

单词 telling
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANSWER〕I received an acknowledgement from Toshiba yesterday telling me that they were considering my application for the job. 我昨天收到东芝公司的收函通知,信上说他们在考虑我的求职申请。朗文写作活用〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕She chickened out of telling her father that she and David were going to live together. 她最终不敢告诉父亲她打算与戴维同居。朗文写作活用〔Brahmin〕North Adelaide Brahmins are used to telling people what to do.北阿德莱德那些自命不凡的家伙惯于对人指手画脚。外研社新世纪〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕I've got a very stubborn streak and I discovered that I couldn't bear people telling me what I could and couldn't eat. 我的个性很固执,我发觉受不了别人告诉我该吃什么,不该吃什么。朗文写作活用〔COMFORT/MAKE SB FEEL BETTER〕He tried to comfort her by telling her that everything would be all right. 他对她说一切都好,试图安慰她。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Ray tries to compensate for his shyness by telling a lot of jokes. 雷经常讲笑话,试图弥补自己害羞这一缺点。朗文写作活用〔EXERCISE〕Doctors are always telling us that we should do more exercise. 医生总是告诉我们要多运动。朗文写作活用〔FAULT〕Of course she was angry - but it's your fault for telling her about the whole thing in the first place. 她当然要生气了,但把这件事全都告诉她首先就是你的错。朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕As he left the house, Mungo felt a pang of shame at telling Alice a lie. 芒戈离开房子的时候,因为对爱丽丝说了谎而感到一阵羞愧。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕Eliot looked sly and deceitful, as though he wasn't telling us the whole truth. 埃利奥特一脸的狡诈骗人相,好像没把所有实情都告诉我们。朗文写作活用〔LOGICAL〕He might be able to convince his lawyer that he's telling the truth, but his story won't stand up in court. 他也许能说服律师相信他说的是实话,但是他的说法在法庭上是站不住脚的。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕Derek's been telling her for ages to get another job. 德里克一直叫她另找一份工作。朗文写作活用〔MESSAGE〕He was devastated when he arrived home to find a note from his wife, telling him their marriage was over. 他回到家中看到妻子留下的便条说他俩的婚姻已走到了尽头时,感到大为震惊。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕I was annoyed that he'd left without telling me. 我很生气,他不和我说一声就走了。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕He was as lecherous as always, telling rude jokes and trying to kiss all the girls. 他还是那么好色,开着粗俗的玩笑,所有的女孩子他都想亲一下。朗文写作活用〔SHOULD/OUGHT TO〕Everyone keeps telling me I should give up smoking. 每个人都在劝我戒烟。朗文写作活用〔SHY〕Don't be bashful about telling your family how you feel. 不要羞于告诉家人你自己的感受。朗文写作活用〔SOON〕They keep telling us that better economic times are just around the corner. 他们总是告诉我们说,一个更好的经济时代即将到来。朗文写作活用〔STORY〕We sat around the fire telling ghost stories. 我们围着火讲鬼故事。朗文写作活用〔SUSPECT〕I had a sneaking suspicion that my agent was not telling me the truth. 我暗中怀疑代理人没有向我说实话。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕Kathleen was just telling me about her new car when she suddenly broke off and ran to the window. 