

单词 boiling water
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AMOUNT〕She added a spoonful of olive oil to the boiling water, then threw in the pasta. 她在沸水中加入一匙橄榄油,然后把面食放进去。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕Add the pasta to 4 quarts of boiling water. 把意大利面加入4夸脱的开水中。朗文写作活用〔WASH〕Scrub the potatoes, then put them in a pan of boiling water. 把马铃薯刷干净,然后放进一锅开水里。朗文写作活用〔bagel〕A glazed, ring-shaped roll with a tough, chewy texture, made from plain yeast dough that is dropped briefly into nearly boiling water and then baked.硬面包圈:一种浇上糖浆的,质地坚韧耐嚼的环状卷饼,由不着色的酵母面做成,只需简单地将酵母面放入近于烧开的水中,然后烘烤美国传统〔boil〕She scalded herself on some boiling water.她被开水烫伤了。剑桥高阶〔break〕Break the spaghetti in half and put it into the boiling water.把意大利式细面条掰成两半,放进开水中。麦克米伦高阶〔bubble〕The boiling water was bubbling.开水在沸腾。21世纪英汉〔café filtre〕A beverage made by passing boiling water through ground coffee held in a filtering device that fits on top of a cup or pot.滤滴咖啡:一种通过将沸水倒进咖啡里而制成的饮料,咖啡装在杯子或平底壶顶端的过滤装置里美国传统〔case〕Extra boiling water should be kept at hand just in case it is needed.应该多准备些开水在身边, 预防口渴。外研社新世纪〔change〕At what point does boiling water change into water vapour? 沸水在多少度时变成水蒸气?麦克米伦高阶〔crack〕Don't put boiling water in the glass or it will crack.不要把沸水倒进这个玻璃杯里,否则它会破裂的。朗文当代〔crack〕The boiling water cracked the glass.开水把玻璃杯弄裂了。21世纪英汉〔culinary〕My culinary skills are limited to boiling water (= I am not very good at cooking).恐怕我的厨艺不怎么样!剑桥高阶〔dip〕Quickly dip the tomatoes in boiling water.在沸水中把西红柿快速地蘸一下。牛津搭配〔drip coffee〕Coffee made by pouring boiling water through a perforated container holding ground coffee into a pot that is fitted underneath.滴滤咖啡:将开水滤过装有磨碎咖啡的带孔容器流入放在下面的罐内而制成的咖啡美国传统〔immerse〕The shells should be immersed in boiling water for two minutes.贝类应在沸水中浸上两分钟。剑桥高阶〔impart〕Raisins are dipped in boiling water to impart a sheen and to soften the skin.葡萄干被浸入沸水,以增添光泽并使其表皮软化。英汉大词典〔kettle〕Pour a kettle of boiling water over the onions.在洋葱上倒一壶开水。柯林斯高阶〔kettle〕Put the kettle on (=start boiling water in a kettle), will you? 烧壶水,好吗?朗文当代〔pan〕Cook the pasta in a large pan of boiling water.把意大利面放在一大锅开水里煮。朗文当代〔percolator〕A coffeepot in which boiling water is forced repeatedly up through a central tube to filter back down through a basket of ground coffee beans.咖啡渗滤壶:一种咖啡壶,使开水反复通过一中心管,再返回滤过的磨好的咖啡豆美国传统〔plunge〕Cook the peas by plunging them into boiling water.把豌豆倒入沸水中煮。剑桥高阶〔plunge〕Plunge the pasta into boiling water.把意大利面倒入沸水中。朗文当代〔plunge〕Plunge the sliced onions into boiling water.把切好的洋葱片投进沸水里。麦克米伦高阶〔pot〕She filled the pot with boiling water.她给茶壶倒满了开水。牛津搭配〔scald〕I dropped a pan of boiling water and scalded my leg.我一锅沸水没端住,把腿烫伤了。剑桥高阶〔scald〕Scald the tomatoes in boiling water so that you can peel them more easily.把西红柿在热水中烫一下,皮就很容易剥去了。韦氏高阶〔spit〕The kettle spat boiling water over the stove.水壶把开水喷溅了一火炉。21世纪英汉〔steam〕Boiling water gives off steam.沸水冒出蒸汽。英汉大词典〔steep〕Let the tea leaves steep in boiling water for five minutes.让茶叶在滚水中泡5分钟。英汉大词典〔steep〕She steeped the tea in boiling water.她用滚水泡茶。英汉大词典〔sterilize〕Sterilize the bottles with boiling water.用沸水把这些瓶子消毒。朗文当代〔teakettle〕A covered kettle with a spout and handle, used for boiling water, as for tea.茶壶:带壶嘴和把手的有盖的水壶,用于煮沸水,如为了泡茶美国传统〔teapot〕She poured boiling water into the teapot.她将开水倒入茶壶中。外研社新世纪〔tea〕An aromatic, slightly bitter beverage made by steeping tea leaves in boiling water.茶:通过将茶叶浸泡在沸水中制成的有香味微苦的饮料美国传统〔water〕Pour boiling water over the rice and let it soak.倒入沸水浸泡大米。朗文当代〔way〕Make the drink with boiling water in the same way as tea.像泡茶一样用沸水冲泡这种饮料。朗文当代〔with〕Fill the jug with boiling water.在罐里装满开水。麦克米伦高阶〔with〕Mix the powder with boiling water.用开水把粉末调和。朗文当代Blanch the broccoli / cauliflower florets in boiling water, removing them as soon as the water returns to a boil.将分成小朵的花椰菜/花菜放到沸水中快煮,一到水再次沸腾时马上捞出。剑桥国际Cook the peas by plunging them into boiling water.把豌豆倒入沸水中煮。剑桥国际Drop the tomatoes into the boiling water and blanch them for 20 to 30 seconds.将西红柿放入沸水中速煮20到30秒钟。剑桥国际He cooked the pasta in a large pan of boiling water. 他用一大锅开水煮义大利面食。译典通I dropped a pan of boiling water and scalded my leg.我一失手掉下一锅沸水,烫伤了我的腿。剑桥国际Let the tea leaves steep in boiling water for five minutes. 让茶叶在滚开的水中浸泡五分钟。译典通Macaroni is cooked in boiling water.通心粉需用沸水煮。剑桥国际Many cooks are squeamish about putting live shellfish into boiling water.许多厨师在将活的贝类放入沸水时都感到恶心。剑桥国际Put the potatoes into boiling water, preferably after peeling them (= it is best if you do this).剥了皮后把土豆放入沸水中更好。剑桥国际She scalded herself on some boiling water.她被开水烫伤了。剑桥国际She steeped the tea in boiling water. 她用滚开的水泡茶。译典通




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