

单词 stone
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔COLD〕a cold stone floor 冷冷的石地板朗文写作活用〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕the rough stone walls of the old castle 老城堡的粗糙石墙朗文写作活用〔blast〕blast the stone with sand to clean the surface 向石碑喷射沙子以清洗表面英汉大词典〔build〕a house built of stone 用石头建造的房子牛津高阶〔carve〕carved stone figures.石雕像柯林斯高阶〔carving〕an ancient people proficient in stone carving 一个擅长石刻的古老民族韦氏高阶〔case〕a wall cased with stone 嵌贴石材(以加强)的围墙文馨英汉〔cast〕cast a stone 扔石头英汉大词典〔cladding〕stone cladding.石头覆层柯林斯高阶〔colonnade〕a colonnade with stone pillars.石柱柱廊柯林斯高阶〔crusher〕a 40-ton stone crusher.40吨的碎石机柯林斯高阶〔discharge from〕to discharge a stone from a sling用弹弓射石子21世纪英汉〔dog-eared〕a dog-eared grey stone pile 一座破旧的灰色石头建筑物英汉大词典〔flight〕a flight of stone steps 一段石阶文馨英汉〔flight〕at the bottom of a flight of stone steps在一段石阶的底部外研社新世纪〔foundation stone〕to lay the foundation stone of the new museum 为新建博物馆奠基牛津高阶〔gargoyle〕stone gargoyles set atop the famous temple walls安放在这座著名庙宇墙头的奇异石雕外研社新世纪〔grained〕fine-grained stone 质地细的石头牛津高阶〔grind〕a stone for grinding knives and scissors 磨刀剪的石头朗文当代〔harmoniously〕stone paths that blend harmoniously with the scenery.与景色和谐融为一体的石子路柯林斯高阶〔hewn〕hewn stone 毛石英汉大词典〔hurl〕hurl a stone at 向…扔石子英汉大词典〔incise〕an inscription incised in stone 刻在石头上的碑文朗文当代〔inscribe〕stone slabs inscribed with Buddhist texts.镌刻着佛经的石板柯林斯高阶〔inscription〕a Latin inscription on the memorial stone 纪念碑上的拉丁语碑文朗文当代〔lattice〕a low wall of stone latticework 石砌格构的矮墙牛津高阶〔marker〕lines of weathered stone markers sticking up from the desert.矗立在沙漠里的一排排饱经风吹日晒的石头路标柯林斯高阶〔mighty〕a mighty stone fortress.巨大的石筑城堡美国传统〔monolith〕low walls of the same stone as the monoliths in the sea由海里的单块巨石一样的石头砌成的矮墙外研社新世纪〔pass〕pass a kidney stone 排出肾结石韦氏高阶〔pedestal〕a bed hoisted up on a stone pedestal吊在石基座上的床外研社新世纪〔piling〕bridges set on stone pilings.架在石桩上的桥梁柯林斯高阶〔rasp〕hear an ugly rasp of metal on stone 听到金属在石头上擦刮的刺耳声音 英汉大词典〔reduce〕reduce stone to powder 把石头磨成粉末韦氏高阶〔relief〕stone reliefs 石头浮雕作品剑桥高阶〔roof〕a small stone cottage with a red slate roof.有着红色石板房顶的小石屋柯林斯高阶〔scrape〕the scrape of iron on stone 铁摩擦石头发出的嚓嚓声牛津高阶〔sculpture〕the techniques of sculpture in stone 石雕技艺牛津高阶〔skitter〕to skitter a flat stone across the water用扁石打水漂21世纪英汉〔squat〕squat stone cottages 矮而宽的小石屋朗文当代〔stone〕stone a well 用石砌井英汉大词典〔stone〕stone buildings 石头建筑韦氏高阶〔stone〕stone cold; standing stone still.彻骨之寒;纹丝不动地站着美国传统〔stone〕stone steps 石台阶朗文当代〔stone〕stone steps 石阶英汉大词典〔stone〕a stone floor 石地板牛津高阶〔stone〕a stone genius 十足的天才英汉大词典〔stone〕a stone wall 石墙朗文当代〔stone〕a stone wall 石头墙麦克米伦高阶〔stone〕a stone wall/floor 石墙/石头地面剑桥高阶〔stone〕a carved stone fireplace 石雕壁炉牛津搭配〔stone〕a precious/semiprecious stone 宝石/半宝石剑桥高阶〔stone〕names carved in stone 刻在石头上的名字牛津搭配〔stone〕pure stone craziness 十足纯粹的疯狂英汉大词典〔stone〕spit out the stone 把核吐出来英汉大词典〔stumble〕stumble on a stone 在一块石头上绊了一跤英汉大词典〔vamp sth up〕pictures of Sharon Stone vamping it up on the red carpet 莎朗·斯通在红地毯上仿佛在勾引人一般的照。剑桥高阶〔work〕work stone 加工石料 英汉大词典〔worn〕well worn stone steps 残破的石阶朗文当代〔wrought〕be wrought of stone 用石制成英汉大词典




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