

单词 suit to
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕I've sent the suit to a tailor for alterations. 我已把衣服送到裁缝那儿去改了。朗文写作活用〔SUITABLE〕Do you think his personality is suited to a career in teaching? 你觉得他的个性适合从事教书工作吗?朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕If two people aren't naturally suited to each other, there's no point in pursuing a relationship. 如果两人天生性格不合,就没有必要维持关系。朗文写作活用〔absolute〕It's not really suited to absolute beginners.它并不真正适合从零开始的初学者。柯林斯高阶〔absolute〕This book is not really suited to absolute beginners.这本书并不真的适合绝对的初学者。外研社新世纪〔acellular vaccine〕A vaccine composed of only those fragments of bacterial cells that are best suited to stimulating a strong immune response.非细胞疫苗:由细菌细胞碎片构成的疫苗,非常适合刺激强免疫力反应美国传统〔adapt〕You can adapt this fabric for anything from divers' suits to gloves.你可以把这种面料做成从潜水服到手套的任何东西。麦克米伦高阶〔advice〕Let me give you a piece of advice. Wear a blue suit to the interview.让我给你一点建议。 穿蓝色套装去参加面试。朗文当代〔best〕She's best suited to life in the city.她最适合在城市生活。韦氏高阶〔cleaner〕I took my suit to the cleaners.我把套装送去干洗店了。韦氏高阶〔clubbable〕Suited to membership in a social club; sociable.适合为俱乐部会员的;好交际的美国传统〔covenant〕A suit to recover damages for violation of such a contract.契约诉讼:对违背这种合同要求赔偿损害美国传统〔dark〕She's wearing a dark suit to the interview.她穿深色套装去面试。韦氏高阶〔exoteric〕Comprehensible to or suited to the public; popular.通俗的:适于传给公众的;通俗的美国传统〔fat suit〕He donned a dress and a fat suit to play the heroine's mother.他穿上一条裙子和一件肥肥装,扮演女主人公的妈妈。剑桥高阶〔flexibility〕The flexibility of distance learning would be particularly suited to busy managers.远程学习的灵活性尤其适合忙碌的管理人员。外研社新世纪〔gentle〕Suited to one of good breeding; refined and polite.有教养的,有礼的:与良好教养相称的;优雅的,礼貌的美国传统〔handgrip〕Something, such as a handle, that is suited to a grip by the hand.柄:一些诸如把手似的适合被手握住的东西美国传统〔ideally〕They were ideally suited to one another.他们彼此十分般配。韦氏高阶〔lark〕I don't really think I'm suited to this marriage lark.我觉得自己并不适合这桩婚姻。剑桥高阶〔maladapted〕Poorly suited to a particular function or situation.不适应的:对某种机能或环境不习惯的美国传统〔masculine〕We assume that stereotypically masculine traits are more suited to the military.我们以为人们常说的男性特质更加适合军队。牛津搭配〔name〕John? He hasn't got a suit to his name.约翰吗?他连一件属于自己的西服都没有。麦克米伦高阶〔nippy〕Barnaby may be 15, but he's nippy and suited to badminton.巴纳比或许只有15岁, 但是他非常灵巧, 很适合羽毛球运动。外研社新世纪〔respectable〕I wore my boring, respectable suit to the interview.我穿上了那套呆板、体面的正装去参加面试。剑桥高阶〔skimmer〕The structure of modern news story is suited to the skimmer.现代新闻报道的结构适合那种蜻蜓点水般粗略阅读的人。英汉大词典〔special〕The scientists dived down in special suits to walk on the bed of the sea.科学家们穿着特制的潜水服潜至海底行走。英汉大词典〔suited〕His attire was suited to the occasion.他的服装适合那个场合。文馨英汉〔suited〕I'm not suited to living in the city.我不适合在这个城市生活。外研社新世纪〔suited〕Satellites are uniquely suited to provide this information.只有人造卫星能提供此类信息。柯林斯高阶〔suited〕She was ideally suited to the part of Eva Peron.她演爱娃 · 庇隆这个角色再合适不过了。牛津高阶〔suited〕The area is well suited to road cycling as well as off-road riding.这个地方很适合举行自行车公路赛和越野赛。外研社新世纪〔suited〕They were well suited to each other.他们俩是天造地设的一对。柯林斯高阶〔suited〕This diet is suited to anyone who wants to lose weight fast.这食谱适合每一个希望迅速减肥的人。牛津高阶〔suited〕We want schooling that is suited to the needs of the local community.我们需要符合当地社区需求的学校教育。麦克米伦高阶〔suit〕He wore his gray suit to the job interview.他身穿灰色西装前去工作面试。韦氏高阶〔suit〕You are suited to be my assistant.你倒是适合做我的助手。21世纪英汉〔sync〕He's putting himself forward as a president whose ideas are in sync with (= are suited to and show an understanding of) a nation demanding change.他要向人们展现自己是一个思想能够顺应国家变革的总统。剑桥高阶〔task〕His thick fingers were not well suited to the task.他手指粗,不太适合做这项工作。牛津搭配〔uniquely〕He is uniquely suited to lead this company.他是唯一适合领导这家公司的人。韦氏高阶〔unique〕Her past experience made her uniquely suited to lead the campaign.她以往的经历使她格外适合领导这场运动。牛津高阶〔writing〕His writing style is well suited to this subject matter.他的写作风格很适合这种题材。牛津搭配After a couple of years together, we realized that we were not suited to one another and decided to go our own ways.几年的共同生活之后,我们意识到彼此并不适合,于是决定分手。剑桥国际Hamburgers and fries were not really suited to his epicurean tastes.汉堡包和炸薯条并不真正对他美食家的胃口。剑桥国际He's putting himself forward as a president whose ideas are in sync with (= are suited to and show an understanding of) a nation demanding change.他自荐是一个与要求变革国家同步的总统。剑桥国际Her speech was well suited to the occasion. 她的讲话在这个场合十分得体。译典通I don't really think I'm suited to this marriage lark (= to marriage).我真的认为我不适合这场婚姻游戏。剑桥国际It is rapidly becoming clear (to me) that I'm not suited to being a teacher.我很快明白过来我不适合当老师。剑桥国际Psychometric tests can help you decide what type of career you are suited to.心理测试能有助你弄清楚自己适合的职业类型。牛津商务The company operates out of modern offices and expensive hotel suites to create an air of respectability.这家公司在现代化办公室和豪华饭店套间中办公,以营造出一种体面的氛围。剑桥国际




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