凯瑟琳正告诉我关于她的新车的事,却突然停下来向窗口跑去。朗文写作活用〔TELL SB OFF〕She's always telling her kids off and shouting at them. 她总是斥责自己的孩子并对他们大声叫嚷。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕He began by telling the children a story about a giant who was very unpopular with all the other giants because he wouldn't eat people. 他首先给孩子们讲一个关于巨人的故事,那巨人因为不肯吃人,所以其他巨人都不喜欢他。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕I'm in charge here, and I'm not going to have anyone telling me what to do. 我是这里的负责人,我不需要任何人来对我指手画脚。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕I'm telling you because I figure you're the only one who can keep a secret. 我告诉你是因为我认为你是唯一能够保守秘密的人。朗文写作活用〔absolute〕I swear that what I'm telling you is the absolute truth.我发誓,我跟你讲的绝对真实。韦氏高阶〔anecdote〕The biographer provides a telling anecdote about the President's actions at this time.此时传记作者讲了一件有关总统活动的生动趣事,给人印象十分深刻。牛津搭配〔assume〕Everyone accepted she was telling the truth, although in fact this was quite a lot to assume.每个人都认为她在讲真话,虽然实际上有很大程度是想当然的。麦克米伦高阶〔assumption〕I'm telling you our arrival time on the assumption that you will check to see whether or not our flight is on time before you come to the airport.我现在把我们到达的时间告诉你,前提是你来机场之前要先确认一下我们的航班是否准点。韦氏高阶〔as〕As for my past, I'm not telling you anything.至于我的过去, 我是什么也不会告诉你的。外研社新世纪〔attention〕He likes telling jokes and being the centre of attention at parties.他喜欢讲笑话,成为派对上的焦点。剑桥高阶〔blame〕You can't really blame them for not telling you.你不能真正责怪他们没有告诉你。牛津搭配〔blue〕I don't believe she just headed off into the blue without telling anyone where she was going.我不相信她谁也不告诉就消失了。外研社新世纪〔bone〕She made no bones about telling him exactly what she thought of him.她毫无保留地把对他的看法照直告诉了他。牛津高阶〔capable〕The boy is capable of telling a lie.这男孩会说谎。英汉大词典〔card〕Last summer she began telling friends that a New Year marriage was on the cards.去年夏天她开始对朋友们说自己很可能在新年结婚。外研社新世纪〔catch sb out〕I suspected he wasn't telling me the truth, and one day I caught him out when I found some letters he'd written.我怀疑他没有告诉我实情,有一天,我发现了他写的一些信后戳穿了他。剑桥高阶〔certain〕Leaflets have been air dropped telling people to leave certain areas.已经空投了传单, 告诉人们离开某些区域。外研社新世纪〔champion〕He is a champion at telling stories.他是讲故事的能手。英汉大词典〔clubland〕He was telling his tales of conquest in clubland.当时他正在大讲特讲自己在夜总会的征服史。柯林斯高阶〔compere〕The compere, Bill Martin, made a big fuss of me, and kept telling me I should go far in show business.节目主持人比尔•马丁对我大加吹捧, 一个劲儿地对我说我会在演艺界扬名。外研社新世纪〔compunction〕She had no compunction about telling him a lie.她对于跟他说了谎并不后悔。文馨英汉〔conscience〕He felt his conscience telling him to apologize.他感觉良心一直告诉自己去道歉。牛津搭配〔cop-out〕Telling him you're ill sounds like a cop-out to me.跟他说你病了在我听起来像是借口。麦克米伦高阶〔could〕He could not resist telling her the truth.他忍不住把实情告诉了她。柯林斯高阶〔cutup〕In school he was always a/the cutup, telling jokes and acting silly.他在学校是个活宝,经常说笑话、做怪相逗人笑。