

单词 syllable
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔acatalectic〕Having a metrically complete pattern, especially having the full number of syllables in the final foot. Used of verse.押韵的,完全韵脚的:格律完整的形式,尤指最后的韵脚其音节数完整。用在诗歌中美国传统〔accented〕The last syllable is not accented.最后一个音节不重读。外研社新世纪〔accentuate〕Accentuate the word “accent”on the first syllable.在“accent”一词的第一个音节上加重音符号。21世纪英汉〔accent〕A mark or symbol used in printing and writing to indicate the stressed syllables of a spoken word.重读符号:用于印刷体或书写体中的记号或符号,来表示所讲单词的重读音节美国传统〔accent〕Accent the word “woman”on the first syllable.“woman”一词在第一个音节重读。21世纪英汉〔accent〕In the word 'dinner' the accent is on the first syllable.dinner 一词的重音在第一音节上。朗文当代〔accent〕In the word “thunder” the accent is on the first syllable.“thunder”这个词的重音在第一音节。英汉大词典〔accent〕In ‘today’ the accent is on the second syllable.*today 一词的重音在第二音节。牛津高阶〔accent〕Put the accent on the first syllable of the word.把重音放在这个单词的第一个音节上。韦氏高阶〔accent〕Television anchorpersons add interest to their monologues by accenting a few syllables chosen at random.电视节目主持人通过随意加重几个音节来调节单调的播报。外研社新世纪〔accent〕The accent falls on the final syllable.重音在最后一个音节上。剑桥高阶〔accent〕The accent falls on the second syllable.重音落在第二个音节。外研社新世纪〔accent〕The accent is on the first syllable.重音在第一个音节上。麦克米伦高阶〔accent〕The accent is on the last syllable.重音在最后一个音节。外研社新世纪〔accent〕The relative prominence of a particular syllable of a word by greater intensity or by variation or modulation of pitch or tone.重音:单词中一个特定音节相对明显,由于强度的加大,音调、声调的改变或调整而形成美国传统〔accent〕The word “before” has the accent on the last syllable.单词before的重音落在最后一个音节上。韦氏高阶〔accent〕Vocal prominence or emphasis given to a particular syllable, word, or phrase.强调:一音节、单词或词组在发音上的突出和强调美国传统〔accent〕When you say “before,” you should accent the second syllable. = You should accent the word “before” on the second syllable.读before一词时,应该重读第二个音节。韦氏高阶〔acute accent〕Stress of a spoken sound or syllable.尖重音:语言或音节的重音美国传统〔anacrusis〕One or more unstressed syllables at the beginning of a line of verse, before the reckoning of the normal meter begins.非重读音节:诗句音步开始前句首的一个或多个非重读音节美国传统〔articulate〕Composed of distinct, meaningful syllables or words, as human speech.发音清晰的:由清楚的,有意义的音节或单词组成的,如人类语言美国传统〔articulate〕He articulated each syllable carefully.他小心而清晰地发出每个音节。柯林斯高阶〔articulate〕He articulated each syllable.他清晰地发出每个音节。外研社新世纪〔articulate〕She carefully articulated every syllable.她仔细清晰地发出每个音节。麦克米伦高阶〔atonic〕A word, syllable, or sound that is unaccented.无重读音节:不重读的单词、音节或单音美国传统〔breve〕A curved mark used to indicate a short or unstressed syllable of verse.表示诗行中的短音节或非重读音节的弧形符号美国传统〔catalectic〕Lacking one or more syllables, especially in the final foot. Used of verse.最后音步缺少一个音节的:缺少一个或多个音节的,尤指在最后一个音步中。用于诗歌中美国传统〔catalexis〕The absence of one or more syllables in a line of verse, especially in the last foot.音节缺失:在一行诗中尤指最后一个音步的一个或多个音节的缺失美国传统〔chant〕A short, simple melody in which a number of syllables or words are sung on or intoned to the same note.