

单词 surprise
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ATTACK〕a surprise raid 偷袭朗文写作活用〔air〕greet sb. with an air of delighted surprise 以惊喜的神态招呼某人英汉大词典〔arch〕arch one's eyebrows in surprise 惊讶得竖起双眉英汉大词典〔awed〕a moment of awed surprise 令人惊诧的一刻韦氏高阶〔blunder〕to blunder one's surprise at…对…脱口称奇21世纪英汉〔delightful〕a delightful surprise 出人意表的乐事英汉大词典〔expression〕an expression of surprise 惊讶的表情朗文当代〔fake〕to fake surprise 佯装惊讶剑桥高阶〔finish〕a suspense film with a perfect surprise finish 结尾完全出人意料的悬疑片韦氏高阶〔flutter〕a flutter of surprise 一阵惊喜麦克米伦高阶〔frisson〕a frisson of surprise 震惊韦氏高阶〔gulp〕utter one's gulp of surprise 惊愕失声英汉大词典〔hit〕the surprise hit video of the year.本年度出乎意料的热门视频柯林斯高阶〔hobgoblin〕a tactical surprise — the hobgoblin of all intelligence services 战术上的乘人不备——各国情报部门极怕的一招英汉大词典〔incredulous〕a look of surprise and incredulity 惊疑的神色牛津高阶〔inspection〕a surprise inspection of the premises by the health inspector 卫生检查人员对这些场所的突击检查牛津搭配〔jolt〕a jolt of surprise 惊动麦克米伦高阶〔look〕a look of surprise 惊讶的表情牛津高阶〔mock〕mock surprise 假装出来的惊讶剑桥高阶〔nice〕a nice surprise 出乎意料的好事英汉大词典〔overtake〕be overtaken with surprise 惊奇万分英汉大词典〔party〕a surprise birthday party 一个令人惊喜的生日聚会牛津搭配〔result〕the surprise result of the Australian Grand Prix 澳大利亚国际汽车大奖赛令人吃惊的结果麦克米伦高阶〔semblance〕without the semblance of surprise 毫不惊奇地英汉大词典〔sneak〕sneak up on (或behind) the enemies for a surprise attack 偷偷地挨近敌人实施突然袭击英汉大词典〔spring〕spring a surprise on a person 突然使某人一惊文馨英汉〔stab〕a stab of surprise and alarm 一阵惊慌英汉大词典〔strike〕a surprise air strike on military targets 对军事目标进行的突然空袭朗文当代〔surprise〕a surprise attack 突然袭击牛津高阶〔surprise〕a surprise attack at midnight 午夜的突袭朗文当代〔surprise〕a surprise best seller/success 意想不到的畅销书/成功韦氏高阶〔surprise〕a look of surprise 惊讶的表情牛津高阶〔surprise〕to surprise a witness into telling the truth以突如其来的方式让证人说出了实情21世纪英汉〔surprise〕to surprise the facts from the witness出其不意地让证人说出实情21世纪英汉〔tinge〕a look of surprise tinged with disapproval 带有几分不满的惊奇神情牛津高阶〔tone〕a tone of surprise 惊奇的口气牛津高阶〔to〕to one's surprise [disappointment, sorrow] 令某人惊讶[失望、悲伤]的是文馨英汉〔uncork〕uncork a surprise 揭出惊人事物英汉大词典〔unpleasant〕an unpleasant surprise 令人不快的意外剑桥高阶〔unpleasant〕an unpleasant surprise 令人不快的意外之事朗文当代〔unwary〕the shrieks of unwary animals taken by surprise 没有戒备的动物遭突袭时的尖叫声 英汉大词典〔wonderful〕a wonderful surprise 惊喜牛津高阶




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