单词 | suicide |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCEPT〕The court's decision upheld state laws prohibiting doctor-assisted suicide. 法院的判决支持州法律禁止医生协助病人自杀的规定。朗文写作活用〔ACTUALLY〕The fact is he was murdered. He didn't commit suicide at all. 实际上他是被谋杀的,他根本没有自杀。朗文写作活用〔BASIC〕The underlying factor in almost all suicides is the feeling of hopelessness. 几乎所有自杀案的根本原因都是绝望感。朗文写作活用〔BELIEVE〕She claimed she wasn't trying to commit suicide, and doctors gave her the benefit of the doubt. 她声称自己没想要自杀,医生姑且相信她。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕Graham slit his wrists in a suicide attempt. 格雷厄姆割破双腕,企图自杀。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕The hospital refused to move her, implying she was still at risk of committing suicide. 医院拒绝送她走,并暗示说她仍有自杀的危险。朗文写作活用〔DIE〕Suicide pilots are brainwashed into believing they will go straight to paradise when they die. 自杀飞行员经过洗脑后相信自己死后能直接上天堂。朗文写作活用〔DIE〕FBI agents found the passport of one of the suicide bombers among the wreckage. 联邦调查局探员在残骸中找到了其中一名自杀式炸弹袭击者的护照。朗文写作活用〔DRUG〕The article says that Ware tried to commit suicide by combining prescription drugs and alcohol. 文章说韦尔把处方药和酒一起服下企图自杀。朗文写作活用〔DRUG〕The woman apparently tried to commit suicide by taking an overdose of a prescription drug. 这女人显然是想以过量服用处方药来自杀。朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕During the hearing it came out that she had tried to commit suicide. 在审讯过程中披露了她曾企图自杀。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕The family talks openly now about Bill's depression and suicide. 家里人现在会坦然地谈起比尔的忧郁症和他自杀的事。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕In ten years, homicide rates tripled and suicide rates quadrupled. 十年里杀人案发生率增加了两倍,自杀率增加了三倍。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕Barry threatened to commit suicide if she refused to marry him. 巴里威胁说如果她拒绝嫁给他,他就要自杀。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕Police are treating the man's death as suicide. 警方把这名男子的死列为自杀案处理。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕Stephen required hospital treatment after his suicide attempt. 史蒂芬自杀未遂,需要入院治疗。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕There is grave concern about the number of teenage suicides recorded last year. 去年记录的青少年自杀数字引起了人们的极大关注。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕There was no question of foul play - a suicide note was found near the body. 不可能是谋杀—尸体旁边发现了一张自杀字条。朗文写作活用〔LAW〕Under the new law, anyone who assists in a suicide faces 10 years in prison. 根据新的法律,协助自杀者要面临十年徒刑。朗文写作活用〔LETTER〕Police are puzzled about the man's death. There was no sign of a struggle and no suicide note. 警方对此人的死亡困惑不解:既没有搏斗的迹象,也没有自杀前留下的遗书。朗文写作活用〔MENTALLY ILL〕By the end of the book, Peter's addiction has led him to madness and suicide. 在这本书的结尾处,彼得的毒瘾导致他发疯并自杀。