

单词 beach
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕a flat, sandy beach 一处平坦的沙滩朗文写作活用〔SING〕the Beach Boys and other early '60s teen vocal groups “沙滩男孩”以及60年代初其他一些青少年演唱组朗文写作活用〔aptly〕the beach in the aptly named town of Oceanside.名字起得十分贴切的海洋边镇的海滩柯林斯高阶〔ashore〕a drowned body found washed ashore on the beach 冲到海滩上被人发现的一具溺水者尸体牛津高阶〔back〕a beach backed by hills 倚山的海滩英汉大词典〔bathing〕a bathing beach 海滨浴场文馨英汉〔beach〕a beach towel 沙滩浴巾剑桥高阶〔beach〕a beautiful golden beach stretching for miles 绵延数英里的美丽的金色海滩牛津搭配〔beach〕a sandy beach 沙滩麦克米伦高阶〔beach〕surfers on the beach 沙滩上的冲浪者朗文当代〔blissful〕our blissful beach vacation 我们非常愉快的海滩假期韦氏高阶〔breezy〕a breezy beach 风大的海滩韦氏高阶〔bum〕a beach bum 沉湎于海滩的人麦克米伦高阶〔cabin〕a cabin at the beach 海滩小木屋英汉大词典〔coarse〕a beach of coarse sand粗沙沙滩外研社新世纪〔competing〕the competing interests of beach development and sea turtle protection.开发海滩与保护海龟之间相互冲突的利益柯林斯高阶〔crescent〕a long crescent beach 一段长长的月牙形海岸英汉大词典〔dig〕digging clams on the beach 在海滩上挖蛤蜊韦氏高阶〔down〕steps leading down to the beach 通往下面沙滩的台阶麦克米伦高阶〔drench〕a beach drenched in sunlight 洒满阳光的海滩韦氏高阶〔flat〕a perfectly flat sandy beach 十分平坦的沙滩朗文当代〔fold〕a folding beach chair.可折叠的沙滩椅柯林斯高阶〔glisten〕a long beach of glistening sand 熠熠发光的绵长沙滩韦氏高阶〔happily〕children playing happily on the beach 在海滩上嬉戏的孩子们牛津高阶〔hut〕a row of beach huts 一排海滩小屋剑桥高阶〔land〕a stretch of sandy beach that was almost inaccessible from the land.从陆路几乎难以到达的一片沙滩柯林斯高阶〔land〕a stretch of sandy beach that was almost inaccessible from the land一片从陆地几乎不可抵达的沙滩外研社新世纪〔light〕light reading for the beach 海滩消遣读物牛津高阶〔lob〕lob a beach ball; lob a tennis shot over an opponent's head.抛高海滩球;把网球打过对手的头顶美国传统〔lonely〕a lonely beach 人迹罕至的海滩牛津高阶〔near〕a hotel near to the beach 一家靠近海滩的宾馆朗文当代〔nudist〕a nudist beach (= beach for nudists) 裸泳海滩剑桥高阶〔ocean〕a beach house overlooking the ocean 一座能眺望大海的海滨别墅牛津搭配〔packed〕a beach packed with holiday-makers 游人如织的海滩麦克米伦高阶〔remote〕a remote beach 偏远的海滩牛津高阶〔ride〕a group of children riding donkeys on the beach 一群在海滩上骑驴的孩子麦克米伦高阶〔sandy〕a sandy beach 沙滩牛津高阶〔sand〕a beach of fine golden sand 金色细沙海滩牛津搭配〔scatter〕a beach scattered with shells 散布着贝壳的海滩英汉大词典〔secluded〕a secluded beach 僻静的海滩剑桥高阶〔secret〕a secret passage leading to the beach 通往海滩的秘密通道牛津高阶〔sheltered〕a shallow-sloping beach next to a sheltered bay.有天然屏障的海湾旁的一个缓坡海滩柯林斯高阶〔shingle〕a shingle beach 粗砾海滩韦氏高阶〔shingle〕a strip of shingly beach 一片砂石海滩韦氏高阶〔shingly〕a shingly beach 多砂砾的海滨文馨英汉〔sparkling〕a sparkling white beach 闪亮亮的白色沙滩朗文当代〔spot〕a nice quiet spot on the beach 海滩上一个安静的好地方朗文当代〔stilt〕a beach house on stilts.支柱上的海滩房子美国传统〔stony〕a stony beach 多石的海滩英汉大词典〔stretch〕an empty stretch of beach 一片空旷的海滩牛津搭配〔strung out〕a group of riders strung out along the beach 沿海滩散开的一队骑手牛津高阶〔sun-kissed〕a sun-kissed beach 温暖的沙滩麦克米伦高阶〔take〕take a beach cottage for a month 以1月为期租一幢海滨别墅英汉大词典〔take〕take the sun (the air) on the beach 在海滩上晒太阳(呼吸新鲜空气) 英汉大词典〔topless〕a topless beach 允许女性裸露上身的海滩韦氏高阶〔topless〕a topless beach 有半裸女人的海滩麦克米伦高阶〔umbrella〕a beach umbrella 沙滩遮阳伞韦氏高阶〔up-to-the-minute〕beach resorts packed with up-to-the-minute facilities and entertainment 有先进设施和娱乐的海滨度假胜地朗文当代〔worshipper〕sun worshippers lying on the beach 躺在海滩上晒太阳的人们牛津高阶〔wrap〕a beach wrap 沙滩浴衣剑桥高阶




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