简短的旋律:一种简短的旋律,和着同一种调子演唱或吟诵一组音节和歌词美国传统〔choriamb〕A foot of verse used in lyric poetry having two unstressed syllables flanked by the two rhythmic stresses marking the first and last syllables of the foot.扬抑抑扬格:一种应用于抒情诗诗体中的音步,由两个轻音节夹在两个有节奏的重音之间构成,用于表示该音步的第一个和最后一个音节美国传统〔clip〕To shorten (a word or words) by leaving out letters or syllables.省略,简略:通过去除字母或音节来缩短(单词)美国传统〔consonant〕Corresponding or alike in sound, as words or syllables.谐音的:声音上相同或相似的,如词或音节美国传统〔decasyllable〕A line of verse having ten syllables.十音节诗行:一行有十个音节的诗句美国传统〔diastole〕The lengthening of a normally short syllable in Greek and Latin verse.(诗的)音节拉长:希腊文和拉丁文诗句中通常短音节的延长美国传统〔disyllable〕A word with two syllables.双音节词:有两个音节的词美国传统〔double talk〕Meaningless speech that consists of nonsense syllables mixed with intelligible words; gibberish.胡扯:无意义音节与易了解的字词夹杂在一起构成的无意义的话;文理不通的话美国传统〔drop〕She shortened difficult words by dropping the final syllable.她略去难单词的最后一个音节, 让单词变短。外研社新世纪〔echo verse〕Verse in which the final words or syllables of a line or stanza are repeated as a response, often with an ironic effect.重音格:下一行或节重复上一行或节的最后用词或音节的诗歌,常带有讽刺效果美国传统〔echo〕Repetition of certain sounds or syllables in poetry, as in echo verse.重复:在一种诗歌格律中某些音节或发音的重复,如在重音格中美国传统〔elide〕To omit or slur over (a syllable, for example) in pronunciation.省略:在发音时省略或忽略(例如,一个音节)美国传统〔elision〕Omission of an unstressed vowel or syllable, as in scanning a verse.非重读元音或音节的省略,例如在标出诗歌格律时美国传统〔emphasis〕Prominence given to a syllable, word, or words, as by raising the voice or printing in italic type.突出,重读:对于音节、单词或语句的突出,如通过提高音调或用斜体美国传统〔emphasis〕Put the emphasis on the second syllable.重读第二个音节。牛津搭配〔emphasis〕The emphasis is on the final syllable.重音在最后一个音节上。剑桥高阶〔emphasis〕The emphasis is on the first syllable of the last word.重音在最后一个单词的第一个音节上。柯林斯高阶〔emphasis〕The emphasis is on the first syllable of the last word.重音落在最后一个单词的第一个音节上。外研社新世纪〔emphasis〕The emphasis is usually on the first syllable.重音通常落在第一个音节上。麦克米伦高阶〔emphasis〕The emphasis should be on the first syllable.重音应落在第一个音节。朗文当代〔emphasize〕You should emphasize the penultimate syllable.你应该重读倒数第二个音节。外研社新世纪〔fall〕In English, the stress in ‘Paris' falls on the first syllable.在英语中,Paris 的重音落在第一个音节上。麦克米伦高阶〔fall〕In the word "table", the accent falls on the first syllable.table这个词的重音落在第一个音节上。剑桥高阶〔fall〕In the word 'report', the stress falls on the second syllable.在 report 这个词里,重音落在第二个音节上。朗文当代〔fall〕The accent falls on the last syllable.重音落在最后一个音节上。外研社新世纪〔fall〕The accent falls on the second syllable.重音落在第二个音节上。英汉大词典〔fall〕The accent falls on the second syllable.重音落在第二个音节上。韦氏高阶〔fall〕The accent falls on the third syllable.重音落在第三个音节上。21世纪英汉〔fall〕The fall of the accent on “trespass” is on the first syllable. trespass的重音落在第一音节上。英汉大词典〔fall〕The stress falls on the last syllable.重音在最后一个音节上美国传统〔fall〕Which syllable does the stress fall on? 重音在哪个音节?牛津高阶〔feminine ending〕An extra unstressed syllable at the end of a line of verse.行尾弱音节:附加在诗行末尾不需重读的音节美国传统〔feminine ending〕Grammar A final syllable or termination that marks or forms words in the feminine gender.