韦氏高阶〔day job〕It's a kind way of telling aspiring novelists, 'Don't give up the day job.'这是劝诫那些立志成为小说家的人“不要丢了正业”的一种温和方式。外研社新世纪〔decide〕He eventually decided against telling her.他最终还是决定不告诉她。朗文当代〔deliver〕They have delivered the terrorists a telling blow.他们已给恐怖分子有力的痛击。英汉大词典〔devout〕She devoutly(= very strongly)hoped he was telling the truth.她诚挚地希望他讲的是实情。牛津高阶〔doubt〕She still felt the same niggling doubt: was he really telling the truth? 她仍然无法消除萦绕心头的疑虑:他真的说实话了吗?牛津搭配〔dream〕I wouldn't dream of telling you how to do your job.我决不会告诉你该怎样干活。麦克米伦高阶〔encouraged〕When things aren't going well, he encourages me, telling me not to give up.事情进展不顺的时候,他鼓励我说不要放弃。柯林斯高阶〔enjoin〕He was enjoined by his conscience from telling a lie.他出于良知没有撒谎。韦氏高阶〔enthral〕The children were enthralled by the story she was telling.孩子们被她讲述的故事迷住了。朗文当代〔establish〕I was never able to establish whether she was telling the truth.我从来都无法证实她所讲的到底是不是真话。麦克米伦高阶〔evident〕It was evident to me that he was not telling the truth.我十分清楚他在撒谎。朗文当代〔fake ... out〕You couldn't fake out the teacher by telling a lie.你撒谎骗不了老师。21世纪英汉〔figure on〕Sam wasn't figuring on telling anyone excepting his wife.除了他妻子, 萨姆没打算告诉任何人。外研社新世纪〔finish〕He finished by telling us about his trip to Spain.他最后给我们讲述了他的西班牙之行。牛津搭配〔fond〕Sheila's very fond of telling other people what to do.希拉好对别人指手画脚。牛津高阶〔foot〕Jack really put his foot in it by telling Alice about the surprise party.杰克真的说错了话,把惊喜晚会的事告诉了爱丽丝。麦克米伦高阶〔forever〕Just keep telling yourself that it won't last forever.要不停地提醒自己,这不会永世长存的。牛津高阶〔form〕She was really in great form at the party, telling jokes and dancing.晚会上她的确很活跃,又是讲笑话,又是跳舞。韦氏高阶〔forth〕She started telling me about her bad back, her migraines, and so forth.她开始向我诉说她背痛啦、偏头痛啦等等。朗文当代〔frighten〕Don't frighten him. He's telling the truth.不要吓唬他,他在讲实话。21世纪英汉〔fuck〕Who the fuck does she think she is, telling me what to do? 妈的她觉得自己是老几呀,对我指手画脚的?剑桥高阶〔funk〕He funked telling her the truth.他害怕告诉她真相。21世纪英汉〔go for the jugular〕Cunningham went straight for the jugular, telling him that his work was a complete disaster.坎宁安直指要害,抨击他的工作是个彻底的失败。剑桥高阶〔gob〕Shut your gob!(= a rude way of telling sb to be quiet) 闭嘴!牛津高阶〔goodness〕You're not telling me he offered to lend you the money out of the goodness of his heart? 你该不是说他是纯粹出于好心才主动借钱给你的吧?牛津高阶〔good〕I'm telling you for your own good.我告诉你这些是为了你好。剑桥高阶〔go〕I'm telling you – don't go there, I don't want to talk about it.我告诉你,不要提这些,我不想谈这些。麦克米伦高阶〔gradually〕Gradually, she realized that he wasn't telling her the truth.她渐渐地意识到他不跟她说实话。剑桥高阶〔handler〕The president's handlers are telling him to pull out of the talks.总统的顾问建议他退出会谈。剑桥高阶〔hate〕I hate him telling me what do to all the time.我讨厌他每时每刻都在告诉我该做什么。剑桥高阶〔hold〕I held back from telling him what I thought of him.我克制住自己,没把我对他的看法告诉他。英汉大词典〔incapable〕She's completely incapable of telling a lie.她一点也不会撒谎。韦氏高阶〔indirect〕Looking at her watch was her indirect way of telling him it was time to leave.