朗文写作活用〔MYSTERIOUS〕Four years after the event, the scientist's suicide remains a complete mystery. 该科学家自杀四年之后,真相仍然是一个谜团。朗文写作活用〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕Even a few hours before he committed suicide, he seemed to be behaving perfectly normally. 就是他自杀前的几个小时,他的行为似乎还是非常正常的。朗文写作活用〔OFFICIAL〕The official explanation for the man's death was suicide. 官方的说法是那人死于自杀。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕Police officers talked a man out of a suicide jump off the bridge. 警察说服一名男子不要跳桥自杀。朗文写作活用〔PRISON〕Brett was eventually confined in a psychiatric hospital, where he committed suicide. 布雷特最终被关进一所精神病院,他在那里自杀身亡。朗文写作活用〔PURPOSE〕The suicide was described as a senseless waste of a young woman's life. 这起自杀案被人形容为一个年轻女子对生命毫无意义的浪费。朗文写作活用〔Pyramus〕A Babylonian youth who committed suicide when he mistakenly thought his lover Thisbe was dead.皮拉摩斯:巴比伦王国的一个年轻人,当他错误地认为他的爱人提斯柏已经死了时而自杀了美国传统〔SECRET〕His death was really hush-hush. It was so covered up that you wondered if it wasn't a suicide. 他的死讯非常保密,遮掩得让你怀疑那不是自杀。朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕From the way the body was lying, I'd say it was suicide. 从尸体躺卧的姿势看,我觉得那是自杀。朗文写作活用〔STRANGE〕Colin later took his own life in a bizarre suicide pact with his mother. 科林后来和他母亲签了一个奇怪的自杀协议,结束了自己的生命。朗文写作活用〔Thisbe〕The young woman of Babylon who killed herself after the suicide of her lover, Pyramus.瑞思比:巴比伦一年轻女性,当她的情人帕拉莫斯自杀后,她也自杀而死美国传统〔UPSET〕Benson was so distraught over the breakup of his marriage that he committed suicide. 本森因为婚姻破裂感到非常忧伤,于是自杀了。朗文写作活用〔a cry for help〕Most suicide attempts are really a cry for help.大多数企图自杀的行为实际上是一种迫切需要帮助的表现。剑桥高阶〔advocate〕Those who advocate doctor-assisted suicide say the terminally ill should not have to suffer.主张可以在医生协助下结束生命的人宣称,晚期病人不应当受罪。朗文当代〔aid〕He was charged with aiding and abetting her suicide.他被控协助她自杀。外研社新世纪〔amazingly〕Teenage children have an amazingly high suicide rate.青少年自杀率极高。外研社新世纪〔among〕The suicide rate among young male prisoners is high.年轻男性囚犯中的自杀率很高。麦克米伦高阶〔appear〕He tried to make it appear that she had committed suicide.他设法让她看上去像是自杀的。朗文当代〔assisted suicide〕Suicide accomplished with the aid of another person, especially a physician.自杀辅助:由他人(如医生)帮助完成的自杀美国传统〔attempt〕Few people knew that she had once attempted suicide.很少人知道她曾经企图自杀。麦克米伦高阶〔attempt〕She attempted suicide early in their marriage.她在刚结婚时曾企图自杀。韦氏高阶〔bent〕He seems bent on suicide.他似乎决心要自杀。文馨英汉〔bent〕He's bent on suicide.他执意要自杀。外研社新世纪〔bomber〕Rajiv Gandhi is believed to have been killed by a suicide bomber (= a person who carries a bomb on their body).拉吉夫·甘地据信是被一名人体炸弹袭击者炸死的。剑桥高阶〔break〕Breaking a ten-year silence, he has talked for the first time about his wife's suicide.他打破了10年的沉默,第一次谈起他妻子的自杀。麦克米伦高阶〔bring in〕The inquest will bring in a verdict of suicide.这次审讯将得出自杀的结论。柯林斯高阶〔but〕There was no doubt but that the poor girl had committed suicide.