

单词 take seriously
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕The show was supposed to be a kind of over-the-top satire - it wasn't supposed to be taken seriously. 这个节目的本意是要进行夸张有趣的讽刺,而不是让人认真对待的。朗文写作活用〔but〕He not only wants to be taken seriously as a musician, but as a poet too.他不仅希望被人当成一个真正的音乐家,还希望被看成一个诗人。柯林斯高阶〔cooperative〕Employees will generally be more cooperative if their views are taken seriously.如果雇员的意见得到认真对待,他们一般都会更加配合。牛津高阶〔disorganized〕He has helped to transform the party from a disorganised, demoralised rabble into a force which must again be taken seriously.他帮助把该政党从一群组织涣散、意志消沉的乌合之众打造成了一只不容小觑的力量。柯林斯高阶〔disorganized〕He has transformed the party from a disorganized rabble into a force which must again be taken seriously.他把这个党从一帮组织涣散的乌合之众改造成了一支不容小觑的力量。外研社新世纪〔fatuous〕That is not a fatuous argument and it has to be taken seriously.那可不是愚昧的论点, 必须认真对待。外研社新世纪〔forfeit〕He has forfeited his right to be taken seriously.他被取消了需要认真对待的权利。牛津高阶〔refreshing〕It made a refreshing change to be taken seriously for once.总算有一次受到认真对待,这变化真是令人耳目一新。牛津高阶〔risk〕The risk of a major nuclear accident must be taken seriously.必须认真考虑发生重大核事故的风险。麦克米伦高阶〔run up against〕I ran up against the problem of getting taken seriously long before I became a writer.我突然遇到了这样的问题:虽然还没有成为作家,却过早受到了重视。柯林斯高阶〔seriously〕She's sick of being seen as a sex symbol and wants to be taken seriously as an actress.她讨厌被人当成性感偶像,想让人认真地把她当成女演员。剑桥高阶〔seriously〕The phrase was not meant to be taken seriously.此话不必当真。柯林斯高阶〔take〕I wanted to be taken seriously as an artist.我希望别人真正视我为艺术家。牛津搭配Eventually, the scaremongers were taken seriously and the mineral water was removed from the shops and tested.终于,危言耸听者被人们认真对待,那种矿泉水被从商店里取走送去检验了。剑桥国际Nursing auxiliaries are in a no-win situation because they are low-paid but at the same time not taken seriously by their superiors.护理助手们处于悲观的境地,因为他们的报酬微薄,而上级又不把他们当回事。剑桥国际She's sick of being seen as a sex symbol and wants to be taken seriously as an actress.她讨厌被当成性的象征,而想被别人像女演员那样郑重地对待。剑桥国际The party leader embarked on a charm offensive to persuade voters that their views were being taken seriously.政党领袖开始施展其魅力,说服选民相信他们的观点被认真考虑了。剑桥国际




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