【语法】 阴性弱韵:阴性词词尾或最后一个音节,用来标明或组成词语美国传统〔graph〕A written character that represents a vowel, consonant, syllable, word, or other expression and that cannot be further analyzed.书写单位;书写符号:代表一个元音、辅音、音节、词或其它表达方式,并且不能进一步分解的书写符号美国传统〔haiku〕A Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.俳句:一种日本抒情诗,由三句分别有五,七,五个音节的不压韵诗行构成,通常吟诵自然或四季风光美国传统〔heavy〕Linguistics Of, relating to, or being a syllable ending in a long vowel or in a vowel plus two consonants.【语言学】 重音节的:是或有关一个长元音或一个元音加两个辅音字母结尾的美国传统〔hypercatalectic〕Having an extra syllable or syllables at the end of a metrically complete line of verse or in a metrical foot.附加音节的,超音节的:一个对称的音脚或诗节中对称完整诗行中一句末尾附加一个或多个音节美国传统〔hypermetric〕Being one of these additional syllables.多余音节的:是这些多余音节中的一个状态的美国传统〔hypermetric〕Having one or more syllables in addition to those found in a standard metrical unit or line of verse.有多余音节的:除了标准音节单元或标准诗行中的音节外还有一个或多个音节的美国传统〔ictus〕The accent that falls on a stressed syllable in a line of scanned verse.强音:格律诗中某一行中重读音节上的重音美国传统〔in words of one syllable〕Could you explain to me in words of one syllable how an electron microscope works? 你能用简单的话给我解释一下电子显微镜的工作原理吗?剑桥高阶〔in words of one syllable〕We explained our views to the press in words of one syllable.我们用简单明了的措辞向媒体解释了我们的观点。韦氏高阶〔irrational〕Being a syllable in Greek and Latin prosody whose length does not fit the metric pattern.希腊和拉丁诗歌韵律学中中长度不符合格律的音节的美国传统〔irrational〕Being a metric foot containing such a syllable.音步含有这样一个音节的美国传统〔jerk〕Mr Gilbert jerked the words out in syllables, because a wasp happened to be swooping round his head.正巧有一只黄蜂在吉尔伯特先生头顶上横冲直撞, 搞得他说话都是一个音节一个音节往外蹦。外研社新世纪〔length〕The duration of a syllable.音节的持续时间美国传统〔light〕Of, relating to, or being a syllable ending in a short vowel or a short vowel plus a consonant.短元音的,短元音音节的:属于、关于或是以短元音或短元音加一个辅音结尾的音节的美国传统〔light〕Of, relating to, or being a vowel or syllable pronounced with little or no stress.不重读的,轻的:属于、关于或是非重读或轻读的元音或音节的美国传统〔long〕Being of relatively great duration. Used of a syllable in quantitative prosody.拉长的:相当长的停顿。用于重音节诗体中的音节美国传统〔long〕Linguistics A long syllable, vowel, or consonant.【语言学】 长音节:长音节、长元音或长辅音美国传统〔long〕Stressed or accented. Used of a syllable in accentual prosody.重音的:重读的或加重音的。用于重音韵律学中的音节美国传统〔masculine ending〕A stressed syllable that ends a line of verse.强音节诗行结尾美国传统〔masculine ending〕Grammar A final syllable or termination that marks or forms words in the masculine gender.【语法】 阳性词的最终结尾:标志或形成阳性单词的结尾音节或词尾美国传统〔medial〕Linguistics Being a sound, syllable, or letter occurring between the initial and final positions in a word or morpheme.【语言学】 (语言学)中间的:处于一个词或词素的头尾之间的(音、音节或字母)美国传统〔melisma〕A decorative passage of several notes sung to one syllable of text, as in Gregorian chant.花唱:经文中在一个音节上唱的一组修饰性音符,如格利高里圣歌中所唱者美国传统〔metaplasm〕Alteration of a word by the addition, omission, or transposition of sounds or syllables or the letters that represent them.词形变异:一个词的变化,通过音、音节或代表它们的字母的增加、删除或变换而来美国传统〔meter〕The measured arrangement of words in poetry, as by accentual rhythm, syllabic quantity, or the number of syllables in a line.