她看了看表,委婉地提示他该走了。韦氏高阶〔insincere〕Some people are so terribly insincere you can never tell if they are telling the truth.有些人太虚伪了, 你永远都不知道他们是否在说实话。外研社新世纪〔insincere〕Some people are so terribly insincere you can never tell if they are telling the truth.有些人非常虚伪,你根本说不准他们是否在讲实话。柯林斯高阶〔in〕I won that point, I'm telling you! The ball was definitely in! 我敢说,我赢了那一分!球肯定在界内!剑桥高阶〔joke〕He was always telling jokes and making people laugh.他老是讲笑话逗大家笑。朗文当代〔joke〕Soon the kids relaxed and were laughing and telling jokes.很快孩子们就不拘束了,大声笑着,讲着笑话。麦克米伦高阶〔joke〕They kept telling inside jokes about people I didn't know.他们不停地讲一些圈内的笑话,涉及到的人我都不认识。牛津搭配〔keep back〕Neither of them is telling the whole truth. Invariably, they keep something back.他俩谁也没把全部实情都说出来。他们总是要隐瞒些什么。柯林斯高阶〔keep〕I keep telling you, but you won't listen! 我一再跟你说,但你就是不肯听!朗文当代〔lead up to sth〕He started telling me about a wonderful new restaurant he'd been to and I wondered what he was leading up to.他开始跟我讲他去过的一家很棒的新餐馆,而我则在想他到底想要说什么。剑桥高阶〔lose〕You have nothing to lose by telling the truth.你讲真话是不会吃亏的。牛津高阶〔lose〕You have nothing to lose by telling the truth.讲实话是不会吃亏的。牛津搭配〔mess〕I got myself into a mess by telling a lie.我因撒了一个谎而闯祸了。剑桥高阶〔nark〕I narked at his not telling me the news about promotion.他没把他晋升的消息告诉我,令我很恼火。21世纪英汉〔never〕Max had never been known to leave home without telling anyone.从未听说过马克斯不跟人说一声就出家门。朗文当代〔news〕I wrote to John telling him all the latest news.我给约翰写信,告诉他所有的最新情况。麦克米伦高阶〔none〕He was none too pleased with me for not telling him.因为我没告诉他, 他对我非常不满。外研社新世纪〔no〕There's no telling how much she overheard.很难说她偷听到了多少。麦克米伦高阶〔off her soapbox〕She needs to get off her soapbox and stop telling people what to do.她应该停止大发议论,不要再对人指手画脚了。韦氏高阶〔oh yes〕What was I talking about - oh yes, I was telling you what happened at the party.我刚说什么来着——哦,对了,我在给你讲聚会上发生的事情。剑桥高阶〔on〕He'll go on at me for telling.他会因为我嘴快而没完没了地数落我。柯林斯高阶〔oratorio〕A composition for voices and orchestra, telling a sacred story without costumes, scenery, or dramatic action.清唱剧:讲述宗教故事的、无服装、背景和戏剧动作的作品,是为声乐和管弦乐队演出而作美国传统〔over-egg〕If you're telling lies, keep it simple—never over-egg the pudding.如果撒谎,措辞要简短;千万别画蛇添足。牛津高阶〔overhear〕Judy overheard him telling the children about it.朱迪无意中听到他把这件事告诉了孩子们。外研社新世纪〔part〕The claim is a part truth—there is more to the story than they are telling you.这一声明只是部分事实——真相远不只他们告诉你的那些。韦氏高阶〔pointless〕It's pointless telling her to clean her room – she'll never do it.叫她打扫房间毫无意义,她永远也不会去干的。朗文当代〔preach〕My sister-in-law was preaching to the converted when she kept telling me I should recycle rubbish.我嫂子不断告诉我应该回收垃圾, 我早就知道这些, 她这样真没必要。外研社新世纪〔prosecute〕Trespassers will be prosecuted(= a notice telling people to keep out of a particular area).闲人莫入,违者必究。牛津高阶〔provoke〕His remarks about her weight provoked her into telling him to shut up.他讲到她的体重,使得她叫他闭嘴。21世纪英汉〔question〕One questions whether he's telling the truth.你会怀疑他是不是在讲真话。