

单词 start school
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISAPPEAR〕His shyness soon went away when he started school. 他开始上学后不久就不再害羞了。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCE〕Starting school can be a nightmare for some children. 对有些孩子来说,入学就像一场噩梦。朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕Parents feel a mixture of emotions when their first child starts school. 当第一个孩子开始去上学时,父母会有一种复杂的感情。朗文写作活用〔FRIEND〕Since my children have started school, my circle has widened to include the mothers of other kids. 自从孩子们上学以后,我的朋友圈子也扩大了,又认识了一些其他孩子的母亲。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Several organizations run schemes to help women find work after their children have started school. 几个组织开展计划帮助那些孩子已经上学的妇女找到工作。朗文写作活用〔September〕Claudia is starting school next September.克劳迪娅明年9月开始上学。剑桥高阶〔boy〕Our youngest boy is just starting school.我们最小的儿子才刚刚上学。牛津搭配〔due〕Rose is due to start school in January.罗斯一月份就要开始上学了。牛津高阶〔half〕Jasmine started school when she was four and a half.贾斯敏4岁半时开始上学。麦克米伦高阶〔milestone〕Starting school is a milestone for both children and parents.对于孩子和家长而言,开始上学是一件大事。柯林斯高阶〔milestone〕Starting school is a milestone for both children and parents.开始上学对于孩子和家长而言都是一件大事。外研社新世纪〔plus〕Most children start school when they're five plus.大多数孩子五岁多开始上学。朗文当代〔school〕Children start school between the ages of four and five.儿童 4 到 5 岁时开始上学。朗文当代〔school〕Their daughter will start school next year.他们的女儿明年上学。韦氏高阶〔start〕Children start school at age five.孩子5岁时开始学校教育。麦克米伦高阶〔start〕The kids start school next week.孩子们下星期开学。牛津高阶〔work〕She's planning to return to work once the children start school.她正计划孩子一入学就恢复上班。牛津高阶〔young〕Our youngest daughter just started school.我们最小的女儿刚刚上学。韦氏高阶Starting school has opened up a lot of new areas for Sophie (=has given her new experiences).办学给索菲开拓了不少新天地。剑桥国际Because of his strange home life, when the boy started school he was almost mute and totally withdrawn.因为他特殊的家庭生活,孩子开始上学时几乎是不说话的,十分地孤僻。剑桥国际Claudia started school last September/is starting school next September.克劳迪娅去年 /明年九月开始上学。剑桥国际He will be in the reception class when he starts school.他开始上学后将先在小班。剑桥国际




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