙的齿状物制成的,在开口临近边缘上被滑动的拉环锁住的紧扣物美国传统Double-click on the ‘Display’ icon and select the ‘Settings’ tab.双击 Display 图标并选择 Settings 按钮。牛津商务He kindly offered to pick up the tab (= pay).他客气地付了帐。剑桥国际He wore a cap with tabs over the ears. 他带一顶有护耳的帽子。译典通I like to keep tabs on my bank account so that I don't overdraw.我喜欢留意我银行的帐目,以防透支。剑桥国际I'd like a packet of tabs, please.我想买一包烟。剑桥国际Just put it on the tab please (= add it to the total charge).请把它记在总帐上。剑桥国际Make a file for these documents and write ‘finance’on the tab.把这些文件归档,在标签上写“财务”。剑桥国际On audio and video tapes a tab can be used to lock the tape and prevent further recording.在录音带或录像带上,防误消片可用来锁定磁带,防止录进新的内容。剑桥国际Shareholders will have to pick up the tab (= pay the cost) for the failure of the company.股东将不得不为公司的破产买单。牛津商务The tab for building the center was more than $450 million.建造这个商业中心的成本超过 4.5 亿元。牛津商务The company picked up the tab for his hotel room.公司为他支付了旅馆房费。牛津商务The company picked up the tab for our trip. 公司为我们支付了旅行开支。译典通The website is well designed, with good use of colour-coded tabs.这个网站设计精美,很好地运用了彩色编码标签。牛津商务When a man and a woman are dining together, our waiters are cautioned not to assume that the man is picking up the tab or ordering the wine.当一位男士和一位女士一起吃饭的时候,侍者们被告诫不要以为男士买单或点酒。剑桥国际You can open the can by pulling the tab. 你可拉拉环把罐头打开。译典通




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