朗文当代〔quickly〕He quickly realized that she wasn't telling the truth.他立刻意识到她在说谎。剑桥高阶〔rehearse〕She was secretly rehearsing various amusing ways of telling what had happened.她正在心里默默复述各种各样有趣的说法,以介绍发生的事情。英汉大词典〔right〕He gave them a right telling off.他狠狠地训斥了他们一顿。外研社新世纪〔rigmarole〕I've just finished telling him how to do it and now you want me to go through all that rigmarole again.我刚对他讲完这事该怎么做,而你却要我把这一大套程序从头至尾再说一遍。英汉大词典〔scared〕I'm scared of telling her what really happened.我害怕告诉她事情的真相。剑桥高阶〔scream〕Ken screamed (out) a warning telling people to get out of the way.肯大叫着警告人们别挡路。剑桥高阶〔scrub〕I'm disappointed they scrubbed the idea without telling me.他们没有告诉我就放弃了这个想法, 我很失望。外研社新世纪〔seduce〕He seduced people into following him by telling them lies.他用谎言诱骗人们追随他。韦氏高阶〔shrink〕He shrank from telling his secrets to anyone.他不愿把自己的秘密告诉任何人。麦克米伦高阶〔shut in〕He shut himself in his office, telling his secretary to hold all calls.他把自己关在办公室里, 告诉秘书什么电话都不接。外研社新世纪〔shy〕Don't be shy of telling them what you think.告诉他们你的想法, 不要有顾忌。外研社新世纪〔side〕I'm telling you this on the side.我私下告诉你这事。英汉大词典〔soften〕He tried to soften the blow by telling her himself.他试图亲口告诉她来减轻对她的打击。麦克米伦高阶〔spoil〕I haven't seen the film, so don't spoil it for me by telling me what happens.我还没看那部电影,所以别把内容告诉我,以免坏了我的兴致。剑桥高阶〔spooky〕It got a little spooky when James started telling ghost stories.詹姆斯开始讲鬼故事的时候,有点儿让人寒毛直竖了。牛津搭配〔spread〕Are you spreading (= telling a lot of people) gossip/rumours again? 你是不是又在四处散播谣言了?剑桥高阶〔stop short of sth〕I stopped short of telling him the brutal truth.我差一点把残酷的真相告诉他。剑桥高阶〔stranger〕Telling a complete stranger about your life is difficult.要对一个素昧平生的人谈自己的生活经历是比较困难。柯林斯高阶〔strict〕He may not be lying in the strict sense of the word, but he's certainly not telling the whole truth.严格地说来,他可能并不在说谎,但他肯定没有把真话都说出来。英汉大词典〔strict〕I'm telling you this in the strictest confidence (=it must be kept completely secret) .我告诉你这事,你要严加保密。朗文当代〔subtle〕It was her subtle way of telling me to mind my own business.她隐晦地告诉我别多管闲事。韦氏高阶〔sundry〕I don't want you telling our private business to all and sundry.我不希望你把我们的私事和别人讲。朗文当代〔suss〕I soon sussed that she wasn't telling the truth.我很快就发现她没说真话。朗文当代〔swap〕We spent the evening swapping (= telling each other) stories/jokes.我们整晚都在轮流讲故事/笑话。剑桥高阶〔tale of woe〕I asked how he was and he started telling me this big tale of woe.我问他过得怎么样,他向我大倒苦水。剑桥高阶〔task〕She was charged with the important task of telling the children.她负责通知孩子们这项重要任务。牛津搭配〔tellingly〕He spoke reasonably, carefully, and with telling effect.他说起话来合乎情理,措辞谨慎,而且说服力强。柯林斯高阶〔tellingly〕How a man shaves may be a telling clue to his age.看一个男人怎么刮胡子或许就能猜出他的年龄。柯林斯高阶〔tellingly〕It was her expression that was the most telling.她的面部表情最能反映她的真实想法。柯林斯高阶〔telling〕My thoughts I haven't told aren't worth the telling.我没有提到的自己的各种想法是不值得一谈的。英汉大词典〔telling〕The most telling moment in the case was when the victim took the stand.