

单词 supposition
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔heavy〕The article is heavy on supposition and light on fact.这篇文章全都是推测, 事实依据不足。外研社新世纪〔presumption〕Acceptance or belief based on reasonable evidence; assumption or supposition.推定:以合理的证据为基础的接受和信任;假设或假定美国传统〔speculation〕Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition.推测:根据不确定的证据的推理;推测或假定美国传统〔supposition〕But as with many such suppositions in natural history, no one had ever tested it.博物学中虽然有许多类似的假设,却从没人对此考证过。柯林斯高阶〔supposition〕His version of events is pure supposition .他对事情的说法纯属推测。朗文当代〔supposition〕It is a reasonable supposition that many mothers would welcome the offer of part-time work.有理由推测许多母亲会愿意接受兼职工作。牛津搭配〔supposition〕She was charged on the supposition that she had colluded with her husband in the murders.她因涉嫌与丈夫合谋杀人受到起诉。牛津搭配〔supposition〕That article was based on pure supposition.那篇文章纯粹是基于推测。剑桥高阶〔supposition〕The police are acting on the supposition that she took the money.警方基于她拿了钱的假定在采取行动。朗文当代〔supposition〕The police are working on the supposition that he was murdered.警方正根据他被谋杀的假定展开调查。牛津高阶〔supposition〕The report has been rejected by the authorities, who said much of it was based on supposition or inaccuracy.当局驳回了该报告,称其许多内容有的纯属臆测,有的存在偏差错误。柯林斯高阶〔supposition〕The report is based entirely on supposition.这篇报道完全建立在推测的基础上。牛津高阶〔supposition〕There's a popular supposition that we're publicly funded but the bulk of our money comes from competitive contracts.人们普遍认为我们是受公共基金的资助,然而我们大部分资金是通过签订竞争性合同得来的。柯林斯高阶〔supposition〕They are making all sorts of suppositions about our possible reaction.他们对我们可能的反应作出了种种推测。牛津搭配〔supposition〕This is just idle supposition.这只是无用的假设。韦氏高阶〔supposition〕We can make a supposition about how the accident happened.我们可以先推测一下事故发生的始末。牛津搭配〔suppositive〕Of the nature of, including, or involving supposition.假定的,推测的美国传统Like any good empiricist, she has based her scientific theories entirely upon the observable facts rather than mere supposition.像每一位好的实验者一样,她把她的科学理论完全建立在可观察的事实上,而不是仅仅建立在假设上。剑桥国际That article was based on pure supposition (= on what the writer considered likely to be true, rather than on what was certainly true).那篇文章纯粹是基于作者的猜测。剑桥国际There is no evidence or reason to think that the supposition that the phone call was made by the defendant is correct.说电话是被告打的不过是猜测罢了,并没有证据或理由能证明确实如此。剑桥国际You can't accuse someone on the basis of a supposition (= something that is likely but not proved to be the truth).你不能只凭推测指责别人。剑桥国际




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