毫无疑问那个可怜的女孩自杀了。麦克米伦高阶〔catalyst〕The high suicide rate acted as a catalyst for change in the prison system.高自杀率促成了监狱系统的改革。剑桥高阶〔cheat〕He cheated the law by suicide.他以自杀逃避法律的制裁。21世纪英汉〔chronically〕One cause of the artist's suicide seems to have been chronic poverty.那位艺术家自杀的一个原因似乎是极端贫困。柯林斯高阶〔chronic〕One cause of the artist's suicide seems to have been chronic poverty.这位艺术家自杀的原因之一似乎是长期贫困。外研社新世纪〔classify〕The coroner immediately classified his death as a suicide.验尸官立即断定他的死亡属于自杀。外研社新世纪〔classify〕The coroner immediately classified his death as a suicide.验尸官立即断定他的死亡属于自杀。柯林斯高阶〔close in〕Hitler himself committed suicide as Soviet forces were closing in on Berlin.当苏联军队逼近柏林的时候,希特勒自杀了。柯林斯高阶〔coax〕Rescuers told how they coaxed a man out of a suicide attempt.营救者讲述他们是如何劝一个男人打消自杀念头的。麦克米伦高阶〔committed〕There are unconfirmed reports he tried to commit suicide.有未经证实的报道说他曾企图自杀。柯林斯高阶〔commit〕Reports suggest that the singer committed suicide.报道暗示那位歌手是自杀而亡的。麦克米伦高阶〔commit〕She committed suicide three days later.三天后她自杀了。21世纪英汉〔compelling〕Factual and forensic evidence makes a suicide verdict the most compelling answer to the mystery of his death.事实和法医证据都表明, 自杀裁定是对他神秘死亡案件最令人信服的解释。外研社新世纪〔compelling〕Factual and forensic evidence makes a suicide verdict the most compelling answer to the mystery of his death.事实证据和法庭证据使得自杀成为解开他死因之谜的最令人信服的答案。柯林斯高阶〔copycat〕The copycat suicide is now a well-recognized phenomenon.模仿性自杀现在已经是一个被充分认识的现象了。外研社新世纪〔coroner〕The coroner recorded a verdict of suicide.法医断定是自杀。麦克米伦高阶〔cover〕He had at tempted to cover his tracks by making her death appear like suicide.他使她的死亡看起来像是自杀,企图以此掩盖自己的罪行。牛津高阶〔cry〕Her suicide attempt was really a cry for help.她企图自杀实际上表明她迫切需要帮助。牛津高阶〔cry〕Her suicide attempt was really a desperate cry for help.她的自杀企图实际上表明了她极度需要帮助。牛津搭配〔cyanide〕The prisoner committed suicide by swallowing cyanide.那个犯人吞了氰化物自杀。文馨英汉〔de facto〕If the jury acquits, assisted suicide is de facto legalized in Michigan.如果陪审团宣判无罪, 那么协助自杀在密歇根州实际上就是合法的了。外研社新世纪〔distress〕Her suffering distressed her into committing suicide.她的痛苦逼迫她自杀了。21世纪英汉〔drive〕His depression drove him to suicide.抑郁驱使他自杀。外研社新世纪〔drive〕The noises in my head have nearly driven me to suicide.我脑子里乱七八糟的声音几乎逼得我要自杀。朗文当代〔essentially〕Suicide rates have remained essentially unchanged.自杀率基本上没有变化。朗文当代〔evidence〕All the evidence indicates suicide.所有证据都显示是自杀。英汉大词典〔expose〕After the scandal was exposed, Dr Bailey committed suicide.丑闻曝光后, 贝利医生自杀了。外研社新世纪〔expose〕After the scandal was exposed, Dr Bailey committed suicide.丑闻曝光后,贝利博士自杀了。柯林斯高阶〔expressly〕Suicide is expressly forbidden in Buddhism.自杀行为是佛教明确禁止的。外研社新世纪〔grieve〕I was grieved to hear of the suicide of James.听到詹姆斯自杀的消息,我非常伤心。柯林斯高阶〔grieve〕I was grieved to hear of the suicide of James.听说詹姆斯自杀了, 我非常痛心。外研社新世纪〔hang〕She had committed suicide by hanging herself from a beam.