韵律:诗歌中字词的有格律的排列,如重音的韵律,音节的数量或一行内音节的总数美国传统〔monosyllabic〕Having only one syllable.单音节的:只有一个音节的美国传统〔monosyllable〕A word or an utterance of one syllable.单音节词或单音节音:只有一个音节的词或发音美国传统〔mora〕The minimal unit of metrical time in quantitative verse, equal to the short syllable.莫勒:表示时间的节律系统中最小的音节单位,其时间值相当于一个普通短音节美国传统〔nonsense word/syllable〕The child repeated the nonsense syllables "boo di doo doo".小孩咿咿呀呀地重复着 boo di doo doo 这几个无意义的音节。剑桥高阶〔nonsense〕When he didn't know the words, he sang along using nonsense syllables.他不知道歌词时就用些没意义的音节跟着哼唱。韦氏高阶〔octosyllable〕A line of verse containing eight syllables.含有八个音节的诗行美国传统〔octosyllable〕A poem having eight syllables in each line.一首每行有八个音节的诗美国传统〔octosyllable〕A word of eight syllables.一个有八音节的词美国传统〔outride〕An unstressed syllable or cluster of syllables within a given metrical unit that is omitted from the scansion pattern in sprung rhythm.一音部内的轻音节:跳韵中按轻重韵律念时被省略的一个既定音步里的非重读音节或音群美国传统〔oxytone〕A word having the stress or the acute accent on the last syllable.尾重音词:最后一个音节有较重重音的一个单词美国传统〔oxytone〕Relating to or being a Greek word that has an acute accent on its last syllable.尾重音词的:有关或是其最后的节音上有较高重音的一希腊单词的美国传统〔oxytone〕Relating to or being a word that has a heavy stress accent on its last syllable.尾重音词的:有关或是其最后的节音有重音的一个单词的美国传统〔pada〕A unit of Sanskrit poetic meter consisting of a series of light and heavy syllables in any of various set combinations.句脚,句足:梵文诗歌音步的单位,由多种不同固定组合中的轻重音节系列组成美国传统〔paeon〕In quantitative verse, a foot of one long syllable and three short syllables occurring in any order.四音节的赞歌:在音量诗中,一个长音节的音脚和三个短音节以各种顺序发生美国传统〔paroxytone〕Having an acute accent on the next to last syllable. Used of some words in Greek and certain Romance languages, such as French and Portuguese.倒数第二个音节重读的:倒数第二个音节重读的。用于希腊语和包括法语与葡萄语在内的罗曼斯语中一些词语美国传统〔pentameter〕Most of Shakespeare's verse is written in iambic pentameter (= five pairs of syllables with an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable).莎士比亚的大部分诗歌都是以抑扬五音步写成的。剑桥高阶〔penult〕Linguistics The next to the last syllable in a word.【语言学】 词中倒数第二音节的美国传统〔polysyllabic〕Characterized by words having more than three syllables.多音节词的:以具有三个以上音节词语为特征的美国传统〔polysyllabic〕Having more than three syllables.多音节的:具有三个以上音节的美国传统〔polysyllable〕A word of more than three syllables.多音节词:具有三个以上音节的词美国传统〔primary accent〕The strongest degree of stress placed on a syllable in the pronunciation of a word.主重音:一个词的发音中以最重的音读的音节美国传统〔primary stress〕The strongest degree of stress placed on a syllable in the pronunciation of a word.主重音:字的发音,置于单音节中程度最强的重音美国传统〔protraction〕Linguistics The irregular lengthening of a normally short syllable.【语言学】 一个正常情况下短音节的不规则的延长美国传统〔pyrrhic〕A metrical foot having two short or unaccented syllables.二短音步:一种有节奏的步伐,上有两个短或无重音的音节美国传统〔quantitative〕Of or relating to a metrical system based on the duration of syllables rather than on stress. Used especially of classical Greek and Latin verse.音量的:基于音节的音长而不是重音的韵律系统的,或与之有关的。