

单词 talk about
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BORING/BORED〕When you start talking about important political issues, most people's eyes glaze over. 一谈起重大政治话题,大多数人都会变得目光呆滞。朗文写作活用〔FINISH〕Until we can talk about this in a civil manner, I consider the discussion closed. 除非我们好好地谈这件事,否则我就觉得没什么好讨论的了。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕They ran out of things to talk about long before they arrived. 他们到达之前,要说的话早就讲完了。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕I don't know what my parents think about my living here - we never talk about it. 我不知道父母对我住在这里是怎么想的一我们从未谈过这件事。朗文写作活用〔among〕Talk about it among yourselves (= talk to each other about it without me) for a while.你们先讨论一会。剑桥高阶〔as to/for〕As to where we'll get the money from, we'll talk about that later.至于到哪儿去搞到这笔钱,我们以后再说吧。剑桥高阶〔awayday〕We talked about it at the awayday.我们外出开会那天说起过这事。牛津高阶〔back〕Have you been talking about me behind my back? 你们是不是在背后说我的闲话?牛津高阶〔bite〕Whenever possible, suggest she talks about it but be aware she may bite your head off for your trouble.找机会建议她谈谈这事儿,但是小心她可能会因为你多事儿而大发雷霆。柯林斯高阶〔choke〕She choked up when she began to talk about her mother.她开始谈起母亲时,便哽咽着说不出话来。牛津高阶〔competing〕They talked about the competing theories of the origin of life.他们讨论了几种相互矛盾的生命起源理论。柯林斯高阶〔disinclined〕He is disinclined to talk about the matter.他不愿谈那桩事。英汉大词典〔ephemeral〕He talked about the country's ephemeral unity being shattered by the defeat.他谈到战败使得该国短暂的统一彻底破灭。柯林斯高阶〔exaggerate〕He tends to exaggerate when talking about his accomplishments.一谈到自己的成就,他就容易夸大其词。韦氏高阶〔freeze〕Farmers still talk about the big freeze of '99.农民至今还在谈论 1999 年的大严寒。牛津高阶〔frightful〕My father was unable to talk about the war, it was so frightful.我父亲没法谈论那场战争,那太可怕了。柯林斯高阶〔front〕Please don't talk about it in front of the children.请不要当着孩子们的面谈那件事。牛津高阶〔get down〕Talking about politics always gets me down.谈论政治总让我提不起精神。韦氏高阶〔ground〕I was on more familiar ground now that we were talking about our own system.我对此较为熟悉,因为我们在谈论我们自己的体系。牛津搭配〔have time〕We haven't had any time to talk about it yet.我们还没有时间讨论此事。韦氏高阶〔head ... off〕It's difficult to head her off when she talked about her dissolute life.要是她谈起她的风流韵事来,你就别想岔开她的话题。21世纪英汉〔however〕I'm delighted I could be here today. However, I didn't come here to talk about myself.今天能在这儿,我感到很高兴。但是,我来这儿不是为了谈论自己。麦克米伦高阶〔hundred〕We're talking about a figure in the low hundreds.我们谈论的是一个两三百的数字。牛津高阶〔hunger〕The senator talked about America's hunger for leadership.参议员谈论到美国对领袖地位的渴望。麦克米伦高阶〔kind〕It kind of brings up an issue we talked about at the first meeting.可以说这挑起了我们曾在第一次会议上讨论过的一个问题。麦克米伦高阶〔like〕I don't like talking about Eve behind her back.我不喜欢背着伊夫谈论她。麦克米伦高阶〔loose〕There's been a bit of loose talk about it.对这件事有些不负责任的话。朗文当代〔merger〕There has been a lot of talk about a merger with another leading bank.人们纷纷传言要和另一家大银行合并。朗文当代〔morality〕We talked about the morality of hunting.我们就打猎是否道德这个话题进行了讨论。外研社新世纪〔much〕So much for that — let's talk about something else.关于此事就谈到这里,让我们谈谈别的吧。 英汉大词典〔occasion〕These workshops provide an occasion for talking about art.这些研讨会提供了一个讨论艺术的机会。牛津搭配〔out〕Molly is very out front in talking about her mistakes.莫莉讲到自己的错误时非常坦率。朗文当代〔plunge〕They're talking about marriage, but they don't know if they're ready to take the plunge.他们在讨论结婚了,但是他们尚不知道是否已准备好了采取行动。韦氏高阶〔pompous〕She found it difficult to talk about her achievements without sounding pompous.她发现在谈论自己的成就时很难不让人感觉是在炫耀。韦氏高阶〔repressed〕English people are notoriously repressed and don't talk about their feelings.英国人以含蓄克制闻名,不会谈论他们的感情。剑桥高阶〔role〕She talked about the roles of exercise and a healthy diet in preventing heart disease.她谈论了锻炼和健康饮食在预防心脏病方面的作用。韦氏高阶〔should〕You should have seen Boris's face when Hugh tapped him on the shoulder. Talk about surprise! 你真该看看休拍了一下鲍里斯肩膀时,鲍里斯脸上的表情。那叫一个惊讶!柯林斯高阶〔stuff〕I was embarrassed because he wanted to talk about love and stuff.我很尴尬,因为他想谈论爱情等东西。剑桥高阶〔talk〕I'm not talking about ancient history, I'm talking about last season's performance.我可不是在谈陈年旧事,我是在说上一个赛季的表现。朗文当代〔talk〕There has been much public talk about bilingual education.已经有许多有关双语教育的公开演讲。牛津搭配〔tear〕Did you notice the tears in his eyes when he talked about Diane? 你注意到他谈起黛安娜时双眼满含泪水吗?剑桥高阶〔unused〕She was unused to talking about herself.她不习惯谈论自己。牛津高阶〔up〕We are talking about upping everybody's pay.我们正在讨论给大家涨薪。外研社新世纪He kept talking about his operation over dinner--it was most unsavoury.他整个晚宴上都不断谈论他的手术----真是不能入耳。剑桥国际I don't know what (also which) children she was talking about.我不知道她在谈论哪些孩子。剑桥国际I think her husband must be dead -- she always talks about him in the past tense.我想她丈夫一定死了----她老是用过去时态谈到他。.剑桥国际Mike and I were talking about the sort of house that we'd like to buy --it's just wishful thinking really, since we can't even sell this one.我和迈克在谈论我们想买什么样的房子----这实际上是想入非非,因为我们甚至无法卖掉这所房子。剑桥国际People have started to gossip about us (= talk about our private lives).人们开始对我们说长道短。剑桥国际She does a lot of work for charities, but (her) modesty forbids her from talking about it.她为慈善事业做了许多工作,但她的谦逊不让她谈论此事。剑桥国际We talked about lunch but we left the date up in the air.我们讨论了午饭的事情,但时间还没有定下来。剑桥国际




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