这个案件中最重要的时刻是受害人出庭做证之时。韦氏高阶〔tell〕Are you sure you're telling the truth? 你说的真是实话吗?牛津高阶〔tell〕I'm telling Mom.我要告诉妈妈。韦氏高阶〔tell〕I'm telling you, that's exactly what she said.我可以肯定地说,那正是她的原话。牛津高阶〔tell〕Lily gave him a look telling of her own sharpness.莉莉瞪了他一眼, 目光很犀利。外研社新世纪〔tell〕She got in trouble for telling a lie.她因为说谎而惹上了麻烦。韦氏高阶〔tell〕She's always telling lies.她老是说谎。剑桥高阶〔tell〕There was no telling how he would react.很难说他会有什么反应。麦克米伦高阶〔tell〕There's no telling how long the strike will last.罢工会持续多久不好说。韦氏高阶〔tell〕There's no telling how they'll react.说不准他们会有什么反应。牛津高阶〔tell〕There's no telling what he might do next.很难说他接下来会做什么。外研社新世纪〔tell〕There's no telling what she'll try next.谁知道她接下去还想干什么。朗文当代〔thank〕I know you're just trying to help, but he won't thank you for telling him how to do it.我知道你只是想帮帮他,但他不会喜欢你去教他怎么做的。朗文当代〔the patter(ing) of tiny feet〕Are you telling me we're going to be hearing the patter of tiny feet? 你是说我们就要有小宝宝了吗?剑桥高阶〔there〕Look, there's that bookshop I was telling you about.看,那就是我跟你说过的那家书店。朗文当代〔thought〕The thought occurred to me that he might not be telling the truth.当时我有一个想法,他也许并没有说实话。朗文当代〔time〕Tom wasted no time in telling me why he had come.汤姆立即把他来的原因告诉了我。外研社新世纪〔tone〕Trust you to lower the tone of the conversation(= for example by telling a rude joke).管保你会降低谈话的格调(如讲粗俗的笑话)。牛津高阶〔trap〕Shut your trap!(= a rude way of telling sb to be quiet) 闭上你的臭嘴!牛津高阶〔trouble〕The old lady next door was telling me all her troubles.隔壁老太在向我诉说她的种种不幸。英汉大词典〔truthful〕Consistently telling the truth; honest.总是说实话的;诚实的美国传统〔urgent〕An urgent voice came over the intercom, telling us to leave the building immediately.内部通话系统传来一个急切的声音,让我们立即离开大楼。韦氏高阶〔various and sundry〕He spent an hour telling me about various and sundry ideas he has for making money.他花了1个小时的时间跟我讲他的各种赚钱想法。剑桥高阶〔whopper〕Dan's been telling whoppers again.丹又撒谎了。麦克米伦高阶As we surmised, Duncan had not been telling the truth.像我们猜测的,邓肯没有讲真话。剑桥国际He construed her blank stare as boredom and stopped telling her about his new car.他看到她茫然地瞪着眼,认为她厌烦了,就不再对她讲他的新车了。剑桥国际He displayed a disarming honesty by telling them about his father's bankruptcy.他告诉他们父亲破产,表现出使人同情的真诚。剑桥国际He thought she was bossy (= was always telling him what to do), and she thought he was a slob.他认为她是一个作威作福的人,而她认为他是一个懒汉。剑桥国际He's going to join the army, no kidding/I kid you not (= I am telling the truth).他要去参军了,不骗你。剑桥国际His mother scanned his face to see if he was telling the truth. 他母亲察看他的面色看他是不是在讲真话。译典通I didn't think he would go out without telling me--I expected better of him (= I thought he would have behaved in a more responsible way).我想他不会不跟我说一声就出去的----我对他有更高期望。剑桥国际I don't relish telling her that her son has been arrested. 我不愿意告诉她她儿子已被逮捕。剑桥国际I don't want some smart ass from the city telling me how to manage my farm.我不想让一些城里来的好为人师的人告诉我怎样管理农场。剑桥国际I got a wire this morning telling me my grandpa had died.我今天早晨收到一份电报,告诉我祖父去世了。