

单词 staff
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔below〕pay rises awarded to all white-collar staff below chief officer level.所有职位低于首席官员的白领员工的薪酬增长柯林斯高阶〔body〕a meeting of representatives of the student body and teaching staff 全体学生和教师代表大会牛津高阶〔brave〕the brave efforts of the medical staff to save his life 医务人员为挽救他的生命所作的极大努力朗文当代〔cadre〕the cadre of a Presidential staff 总统工作班子的核心人员英汉大词典〔chief of staff〕the White House Chief of Staff 白宫幕僚长韦氏高阶〔clerical〕a strike by clerical staff in all government departments.所有政府部门的文员举行的罢工柯林斯高阶〔counter〕post office counter staff 邮局柜台工作人员牛津搭配〔cutback〕the 200-person staff cutback announced yesterday.昨天宣布裁员200人柯林斯高阶〔deputation〕the deputation of responsibility among the staff members 职员间职责的委派英汉大词典〔disturbance〕an unacceptable level of disturbance to our staff 对我们的人员不可接受的干扰牛津搭配〔editorial〕the magazine's editorial staff 杂志的全体编辑人员牛津高阶〔emotionally〕staff looking after emotionally disturbed adolescents照看情绪失常少年的工作人员外研社新世纪〔empire〕the staff who help run his hotel empire 帮助他经营庞大的旅馆业的职员牛津搭配〔ensure〕safety devices to ensure staff against accidents保护全体雇员免出事故的安全设施21世纪英汉〔hands-off〕a hands-off approach to staff management 不干涉的职员管理方法牛津高阶〔helpful〕a traditional hotel with friendly and very helpful staff 服务人员非常友善、乐于帮忙的传统旅馆麦克米伦高阶〔high-level〕high-level staff 高级职员牛津高阶〔highly〕a highly valued member of staff 极受尊重的员工麦克米伦高阶〔house〕the front-of-house staff 剧院观众席工作人员牛津搭配〔in-house〕a large company with an in-house staff of translators 自己拥有一支翻译队伍的一家大公司英汉大词典〔layer〕an astounding ten layers of staff between the factory worker and the chief executive.工厂工人和首席执行官之间10个等级的巨大差距柯林斯高阶〔legation〕the large staff of the legation 公使馆的大批人员英汉大词典〔list〕a staff list (教) 职员名单英汉大词典〔malaise〕a serious malaise among the staff 员工极为不满的情绪牛津高阶〔management〕good management and cooperation with staff 妥善管理以及与员工的密切合作朗文当代〔medical〕medical staff 医务人员朗文当代〔menial〕the menial staff 下等家仆英汉大词典〔night〕the night staff 夜班人员 英汉大词典〔overbearing〕be overbearing in one's relations with one's staff 专横地对待手下的工作人员英汉大词典〔photographer〕a staff photographer at the 'New York Times' 在《纽约时报》任职的摄影师牛津搭配〔professionalism〕the dedication and professionalism of our staff 我们员工的奉献精神、职业水平和道德朗文当代〔professionally〕a professionally trained staff 受过专业训练的员工韦氏高阶〔protend〕his staff protending like a hunter's spear他的棍子像猎人的梭镖一样伸着21世纪英汉〔pupil〕staff and pupils 教职员工和学生朗文当代〔qualify〕highly trained staff who are well qualified to give unbiased, practical advice.受过良好训练、能够提供客观而切实的建议的工作人员柯林斯高阶〔remote〕radio station staff doing remotes 作现场广播的无线电台工作人员 英汉大词典〔responsibility〕a manager with responsibility for over 100 staff 负责 100 多名员工的经理朗文当代〔shorthanded〕a shorthanded staff 员工不足韦氏高阶〔staff〕staff aides 随从参谋英汉大词典〔staff〕staff appointed to the project 分配到该项目的员工牛津搭配〔staff〕staff members 职工牛津高阶〔staff〕a staff of twenty people 二十名的职员文馨英汉〔staff〕a staff officer 参谋文馨英汉〔staff〕a staff person for a government agency 一位政府机构的工作人员牛津搭配〔staff〕a staff restaurant/canteen 员工餐馆/食堂麦克米伦高阶〔staff〕a strike by ambulance staff 救护人员的罢工朗文当代〔staff〕establish a full staff of planners 建立一整套的规划人员班底英汉大词典〔staff〕medical staff 全体医务人员牛津高阶〔staff〕one of our longest-serving staff members 我们当中服务年资最长的员工之一朗文当代〔staff〕serve on the mayor's planning staff 供职于市长的规划人员班子英汉大词典〔staff〕the ground staff at the airport 机场的地勤人员牛津搭配〔staff〕the medical staff who treated him during his confinement 在他囚禁期间给予他治疗的医务人员牛津搭配〔staff〕the senator and his staff (singular) 参议员及他的工作人员(单数)牛津高阶〔staff〕the teaching staff (of) (某一学校的)全体教师,教授阵容文馨英汉〔take〕to take on new staff 雇用新员工牛津高阶〔temporary〕temporary staff 临时工作人员剑桥高阶〔topless〕a topless bar(= where the female staff are topless) 女招待不穿上装的酒吧牛津高阶〔unqualified〕unqualified staff 不合格的员工朗文当代a training programme for new staff 新员工培训方案牛津商务preventing a mass exodus of staff to rival firms 预防员工集体跳槽去竞争对手企业牛津商务




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