

单词 to gather
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEGAL〕The FBI will use all reasonable and lawful means to gather intelligence information. 联邦调查局会使用各种合理合法的手段来搜集情报。朗文写作活用〔blowpipe〕A long, narrow iron pipe used to gather, work, and blow molten glass.(制造玻璃之)吹管:汇集、加工、吹制熔化玻璃的细长铁管美国传统〔blue blood〕This is where the city's blue bloods like to gather.这里是城里名门望族喜欢聚集的地方。韦氏高阶〔bunch〕To gather (fabric) into folds.使起褶:使(织物)起褶美国传统〔bunch〕To gather together into a group.聚成一组美国传统〔cluster〕To gather or grow into bunches.丛生:聚集或长成束丛美国传统〔composure〕She closed her eyes for a moment, to gather her composure.她把眼睛合上了一会儿,努力恢复镇静。牛津搭配〔condenser〕A mirror, lens, or combination of lenses used to gather light and direct it upon an object or through a projection lens.聚光器:用于聚光并将光引向某物体或通过一凸透镜组的镜子、透镜或透镜组美国传统〔cumulate〕To gather in a heap; accumulate.堆积:集合成小堆;堆积美国传统〔forgather〕To gather together; assemble.聚会;聚集美国传统〔garner〕To gather and store in or as if in a granary.收藏,储藏:收集或贮藏物品于谷仓中,或就象在谷仓中美国传统〔gather himself〕He paused to gather himself before stepping out onto the stage.他停下来定了定神,然后走上舞台。韦氏高阶〔gather〕Give me just a minute to gather my things and then we can leave.稍等,我收拾一下,然后我们就可以离开了。韦氏高阶〔gather〕He asked us to gather round.他叫我们聚拢过来。韦氏高阶〔gather〕I need to gather together our tax documents.我需要把我们所有的税务文件收集在一起。麦克米伦高阶〔gather〕I paused to gather my thoughts and check my notes.我停顿下来整理思路并查看笔记。外研社新世纪〔gather〕I sat down for a moment to gather my strength.我坐下片刻积蓄力量。牛津高阶〔gather〕I took a few moments to gather my thoughts before going into the meeting.我花了几分钟时间整理一下思绪才去开会。朗文当代〔gather〕I went to several libraries to gather information about the plans.我去了数家图书馆去搜集有关这一计划的资料。剑桥高阶〔gather〕The man signalled for me to gather the children together.那个男子示意我把孩子们聚集到一起。外研社新世纪〔gather〕The police are continuing to gather evidence relating to the crime.警方正继续搜集与这起犯罪有关的证据。韦氏高阶〔glean〕To gather (grain) left behind by reapers.拾落穗:捡拾、收集(收割者落下的谷物)美国传统〔glean〕To gather grain left behind by reapers.捡拾落穗:捡拾收割者落在田里的谷物美国传统〔handpick〕To gather or pick by hand.用手采摘美国传统〔harvest〕To gather a crop.收获美国传统〔herd〕To gather, keep, or drive (animals) in a herd.使…集在一起,把…赶在一起:召集、看守、驱赶(动物)使之成为一群美国传统〔hoarfrost〕As the hoarfrost began to gather on him his wife went to her grave.他的须发开始变白时,妻子去世了。英汉大词典〔legman〕A reporter whose job is to gather information at the scene of an event or by visiting various news sources.现场采访记者,特派记者:其工作是到事发地点收集信息或通过采访不同的消息源而获取信息的记者美国传统〔make〕To gather and light the materials for (a fire).生火:收集材料并点燃(生火)美国传统〔mission〕He was sent on a fact-finding mission. = He was sent on a mission to gather information.他被派去了解情况。韦氏高阶〔momentum〕The campaign began to gather (lose) momentum.运动的势头开始增大(减弱)。英汉大词典〔momentum〕The campaign for reform should start to gather momentum in the new year.要求进行改革的运动在新的一年里声势应该会增大。朗文当代〔nut〕To gather or hunt for nuts.采干果,拾坚果美国传统〔paraphernalia〕The girls began to gather their hockey sticks,satchels,and other paraphernalia.姑娘们开始收拾她们的曲棍球棒、帆布背包和其他随身用品。英汉大词典〔pucker〕To gather into small wrinkles or folds.使收缩成皱褶或褶缝美国传统〔purse〕To gather or contract (the lips or brow) into wrinkles or folds; pucker.使皱起,噘起:聚拢或皱起(嘴唇或眉毛)从而形成皱纹或褶;使皱起美国传统〔radiosonde〕An instrument carried aloft, chiefly by balloon, to gather and transmit meteorological data.无线电高空测候器:一种被带到高空(主要由气球)进行气象数据收集和传送的仪器美国传统〔renewed〕The pressure for change seemed to gather renewed force.要求变革的压力似乎积聚了新的势头。英汉大词典〔rose〕Her aim was to gather roses whilst she might.她的宗旨是及时行乐。英汉大词典〔scallop〕To gather scallops for eating or sale.拾扇贝:拾集扇贝来吃或卖美国传统〔scramble〕To gather together in a hurried or disorderly fashion.杂乱的收集:匆忙的或无秩序地聚集在一起美国传统〔shock〕To gather (grain) into shocks.束堆:把(谷物)收拢做成禾束堆美国传统〔throng〕To gather, press, or move in a throng.大群地聚集、挤压或移动美国传统〔wit〕Claudia paused, trying to gather her wits enough to reply.镇定下来麦克米伦高阶〔wit〕I felt helpless, but tried to gather my wits.我感到无助,但尽量让自己冷静下来。朗文当代A guillotine was erected in the town square and a crowd began to gather around it.一个断头台在市镇广场建立起来,人群开始聚集在它周围。剑桥国际Several attempts to arrange a protest march failed to gather momentum.几次安排抗议游行的尝试都没能积聚起足够的力量。剑桥国际The right of free assembly (=The freedom of people to gather in groups) is essential in any country claiming to be democratic.自由集会的权利对于任何宣称实行民主的国家都是必不可少的。剑桥国际When he heard that the police were after him, he had just enough time to gather his wits and leave town before they arrived at his house.听说警察在追捕他时,他仅有点时间镇静下来,在他们到达之前离开城镇。剑桥国际You've got half an hour to gather up anything you'll need for the journey.你有半个小时收拾你旅行需要的东西。剑桥国际




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