她悬梁自尽了。牛津高阶〔hara-kiri〕Ritual suicide by disembowelment formerly practiced by Japanese samurai.切腹自杀:以前日本武士所采用的一种仪式性的通过自剖其腹而死的自杀方式美国传统〔heartbroken〕The heartbroken Julius contemplated suicide.伤心至极的朱利叶斯打算自杀。外研社新世纪〔heart〕She opened her heart to millions yesterday and told how she came close to suicide.她昨天在数成百万人面前倾吐心声,讲述了自己是如何差点轻生的。柯林斯高阶〔heart〕She opened her heart to millions yesterday and told how she came close to suicide.昨天, 她向数百万人敞开心扉, 讲述她差点自杀的经历。外研社新世纪〔illegality〕The report also underscored the illegality of suicide bombings.报告还强调了自杀性爆炸的非法性。外研社新世纪〔indoctrinate〕The suicide bombers are indoctrinated by some terrorist groups.这些自杀性爆炸者从某些恐怖组织处接受洗脑。英汉大词典〔ingredient〕Mental illness and detachment from society are the ingredients of suicide.精神病和不合群是造成自杀的因素。英汉大词典〔inquest〕A verdict of suicide was recorded at the inquest.尸检判定死者系自杀。牛津搭配〔insanity〕He committed suicide during temporary insanity.他在一时的精神错乱中自杀了。英汉大词典〔jump off〕She attempts suicide by jumping off a bridge into a river.她从桥上跳进河里试图自杀。外研社新世纪〔kamikaze〕An airplane loaded with explosives to be piloted in a suicide attack.神风突击机:装有炸弹,被驾驶着撞击目标并与之同归于尽的飞机美国传统〔law〕The Suicide Act became law in 1961.《自杀法案》于 1961 年成为法律。朗文当代〔life〕To commit suicide.自杀美国传统〔loss〕Her suicide was a terrible loss to the music world.她的自杀是音乐界的重大损失。牛津搭配〔medicide〕Suicide accomplished with the aid of a physician.医疗自杀:伴随着治疗者的协助而来的自杀美国传统〔microscope〕Our prison system is being put under the microscope after an alarming number of suicides.发生了多起自杀事件之后,我们的监狱系统正在接受严格的审查。朗文当代〔movingly〕You write very movingly of your sister Amy's suicide.你对你妹妹埃米的自杀描写很是让人伤感。柯林斯高阶〔non-judgmental〕The organization provides a 24 hour, non-judgmental listening service for people who are considering suicide.这个慈善组织为有自杀倾向的人提供24小时的电话倾听服务,职员都不加批判。剑桥高阶〔pact〕She died with her lover in a suicide pact.她与情人约定一起自杀了。牛津搭配〔plant〕Someone must have planted the idea of suicide in his mind.一定有人在他的脑子里灌输了自杀的想法。朗文当代〔point to/towards sth〕All the evidence points to suicide.所有的证据都表明可能是自杀。剑桥高阶〔preclude〕The suicide note precluded the possibility of murder.那封绝命书排除了他杀的可能。英汉大词典〔proportional〕Suicide rates are proportional to the size of the city.自杀率和城市的大小成比例。外研社新世纪〔rarely〕Adolescent suicide is rarely an impulsive reaction to immediate distress.青少年自杀很少是由于突然发生不幸而作出的冲动反应。柯林斯高阶〔rashly〕They believe this confusion is responsible for a rash of suicides this spring.他们认为今年春天一连串的自杀事件是由这次混乱引起的。柯林斯高阶〔record〕The coroner recorded a verdict of suicide.验尸官记录下自杀的鉴定。麦克米伦高阶〔remand〕Evans committed suicide while on remand in Parkhurst prison.埃文斯在帕克赫斯特监狱在押候审期间自杀了。朗文当代〔remand〕He was on remand when he committed suicide.他在候审期间自杀了。麦克米伦高阶〔reverse〕Suicide is a refusal to stand up to reverses, to life.自杀就是不愿勇敢地面对厄运,不肯直面人生。英汉大词典〔risk〕He is not a current suicide risk.他目前没有自杀的危险。牛津搭配〔rule〕The police have ruled out suicide.