

单词 teller
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JOB〕At many banks, young recruits first work as tellers. 在许多银行里,新招聘的年轻员工先要当出纳员。朗文写作活用〔PREDICT〕I went to see a fortune teller, and she told me that I would meet the man of my dreams and have three children. 我去见了一位算命的,她告诉我说我会遇见梦寐以求的男子,并生下三个孩子。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕A young teller was shot dead by bank robbers today. 今天,一名年轻的银行出纳员被抢劫银行的歹徒开枪打死。朗文写作活用〔access code〕An alphanumeric sequence that permits access to an electronic network, such as a telephone network or an automated teller machine.存取编码:一组字母数字序列,可使进入如电话网络或自动取款机的电子网络美国传统〔bankcard〕A card issued by a bank especially to identify the holder, used for receiving credit or for operating an automated teller machine.银行信用卡,提款卡:银行发给存款人的卡,尤指标明持卡人身份,用于赊购货物或用于操纵自动取款机美国传统〔cashpoint〕An automated teller machine.提款机,自动柜员机美国传统〔count〕The teller counted out ten $50 bills.出纳点出10 张 50 美元面额的钞票。朗文当代〔crystal ball〕A globe of quartz crystal or glass in which images, especially those believed to portend the future, are supposedly visible to fortune tellers.水晶球:一种石英水晶球或玻璃球,占卜者被设想可以看到其中的图象,尤指那些被认为能预示未来的图象美国传统〔defalcate〕One of the bank's tellers has defalcated with $50,000 of the bank.银行中一位出纳员盗用了银行5万美元。21世纪英汉〔fabulist〕An inventor or teller of falsehoods; a liar.撒谎者:谎言捏造者或讲述者;说谎的人美国传统〔hearer〕Jokes establish an intimacy between the teller and the hearer.笑话能在讲述者与听者之间建立一种亲密的关系。剑桥高阶〔keycard〕A usually plastic card with a magnetically coded strip that is scanned in order to operate a mechanism such as a door or an automated teller machine.钥匙卡片:一种通常是塑料的卡片,有磁化的密码条,可以用来操纵某种机械,如门、自动出纳器美国传统〔let〕The gunman threatened to let the teller have it if he didn't obey.武装匪徒威胁出纳员,要是不顺从就开枪打死他。英汉大词典〔line〕A line formed at each teller window.银行每个出纳员的窗口前都排起了队。牛津高阶〔magnetic card〕A card, such as a bank card for use in an automated teller machine, that has a magnetizable strip or surface on which data can be recorded.磁卡:一种用于自动取款机的卡片,如银行卡,有一个可用来记录数据的磁化条码或磁化表面美国传统〔partition〕The bank teller sat behind a glass partition.银行出纳员坐在玻璃隔墙后面。韦氏高阶〔predict〕The fortune teller had predicted the death of someone close to him.算命先生预言过某位和他亲近的人会死亡。外研社新世纪〔shanachie〕A skilled teller of tales or legends, especially Gaelic ones.吟游歌手,吟游说书人:非常善于讲述故事或是传奇的人,尤指盖尔人美国传统〔teller〕Every bank pays close attention to the speed and accuracy of its tellers.各家银行都非常注重出纳员工作的速度和准确性。柯林斯高阶〔teller〕The teller of this tale is expertly solemn.这个故事的讲述人有着说书人特有的严肃表情。外研社新世纪〔thrall〕The story teller held us in thrall.讲故事的人把我们吸引住了。英汉大词典Grandma was a good teller of stories. 奶奶很会讲故事。译典通Jokes establish an intimacy between the teller and the hearer.玩笑使叙述者和听众之间建立了一种亲密关系。剑桥国际She worked as a teller in a local bank. 她在当地一家银行当出纳。译典通The bank started her as a teller. 银行起用她当出纳员。译典通You can top up your electronic purse at any automatic teller machine.你可在任何一台自动柜员机上将电子钱包充满钱。牛津商务




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