

单词 to form
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEAT/DEFEAT〕The party strategy was to form an alliance to crush the communists. 该党的战略是组成同盟彻底击败敌人。朗文写作活用〔BEAUTIFUL〕Red and blue flowers were artistically arranged to form a pattern. 红色与蓝色的花富有艺术性地插在一起,形成了一个图案。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕True to form, Oliver turned up late and drunk. 跟往常一样,奥利弗来晚了,还喝得醉醺醺的。朗文写作活用〔add〕To combine (a column of figures, for example) to form a sum.把…加起来:把(如一串数字)加起来求得总数美国传统〔amalgamate〕A number of colleges have amalgamated to form the new university.一些学院联合组成了这所新大学。牛津高阶〔articulate〕The baby is beginning to form articulate words and phrases.这个宝宝开始能清楚地说出一些字词了。韦氏高阶〔brigade〕To form into a brigade.把…编成旅美国传统〔colonize〕To form or establish a colony.开拓殖民地:组成或设立殖民地美国传统〔combine〕Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.氢与氧化合成水。牛津高阶〔composition〕Arrangement of artistic parts so as to form a unified whole.布局:对艺术品的加以布置以形成一个整体美国传统〔compound〕To combine so as to form a whole; mix.混合,组合:组合以成为整体;混合美国传统〔couple〕To form pairs; join.形成对;连接美国传统〔cuff〕To form a cuff or cuffs on.形成手铐,戴上手铐美国传统〔dip〕To form (a candle) by repeatedly immersing a wick in melted wax or tallow.制造(蜡烛):把烛蕊反复在溶化的油或蜡中浸泡来制作(蜡烛)美国传统〔dry socket〕A painful inflamed condition at the site of extraction of a tooth that occurs when a blood clot fails to form properly or is dislodged.干槽牙:拔牙后牙窝内血凝块未形成或崩解而引起的疼痛,发炎症状美国传统〔echelon〕A formation of troops in which each unit is positioned successively to the left or right of the rear unit to form an oblique or steplike line.梯队:军队的一种队形,其中每个编群都相继排列在后一编群的左边或右边,形成斜线或梯形线美国传统〔festoon〕To form or make into festoons.扎成或制成花彩美国传统〔flitch〕One of several planks secured together to form a single beam.组合板梁:几块钉在一起构成单梁的木板之一美国传统〔fold over〕Fold over the four edges to form a square parcel.把四个边折起来, 做一个方包裹。外研社新世纪〔form〕Her latest movie is/runs true to form.她最新的电影延续了她一贯的风格。韦氏高阶〔form〕The General gave orders for the cadets to form into lines.将军命令军校学员们站成几排。柯林斯高阶〔frame〕To form (words) silently with the lips.嗫嚅着说美国传统〔gantlet〕To converge (railroad tracks) to form a gantlet.使(两股铁路轨道)汇聚以形成套式轨道美国传统〔government〕Neither party had the majority necessary to form a government (=become the government after an election) .两个政党都没有获得组阁所必需的多数票。朗文当代〔government〕The party with an overall majority is then asked to form a government.组阁;组成政府麦克米伦高阶〔granulate〕To form into grains or granules.形成颗粒或微粒美国传统〔gutter〕To form gutters or furrows in.形成沟或槽于…美国传统〔imposition〕Printing The arrangement of printed matter to form a sequence of pages.【印刷术】 整版:把印刷材料排列起来形成连续的页美国传统〔inlay〕To set (pieces of wood or ivory, for example) into a surface, usually at the same level, to form a design.镶嵌:把(例如一片一片的木头或象牙)放在一表面,通常在同一水平面上,从而形成一种图案美国传统〔judgement〕Experience helps us to form judgements as to the best course of action in given circumstances.经验能帮助我们判断在特定情况下采取怎样的做法最好。牛津搭配〔kink〕To form or cause to form a kink or kinks.打结:打成或导致打成一个或多个结美国传统〔lash〕The shelter is built by lashing poles together to form a small dome.把杆子扎成一个穹顶小棚就成了遮蔽所。柯林斯高阶〔lock〕The police locked arms to form a barrier against the protesters.警察臂挽着臂组成一道人墙,阻挡抗议者。朗文当代〔meet〕The two lines meet to form an angle.这两条线相交成角。英汉大词典〔metaplasia〕Normal transformation of tissue from one type to another, as in the ossification of cartilage to form bone.化生:组织从一种类型向另一种类型的正常转化,如软骨骨化形成骨头美国传统〔militia〕The anarchists started to form volunteer militias.无政府主义者开始组建义勇军。牛津搭配〔parterre〕An ornamental flower garden having the beds and paths arranged to form a pattern.花坛,花圃:在坛和小路上形成某种式样的装饰性花园美国传统〔paste〕Stir the ingredients to form a paste.搅拌各种配料和成面团。韦氏高阶〔protocol〕To form or issue protocols.议定书:形成或发行议定书美国传统〔puritan〕As for the subjects that so enrage puritans, they will continue to form the focus of her work.那些使道学先生们勃然大怒的课题将继续成为她工作的重点。柯林斯高阶〔reduplicate〕To form (a new word) by doubling all or part of a word.重叠构词:用重复一个词的全部或部分的方法构成(新词)美国传统〔roll〕Roll up! Roll up!(= used to invite people who are passing to form an audience) 快来看哪!快来看哪!牛津高阶〔scale〕A similar part, such as one of the minute structures overlapping to form the covering on the wings of butterflies and moths.鳞状物:一种类似部位,如覆盖于蝴蝶或蛾子翅膀上形成覆盖物的微结构美国传统〔splice〕To join together or insert (segments of DNA or RNA) so as to form new genetic combinations or alter a genetic structure.移接,嫁接:连接在一起或嵌入(DNA,或RNA片段)形成新的基因结合体或改变基因结构美国传统〔summate〕To form or constitute a cumulative effect.合计:形成或构成一个累计的效果美国传统〔suppurate〕To form or discharge pus.化脓,流脓美国传统〔true〕True to form, Henry turned up late.亨利照例又迟到了。朗文当代〔wipe〕To form (a joint) in plumbing by spreading solder with a piece of cloth or leather.拭接:在管道工作时用一块布或皮来洒焊料来形成(接头)美国传统As the disease progresses, the patient loses the ability to coordinate his or her movements (=make parts of his or her body work together in order to form particular movements).随着病情恶化,病人失去了协调自己运动的能力。剑桥国际The bank merged with Swiss Bank Corp. in 1999 to form UBS.这家银行于 1999 年与瑞士银行公司合并组建瑞士联合银行集团。牛津商务




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