警方已经排除了自杀的可能。朗文当代〔saga〕His suicide is the latest chapter in this terrible saga.他的自杀是这个可怕的传奇故事的最新章节。牛津搭配〔scar〕She was scarred by her father's suicide.父亲的自杀使她心理受到创伤。朗文当代〔shame〕He committed suicide rather than face the shame of being linked to the scandal.他选择了自杀,不愿面对牵扯进这桩丑闻所带来的耻辱。柯林斯高阶〔shattered〕The family were shattered by the news of Annabel's suicide.得知安娜贝尔自杀的消息,全家人都悲痛欲绝。剑桥高阶〔slash〕She tried to commit suicide by slashing her wrists.她试图割腕自杀。剑桥高阶〔smear〕He was driven to suicide by smears aimed at him.他被针对他的诽谤逼得自杀。英汉大词典〔socio-economic〕Suicide is often connected with socio-economic deprivation.自杀经常与社会经济权利的丧失有关。柯林斯高阶〔socioeconomic〕Suicide is often connected with socio-economic deprivation.自杀往往与社会经济权利丧失有关。外研社新世纪〔speculate〕It would be unfair to Debby's family to speculate on the reasons for her suicide.猜测黛比自杀的原因对她的家人来说是不公平的。外研社新世纪〔speculate〕It would be unfair to Debby's family to speculate on the reasons for her suicide.猜测黛比自杀的原因对她的家人来说是不公平的。柯林斯高阶〔stigma〕There is still a lot of stigma attached to suicide.自杀仍然被看作一种很不光彩的事情。牛津搭配〔strikingly〕The most striking feature of those statistics is the high proportion of suicides.那些统计数据最引人注目之处是其极高的自杀率。柯林斯高阶〔striking〕The most striking feature of those statistics is the high proportion of suicides.那些统计数据最引人注目之处是极高的自杀率。外研社新世纪〔suicide pact〕Police refused to say if the couple died in a suicide pact.警察拒绝回答这对夫妇是否是一起自杀的。柯林斯高阶〔suicide pact〕The leader of the religious sect and 30 of his followers killed themselves in a suicide pact last year.去年那个宗教教派的领袖同30名追随者签署了自杀协定,集体自杀了。剑桥高阶〔suicide pact〕The two friends died in what appeared to be a suicide pact.看来这两个朋友死于自杀协定。韦氏高阶〔suicide vest〕They foiled an attack by a terrorist wearing a suicide vest.他们挫败了一起恐怖分子企图使用自杀式炸弹背心的袭击。剑桥高阶〔suicide〕Suicide attempts by young men in this age group have trebled.这个年龄段企图自杀的年轻人增加了两倍。麦克米伦高阶〔suicide〕A typical suicide is a middle-aged or elderly man.自杀者通常是中老年人。外研社新世纪〔suicide〕As a leader he knows that it is political suicide to appear indecisive.他知道作为一位领袖表现得犹疑不定无疑是在政治上自取灭亡。剑桥高阶〔suicide〕Authorities have officially ruled the death a suicide.当局已经正式裁定这起死亡是自杀。韦氏高阶〔suicide〕Both companies know it would be suicide to pull out of the deal now.两家公司都明白在这个时候退出交易将会两败俱伤。麦克米伦高阶〔suicide〕He apparently left a suicide note (=letter explaining his reasons for killing himself) .他显然是留了封绝笔信。朗文当代〔suicide〕He died without leaving a suicide note.他没留下遗言就自杀了。牛津搭配〔suicide〕He said a vote for Labour would be a vote for economic suicide.他说投工党的票等于是自毁经济。朗文当代〔suicide〕He slashed his wrists in a failed suicide attempt.他割腕自杀未遂。牛津搭配〔suicide〕He was put on suicide watch (= checked to make sure he did not commit suicide) earlier in his prison term.为防止他自杀,关押初期他受到了监视。牛津搭配〔suicide〕Her death was ruled an apparent suicide.她的死被判定为明显的自杀。牛津搭配〔suicide〕It is professional suicide to involve oneself in illegal practices.