尤用在古典的希腊和拉丁诗歌中美国传统〔quantity〕Linguistics The relative amount of time needed to pronounce a vowel, consonant, or syllable.【语言学】 音量:发出某元音、辅音或音节所需时间的相对量美国传统〔quantity〕The duration of a syllable in quantitative verse.音节长短:在音量的诗歌中某音节的音长美国传统〔reduplicate〕To double (the initial syllable or all of a root word) to produce an inflectional or derivational form.重叠音:为产生曲折变化或衍生形式而重复(词根的第一个音节或全部)美国传统〔resolution〕The substitution of one metrical unit for another, especially the substitution of two short syllables for one long syllable in quantitative verse.长音节的拆分或替换:一个韵律元素替代另一个,尤指在数量韵文中用两个短音节替代一个长音节美国传统〔roulade〕An embellishment consisting of a rapid run of several notes sung to one syllable.滚奏,颤音:由夹在两个旋律之间的快速过渡和音组成的装饰音美国传统〔scan〕This line doesn't scan - it has too many syllables.这行诗不合节拍——音节太多了。剑桥高阶〔scat〕Jazz singing in which improvised, meaningless syllables are sung to a melody.无意义的狂喊乱叫:爵士乐唱法中即兴而作的无意义音节,为一曲调作伴唱美国传统〔secondary accent〕In the word 'agriculture' the secondary accent falls on the third syllable.在agriculture这个单词里, 次重音在第三个音节上。外研社新世纪〔secondary accent〕The degree of stress weaker than a primary accent placed on a syllable in the pronunciation of a word.次重音:在单词发音时比重音弱的音节的重读程度美国传统〔secondary stress〕The degree of stress weaker than a primary accent placed on a syllable in the pronunciation of a word.次重音:在字的发音中,重音程度次于主要重音的音节美国传统〔sentence stress〕The variation in emphasis or vocal stress on the syllables of words within a sentence.句子重音:句中单词音节上的强调或元音重音的变化美国传统〔short〕Being of relatively brief duration. Used of a syllable in quantitative prosody.短音的:持续时间相对较短的用于形容由长短步构成的诗体中的音节美国传统〔short〕Linguistics A briefly articulated speech sound or syllable.【语言学】 短音(节):一个发音很短的语音或音节美国传统〔short〕Unstressed; unaccented. Used of a syllable in accentual prosody.非重读的,非重音的:非重读的;非重音的。用于形容根据重音定节奏的诗体中的音节美国传统〔sol-fa〕To use the sol-fa syllables or sing using these syllables.使用这些音节或用这些音节唱美国传统〔sol-fa〕Use of these syllables.这些音节的使用美国传统〔solfeggio〕A singing exercise in which the sol-fa syllables are used.视唱:使用视唱法的唱歌练习美国传统〔solfeggio〕Use of the sol-fa syllables to note the tones of the scale; solmization.视唱,唱名法:使用唱名来记录音阶的音调;唱名唱法美国传统〔sound〕He sounded each syllable clearly.他清晰地发出了每个音节。韦氏高阶〔spondee〕A metrical foot consisting of two long or stressed syllables.扬扬格:有两个长音节或重音节的韵脚美国传统〔stress〕A syllable having strong relative emphasis in a metrical pattern.扬音:在诗格中有相对重音的音节美国传统〔stress〕In the word "engine" you should stress the first syllable.在 engine 这个词中,应该重读第一个音节。剑桥高阶〔stress〕In ‘fatigue' the stress falls on the second syllable.重音落在…上麦克米伦高阶〔stress〕In ‘strategic’ the stress falls on the second syllable.*strategic 一词的重音在第二音节。牛津高阶〔stress〕Italian words usually have the main stress on the penultimate syllable in the word.意大利语单词的主重音通常在倒数第二个音节上。牛津搭配〔stress〕Some people stress the second syllable of “harassment,” while others stress the first.有些人重读harassment一词的第二个音节,而另一些人则重读第一个音节。韦氏高阶〔stress〕Stress falls on the first syllable of the word “language.” 单词language的重音在第一个音节上。韦氏高阶〔stress〕Stress the second syllable in “accept”.