

单词 stardom
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔climb〕a rapid climb to stardom 一跃而成为明星牛津高阶〔climb〕her climb from relative obscurity to international stardom 她从无名之辈到国际明星的奋斗过程麦克米伦高阶〔climb〕her rapid climb to stardom 她蹿升为明星牛津搭配〔destine〕a brilliant young actor destined for stardom 一位才华横溢、注定成为明星的青年演员英汉大词典〔elevation〕her sudden elevation to international stardom 她一跃而成为国际明星朗文当代〔exposure〕her brief exposure to pop stardom 她对流行乐明星生活的短暂体验朗文当代〔grade〕make the grade to stardom 终于当上了明星英汉大词典〔meteoric〕a meteoric rise to stardom 迅速崛起为明星文馨英汉〔shoot〕an appearance that shot her to stardom overnight 一次使她一夜成名的露面麦克米伦高阶〔stardom〕an actress who has achieved movie stardom 成为著名电影明星的女演员韦氏高阶〔stardom〕her meteoric rise to stardom 她闪电般的成名牛津搭配〔stardom〕her rise to stardom 她窜升为明星文馨英汉〔stardom〕his rapid rise to stardom 他的迅速走红朗文当代〔stardom〕rise to stardom 跃为明星英汉大词典〔stardom〕the path to stardom 星途韦氏高阶




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