从事非法活动即是专门的自毁行为美国传统〔suicide〕It would be political suicide to abstain.弃权无异于政治自杀。外研社新世纪〔suicide〕It would have been political suicide for him to challenge the allegations in court.假如当时他在法庭上质疑那些指控,那无异于自毁政治前程。牛津高阶〔suicide〕Many suicides occur in prisons.监狱中的自杀事件很多。剑桥高阶〔suicide〕Members of the sect committed mass suicide.那个教派的成员集体自杀了。牛津搭配〔suicide〕More people commit suicide at Christmas than at any other time.圣诞节期间自杀的人比其他任何时候都多。朗文当代〔suicide〕My mother attempted suicide on many occasions.我母亲多次试图自杀。朗文当代〔suicide〕One who commits suicide.自杀的人美国传统〔suicide〕Police believe he committed suicide.自杀麦克米伦高阶〔suicide〕Quite a few have committed social suicide by writing their boring memoirs.有一些人因为写那些枯燥无味的回忆录而毁了自己的社会形象。柯林斯高阶〔suicide〕Raising taxes before an election would be political suicide.选举之前加税无异于断送自己的政治前途。牛津搭配〔suicide〕She had thoughts of suicide.她有过自杀的念头。韦氏高阶〔suicide〕She tried to commit suicide on several occasions.她自杀过好几次。外研社新世纪〔suicide〕She tried to commit suicide on several occasions.她自杀过好几次。柯林斯高阶〔suicide〕The suicide rate among men between the ages of 16 and 25 has risen alarmingly.16至25岁之间男性的自杀率攀升速度令人担忧。剑桥高阶〔suicide〕The couple died together in a suicide pact.这对夫妇根据协议双双自杀。牛津搭配〔suicide〕There is no evidence that he is a suicide risk.没有证据表明他要自杀。牛津搭配〔suicide〕There were two suicides last year at the university.去年这所大学发生了两起自杀事件。韦氏高阶〔suicide〕They say it would be political suicide for the party to abstain.他们说这个政党弃权无异于自毁政治前程。柯林斯高阶〔suicide〕Wearing shoes like that would be social suicide.穿那样的鞋子无异于社交上自绝其路。牛津搭配〔suicidology〕The study of suicide, suicidal behavior, and suicide prevention.自杀学:对自杀、自杀行为和自杀预防所进行的研究美国传统〔surrender oneself to〕She surrendered herself to despair and committed suicide.她因绝望而自杀。21世纪英汉〔suspect〕The prime suspect in the case committed suicide.这起案件的主要嫌疑人自杀了。剑桥高阶〔threaten〕She had repeatedly threatened to commit suicide.她多次扬言要自杀。牛津搭配〔throw〕She committed suicide by throwing herself out of a tenth floor window.她从十楼窗户跳下去自杀了。朗文当代〔tragic〕Irwin tragically committed suicide at the age of 29.可叹的是,欧文29岁就自杀身亡了。麦克米伦高阶〔typical〕Louisa is typical of many young women who attempt suicide.路易莎是许多尝试自杀的年轻女子的典型代表。外研社新世纪〔unclear〕It remains unclear whether his death was murder or suicide.他究竟是死于自杀还是他杀目前仍不清楚。外研社新世纪〔unknown〕The identity of the suicide bombers remained unknown.这些自杀性爆炸者的身份依然不明。英汉大词典〔unluckily〕Some people unluckily achieve suicide when they only meant to attempt it.一些人只是想尝试一下自杀,但却不幸真的身亡了。柯林斯高阶〔verge〕She was so unhappy that she was on the verge of committing suicide.她非常不幸,几乎要自寻短见了。英汉大词典〔wrist〕He slashed his wrists in a suicide attempt.他割腕企图自杀。牛津搭配According to her biographer it was her husband's infidelity that drove Durante to suicide.根据杜兰特的传记,是丈夫的不忠逼迫她自杀的。剑桥国际After a long period of poor health which was eventually diagnosed as clinical depression, she tried to commit suicide.