

单词 strikes
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔VIOLENT〕a wave of nation-wide strikes and industrial unrest 一波席卷全国的罢工及工业动荡的浪潮朗文写作活用〔bout〕a fresh bout of rail strikes poised to threaten commuters即将威胁到通勤者的新一轮铁路罢工外研社新世纪〔call〕calling balls and strikes behind the plate; called a close play.(棒球赛中)在本垒板后判为好球或坏球。判决比赛不分胜负美国传统〔countrywide〕countrywide strikes 全国性罢工英汉大词典〔disturb〕strikes disturbing the country 使全国动荡的罢工英汉大词典〔endanger〕strikes that jeopardized the future of the business; 使生意前景陷于险境的罢工;美国传统〔heavy〕reports of heavy air strikes on the capital 首都遭受猛烈空袭的报道麦克米伦高阶〔hour〕strike/chime the hour (=if a clock strikes the hour, it rings, to show that it is one o'clock, seven o'clock etc) 〔时钟〕在整点报时朗文当代〔lightning〕make lightning strikes on small enemy patrols 向敌方小股巡逻队进行闪电式袭击英汉大词典〔low〕if there are strikes by unrewarded low performers.如果业绩落后、得不到报偿的工人罢工的话柯林斯高阶〔paid〕a series of airforce strikes that put paid to the General's hopes of fighting on.一连串空中打击粉碎了那位将军继续战斗的希望柯林斯高阶〔paralysis〕paralysis of industry by strikes 罢工造成的工业瘫痪英汉大词典〔prohibition〕the prohibition of strikes 不许罢工的禁令英汉大词典〔rolling〕rolling strikes 此起彼伏的罢工 英汉大词典〔roll〕roll nine strikes in the championship match 在锦标赛中滚9次“一击全倒”英汉大词典〔strike at〕when something strikes at your core beliefs当某事物动摇了你最根本的信念时外研社新世纪〔strike〕a rejection of her core beliefs and values, which strikes at the very heart of her being.对她的核心信念和价值观的否定,也就否定了她存在的根本柯林斯高阶〔strike〕a series of wildcat strikes in parts of the coal industry 煤炭业局部的一连串自发性罢工牛津搭配〔strike〕a wave of strikes 罢工浪潮 英汉大词典〔strike〕strategic strikes against Italian air bases.对意大利空军基地的战略性攻击柯林斯高阶〔strike〕strategic strikes against Italian air bases针对意大利空军基地的战略空袭外研社新世纪〔strike〕three strikes 三好球,三振文馨英汉〔strike〕uranium strikes 铀矿的发现 英汉大词典disruptive protests and strikes 破坏性的抗议行动和罢工牛津商务




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