“accept” 一词的第二个音节要重读。英汉大词典〔stress〕The emphasis placed on the sound or syllable spoken most forcefully in a word or phrase.重音:放在词或词组中发音非常有力的声音或音节的重读美国传统〔stress〕The first syllable takes the stress.第一个音节要重读。牛津搭配〔stress〕The noun ‘desert' is stressed on the first syllable.名词desert 的重音在第一个音节。麦克米伦高阶〔stress〕The relative force of sound or emphasis given a syllable or word in accordance with a metrical pattern.重读:在被给的音节或词语中与诗格相适应的声音的相对力量或重点美国传统〔stress〕The relative force with which a sound or syllable is spoken.音量:发音或音节的相对的量美国传统〔stress〕The stress is on the final syllable.重音在最后一个音节上。外研社新世纪〔stress〕The stress is on the first syllable.重音在第一个音节上。英汉大词典〔stress〕The word 'machine' is stressed on the second syllable.machine 这个词的第二个音节要重读。朗文当代〔stress〕There's a stress on the second syllable.第二个音节重读。牛津搭配〔stress〕To give prominence to (a syllable or word) in pronouncing or in accordance with a metrical pattern.重读:在发音中或与诗格相适应的对(音节或词)的重读美国传统〔stress〕When "insert" is a verb, the stress is on the second syllable, but when it is a noun, the stress is on the first syllable.Insert(插入)用作动词时重音在第二个音节上,但用作名词时重音在第一个音节上。剑桥高阶〔stress〕You should stress the second syllable in 'computer'.computer 的第二个音节要重读。外研社新世纪〔stress〕You stress the first syllable in ‘happiness’.*happiness 一词重读第一个音节。牛津高阶〔strong〕Stressed or accented in pronunciation or poetic meter. Used of a word or syllable.重读的:在发音或诗韵律重读的。用于一个词或一个音节美国传统〔syllabary〕A list of syllables.音节表美国传统〔syllabary〕A list or set of written characters for a language, each character representing a syllable.音节文字:某种语言的音节的书面表或一套书写符号,每个书写符号代表一个音节美国传统〔syllabic〕Of or being a form of verse based on the number of syllables in a line rather than on the arrangement of accents or quantities.音节节律的:一行诗中以音节的数目而不以重音或音量形成韵文的美国传统〔syllabic〕Of, relating to, or consisting of a syllable or syllables.一个或多个音节的、与之相关的或由之组成的美国传统〔syllabic〕Pronounced with every syllable distinct.一个一个音节发音的美国传统〔syllabify〕To form or divide into syllables.使构成或使划分成音节美国传统〔syllabism〕Division of a word or phrase into syllables.音节划分:把一个单词或短语划分成音节美国传统〔syllable〕Before I could utter a single syllable, she held up one warning finger.我还一声没出,她就举起手指警告。牛津搭配〔syllable〕Do not alter a syllable of this message.对这则消息一点也不要更改美国传统〔syllable〕Don't breathe a syllable of it.这事半个字也不要透露。外研社新世纪〔syllable〕He has never uttered a single syllable about this subject.他还从未就这个话题说过什么。牛津搭配〔syllable〕I told him in words of one syllable that I would not accept the nomination.我简单明了地告诉他, 我不会接受提名。外研社新世纪〔syllable〕Normally the stress falls on the first syllable of a word.一般来说,重音落在单词的第一个音节上。牛津搭配〔syllable〕One or more letters or phonetic symbols written or printed to approximate a spoken syllable.音节书写符号:手写或印刷的用来模拟口头音节的一个或多个字母或语音符号美国传统〔syllable〕The first syllable of the word “doctor” is given stress.单词doctor的重音在第一个音节上。韦氏高阶〔syllable〕The word “doctor” has two syllables.单词doctor有两个音节。韦氏高阶〔syllable〕To pronounce in syllables.按音节发音美国传统〔syllable〕We children called her Oma, accenting both syllables.我们小孩子都称她为“奥马”, 两个音节都重读。