在长时间的健康不良最终被诊断为抑郁症后,她试图自杀。剑桥国际After several years of mental illness, she committed suicide last month.在患精神病多年之后,她于上个月自杀了。剑桥国际After two earlier suicide attempts, she finally succeeded in blowing her brains out.经过早先两次自杀未遂后,她最终击中自己的脑袋而自杀了。剑桥国际As a leader he knows that it is political suicide to be seen to be weak and indecisive.作为一个领导人他明白若被视为软弱无能和优柔寡断等于政治上自取灭亡。剑桥国际Friends and family alike (=both) were devastated by the news of her suicide.朋友与家人全都对她自杀的消息感到悲痛万分。剑桥国际He attempted suicide after his firm had gone bankrupt. 他在公司破产后曾试图自杀。译典通He eventually sought psychiatric help after a botched suicide attempt.在一次拙劣的自杀未遂后他最终寻求了心理帮助。剑桥国际He knew it was political suicide to refuse the offer. 他知道拒绝这一提议会断送他的政治前程。译典通He pulled a would-be suicide out of a river. 他将一位自杀未遂者从河里拖上来。译典通He'd attempted suicide three times before he actually succeeded.他曾三次自杀未遂,这次终于成功了。剑桥国际His suicide attempt was the first intimation of how depressed he was.他的自杀未遂第一次表明他是多么抑郁。剑桥国际His suicide left us all deeply shocked.他的自杀令我们所有人都万分震惊。剑桥国际His speculations in stocks led to his suicide. 他在股票上做投机买卖致使他自杀。译典通In an elaborate masquerade, he tried to make the murder look like suicide.他精心伪装现场,使谋杀看上去像自杀。剑桥国际It is rumored that she has committed suicide. 据传闻,她已自杀身亡。译典通It would be suicide to take the best player off the field at this stage in the game.比赛进行到这阶段却将最好的选手换下场等于是自取灭亡。剑桥国际Most suicide attempts are really a cry for help (=a way of saying that you need help).大多数企图自杀的行为实际上是一种需要帮助的表现。剑桥国际Rajiv Gandhi is believed to have been killed by a suicide bomber (= a person who carries a bomb on their body).拉吉夫·甘地据信是被一名自杀性投弹者杀死的。剑桥国际She regarded suicide as the ultimate act of escapism.她将自杀视为逃避现实的最后一招。剑桥国际She tried to commit suicide by slashing her wrists.她试图割腕自杀。剑桥国际The suicide rate among men between the ages of 16 and 25 has risen alarmingly in the past five years.过去五年中16至25岁男青年的自杀率增长惊人。剑桥国际The family were shattered (= extremely upset) at the news of Annabel's suicide.安娜贝尔自杀的消息震惊了她的家人。剑桥国际The fiercely (=extremely) competitive school system has been known to drive young schoolchildren to suicide.人们得知这种竞争极度激烈的学校制度逼得年轻的学童自杀。剑桥国际The prime suspect in the murder of the president has committed suicide.谋杀总统的主要嫌疑人自杀了。剑桥国际The spate of suicides acted as a catalyst for change in the prison system.大量的自杀事件加速了监狱系统的改革。剑桥国际There is growing concern over the number of suicides that happen in prisons.人们对于狱中自杀人数的关心与日俱增。剑桥国际This new biography handles (=discusses) his suicide with much more sensitivity and sympathy than previous books about him.这本新传记对他自杀的讨论,比以往有关的书更细腻和富有同情心。剑桥国际When Queen Cleopatra committed suicide she forced an asp to bite her.克莉奥佩特拉女王采取让蝰蛇咬自己的方式自杀。剑桥国际When the scandal broke (= came to public notice) the company director committed suicide.当丑行暴露时公司董事自杀了。剑桥国际 |
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