剑桥国际I hate him telling me what to do all the time.我讨厌他每时每刻告诉我该做什么。剑桥国际I kept telling him that you were French but he wouldn't have it (=would not accept that it was true).我一直告诉他你是法国人,但他不肯接受这个事实。剑桥国际I stopped short of telling him the brutal truth but only just.我差点把残酷的事实告诉他,真是只差一点。剑桥国际I suspected he wasn't telling me the truth, and one day I caught him out when I found some letters he'd written.我怀疑他没告诉我真相,一天当我发现了他写的几封信后指出了这一点。剑桥国际I think he's a lovely person. Just/Only kidding (= I am not telling the truth).我觉得他很可爱。我在骗你。剑桥国际I tried telling a few jokes but they didn't come off (=no one laughed).我试图说几个笑话,但都没有成功。剑桥国际I wish she'd stop going around/round/about (= moving between places) telling everyone what to do.我希望她能停止跑来跑去告诉每个人该做什么。剑桥国际I won that point, I'm telling you! The ball was definitely in! 我得了那一分,我告诉你!球肯定在界内!剑桥国际I'm telling you the gospel truth.我告诉你的是绝对事实。剑桥国际I'm telling you this in confidence (=in the expectation that you won't tell anyone else).我是把这件事当作知心话告诉你。剑桥国际If you've been telling stories again, Ruth, I'll be very cross with you! 如果你又在说谎,露丝,我会对你非常生气的!剑桥国际In the seventies, people were always telling stories about someone who jumped out of the window under the influence of LSD, thinking they could fly.70 年代,经常流传着某人在迷幻药发作时,幻想能飞翔而跳窗的故事。剑桥国际Jane's such a scream--she's always telling funny stories.简是个有趣的人,她总是讲一些引人发笑的故事。剑桥国际Ken screamed (out) a warning telling people to get out of the way.肯高叫着警告人们别挡路。剑桥国际My brother always delights in telling me when I make a mistake.我兄弟总是以指出我犯了错误为乐。剑桥国际Not telling the staff before they read the bad news in the papers was an error of judgment.在员工们从报纸上看到坏消息之前不告诉他们是个错误的决定。剑桥国际She insisted on telling me every single detail of what they did to her in hospital.她定要告诉我他们在医院对她所做的每一个细节。剑桥国际She played a dirty trick on me by telling me Diane was having a party when she wasn't.她卑鄙地捉弄我,明明没这回事,却告诉我黛安娜办了聚会。剑桥国际She was always telling the children to behave more sensibly.她总是告诉孩子们表现得更明事理些。剑桥国际The expression on her face was doubtful (= uncertain) and anxious as I was telling my story.当我讲述我的故事时,她脸上的表情带着疑惑,又有点紧张。剑桥国际The public is fed up with high-minded newspaper editors telling them what they should and shouldn't do.人们已经厌倦了那些思想高尚的报纸编辑们对他们的说教。剑桥国际The witness was telling of the whole accident. 目击者正在讲述整个事故的过程。译典通They surprised the culprit into telling the truth. 他们用出其不意的办法使罪犯吐露实情。译典通They were drinking and telling dirty jokes. 他们一边喝酒,一边说黄色笑话。译典通We scared her out of telling the teacher what had happened.我们吓唬她别把发生的事告诉老师。剑桥国际When she was telling us about her headache, she really piled on the agony just to gain our sympathy. 她在同我们说起她头痛时,真的在过分渲染以取得我们的同情。译典通You can park over there--there's a sign telling you to.你可以在那儿停车----那儿有张告示牌会告诉你。剑桥国际You must put matters right (= make the situation better) by telling the truth.你必须说实话,把事情纠正过来。剑桥国际




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