外研社新世纪〔syllable〕We children called her Oma, accenting both syllables.我们这群小孩叫她Oma,两个音节都重读。柯林斯高阶〔syllable〕We stress the second syllable of the word.这个词的重音在第二个音节。牛津搭配〔syllable〕You'll have to spell it out to him, using words of one syllable (= explain it in simple language).你得用最简单的语言给他解释。牛津搭配〔syneresis〕Linguistics The drawing together into one syllable of two consecutive vowels or syllables, as in the formation of a diphthong.【语言学】 元音省略:把两个连续的元音或音节合在一起,如在双元音的形成中美国传统〔synizesis〕Linguistics The union in pronunciation of two adjacent vowels into one syllable without forming a diphthong.【语言学】 音节缩合,元音溶合:把两个相邻的元音在发音时溶为一个音节,但并不成为一个双元音美国传统〔take〕The word takes an accent on the last syllable.这个词的最后一个音节重读。英汉大词典〔tanka〕A Japanese verse form in five lines, the first and third composed of five syllables and the rest of seven.短歌:一种日本五行诗,第一和第三行诗含有五个音节,其余诗行含有七个音节美国传统〔tone〕There is a falling tone on the first syllable and a rising tone on the other.第一个音节是降调,另一个音节是升调。朗文当代〔tribrach〕A metrical foot having three short or unstressed syllables.三短节韵,三短音节的音步:有三个短的或非重读音节的音步美国传统〔truncated〕Lacking an initial or final syllable. Used of a line of verse.缩短了的:缺头音节或尾音节的。用于诗行美国传统〔truncated〕Lacking one or more syllables, especially in the final foot; catalectic.缩短了的:尾音步少音节的;韵脚不完全的美国传统〔ultima〕The last syllable of a word.单词的最后一个音节美国传统〔umlaut〕A change in a vowel sound caused by partial assimilation especially to a vowel or semivowel occurring in the following syllable.元音变化:尤指因与下一音节的元音或半元音的部分相似而引起的元音变化美国传统〔unaccented〕Having no diacritical mark. Used of a word, syllable, or letter.无重音的:无变音符号的,用于词,音节或字母美国传统〔unstressed〕Most words that are made up of more than one syllable have at least one stressed syllable and one unstressed syllable.绝大部分有两个以上音节的单词都有至少一个重读音节和一个非重读音节。剑桥高阶〔unstressed〕The first and third syllables are unstressed.第一和第三音节不重读。英汉大词典〔unstressed〕The second syllable of the word “random” is unstressed.单词random的第二个音节不重读。韦氏高阶〔vocalise〕An exercise, a composition, or an arrangement in which a performer sings sol-fa syllables or other meaningless vocal sounds rather than a text.练声曲:一种练习、曲子或排练,歌手在进行过程中演唱视唱法音节或其它一些无意义的元音,而非演唱歌曲美国传统〔weak〕Designating a verse ending in which the metrical stress falls on a word or syllable that is unstressed in normal speech, such as a preposition.弱读结尾的:诗节结尾重读落在正常非重读单词或音节,如介词美国传统〔weak〕Unstressed or unaccented in pronunciation or poetic meter. Used of a word or syllable.非重读的:在发音或诗节中不重读的。用于一个词或音节美国传统〔word〕You have to put everything in words of one syllable for her.每件事你都得用非常简单的话跟她解释。朗文当代A vowel can form a syllable by itself. 元音能单独构成音节。译典通In the word ‘engine’, you should stress the first syllable.‘Engine’ 这词,你应该重读第一音节。剑桥国际In the word ‘particular’, the stress falls on the second syllable. Particular 一词的重音在第二个音节上。剑桥国际The accent comes / falls on the final syllable.重音落在最后一个音节上。剑桥国际The accent falls on the first syllable. 重音落在第一个音节上。译典通This line doesn't scan--it's got too many syllables.这行诗不合节拍----它的音节太多。剑桥国际




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